
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

author:Poisonous tongue movie

Wu Yifan was imprisoned, Zhang Zhehan returned to zero, Qian Feng "bid farewell" to "Every Day Upward", and Zhao Wei's works were completely removed from the shelves...

This month, people who believe they no longer care about gossip are also aware of it

Internal entertainment is being reshaped.

What will the reshaped internal entertainment look like? No one can predict.

But almost certainly:

The entertainment industry will completely enter the "small" era.

From now on, there have been no more forwards of more than 100 million.

From now on, there will be no more films with more than 100 million yuan.

From now on, there will be no "Heavenly King and Queen of Heaven" standing in the clouds, and some, only the approachable "People's Artists".

How to understand these few words.

Sir thinks:

The "disappearance" of this "queen" may be more representative than Zhao Wei.


Her name is Su Mang.

Who is Su Mang?

To borrow her Weibo profile: former president of fashion group, editor-in-chief of Harper's Bazaar, founder of "Bazaar Star Charity Night".

And now.

She was "silenced".

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

The reason, nine times out of ten, was that Wu Yifan said the wrong thing that year.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

This isn't the first time Suman has said the wrong thing.

In "Peach Blossom Wood", she instinctively shouted "how can 650 food expenses a day be enough".

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Sure enough.

This "why not eat meat" figure has touched the cognition of the vast majority of people.

The next day, Su Mang was "fried" on the hot search.

As for the explanation of the meat, eggs and milk behind her, and the program team can't stand the pressure to find a remedy, everyone just listens. It doesn't make much sense to rip this off.

Dare not say anything else.

Treating guests to dinner, Su Mang is absolutely professional.

In her job, saving is an important part, and ordering is a must-have skill.

The dishes should be thorough to all tastes, and they must be exquisite and high-end, worthy of the fashion group's noodles, coupled with a little vanity, it is normal to pay attention to the price and be sensitive to the total price.

In "Peach Blossom Wood", she shouted "650 is not enough".

It was due to the usual dining specifications, and past experience told her that she didn't have enough money.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

The connotation of this statement was revealed more really and more explicitly in another variety show in the same period:

The Amazing Sister.

On the surface, this is an interview variety show led by Su Mang and starring in real people.

But looking deeper, it is also a sharp weapon for insight into vanity calculations in Vanity Fair.

In each episode, she would invite a female star to dine with.

Location Su Mangxuan.

Dishes such as Su Mangding.

Take you to eat something good

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Behind the simple four words of "eat something good", Su Mang's accurate grasp of the taste and status of each guest.

The first course, she invited Jing Tian to eat.

It is vegetarian.

The dishes are very small, specially created scenery, so delicate that several leaves of vegetables are used on a plate.

Food that offers ornamental value is always a little more expensive.

It indirectly shows that those who enjoy this food do not work hard.

It hints at a effortless future, a kind of money that can be set aside to support a life of impractical hobbies.

The sword rewards the hero, and the red powder is given to the beauty.

I am afraid that in Su Mang's eyes, this dish has its own similarities with Jing Tian's life.

All light.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Second, please Xu Fan.

You can immediately perceive the difference:

Jing Tian's use would definitely not appear on Xu Fan's desk.

The little girl likes beauty to come and go, Xu Fan, from her handling of Feng Xiaogang's warblers and swallows, can be seen that she is pragmatic.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Maybe she herself was still mindful of her figure.

But at this moment, she's coming from the set ("All About My Mother"). After the shooting, I have to go back to the intensive shooting.

Eating well is key.

The dishes on the table are full of beautiful appearances, but they are real proteins, vitamins and fats.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

For another female star, this is a taboo dish.

But in Xu Fan, this is exactly the same as her jianghu status.

—— It's not that she's old, but she has qualifications, technology, drama and other aspects, and she no longer needs to compete with the little flowers. Second, he is also famous for speaking with acting skills, senior strength faction.

Those fats, Xu Fan can take down.

This kind of unscrupulous "privilege" is precisely the evidence of an actress's self-confidence.

Of course, it may also be mixed with another layer of Su Mang's reading of Xu Fan.

Xu Fan is a rare triumph in the entertainment industry.

Out, is the big green coat; in, is a virtuous wife. Once those major propositions that were intertwined were softly ground and hard bubbled by her, those who stood in the way were crushed and covered, and the Buddha should also be read, and today's Xu Fan is a good master mother with a name and a real, Suitable room IKEA Chinese style.

Therefore, this meal, from the wooden porcelain dish, chicken cow river fresh, and even the combination of Chinese and Western products, the food is also a stable and complete.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

There is also the issue of Joey Yung Howen Xi.

Wenheyou in Shenzhen.

It looks like the old Hong Kong, and the reserved boxes are arranged into ordinary houses of liangguang and Hakka.

Meaning Su Mang himself broke, "Zu'er, Huo Wenxi please go home." ”

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

So, what do you think?

Ordinary people eat, one is full, the other is delicious.

But Su Mang and her friends eat and eat the people behind the dishes.

When Su Mang forgot the camera and instinctively shouted "how is 650 food expenses a day enough", she was not showing off at all.

She just accidentally uttered a parallel world of dining that we don't know, a kind of dog blood behind the sword and light behind decency.

To put it bluntly.

What is the essence of these meals?

Nor is it eating.

It is a feast of the left hand and the right hand, packaging and piling up limited resources to maximize the benefits.


Hongmen Feast.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the two famous works of Su Mang's career.

Harper's Bazaar and Bazaar Charity Night.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Especially the latter.

To some extent, The Bazaar Charity Night is the masterpiece of her "meal bureau" to the pinnacle.

In this round, we have witnessed too many famous scenes.

For example, a line of large flowers gathered together, and huang Xiaoming's flesh was borrowed to separate Fan Bingbing;

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

For example, Zhang Ziyi recreates the moment when Qiansong Yi's shoulders are exposed.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Generally speaking.

Stars and stars, the king does not see the king.

In particular, it has a certain status.

He appears and must be the only focus of the whole scene.

Can put half of the Chinese entertainment industry together, the same stage debut, in addition to the "award", probably only Su Mang.

This energy is certainly not dependent on feelings.

Zhang Ziyi, one of Su Mang's most "good" sisters.

In December 2009, Zhang Ziyi had the "Splash Ink Gate" incident, and the crowd was surging and his reputation plummeted.

At this time, Su Mang pulled her.

Gave Zhang Ziyi the most expensive September cover of the fashion magazine.

At that time, Su Mang was gambling.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Later, Zhang Ziyi successfully whitewashed, and every year of Harper's Bazaar Night, she also personally held the scene.

And that's not all.

The cover that Li Bingbing was able to display in the global headquarters building was taken during Su Mang's tenure.

There was also Wendi Deng's meeting.

Also, she, she, he...

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

From 2001 to 2018, for nearly 20 years, Su Mang and her "Harper's Bazaar" woven a generation of Chinese fashion vanes with her long sleeves.

What is fashion?

You have your answer.

But from Su Mang's choice, it is not difficult to see that fashion is like a game of thrones.

What is beautiful is not beautiful, anyway, only the most popular, the most talkative star, what couture, what limited, all give him a set.

It doesn't matter whether it causes a "fashion disaster" or not.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Su Mang's train of thought was:

To gain mass traffic, the cover should feature entertainment stars who are "more recognizable in the eyes of Chinese", rather than professional models, even if the models have a stronger sense of styling and fashion.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

△ "The Great Current, the Tide of the Great Era"

Including her and her editors to export images of modern women.

"Be cool, dress up with heavy makeup, lips are best red, vulgar, rich and indifferent expressions, representing the extreme affirmation of self-worth."

Is this the case with independent women?

For quite some time, That's how Su Mang understood it.

Neither can you give up your natural gender traits as a woman, but you must also be as close as possible to the standard of male power.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Power, or power.

This desire to climb upwards made Su Mang a hunter who was ready to fight and determined.

To borrow from Poison Eyes:

From stepping into the door of a fashion magazine in 1994, to becoming an editor, to becoming a president, she should not have had a day without hard work.

At its peak, Su Mang can fly to three cities a day, meet more than a dozen clients in different fields, or catch up on three events in one night.

She said on the show that she never wears flat shoes, and the average heel height is 8 centimeters. Bao Fang, an employee of Su Mang, once mentioned that even if Su Mang wears 12 cm high heels, he can still walk like a fly.

Materialism is vividly displayed in Su Mang's body.

The clothes Su Mang wore were decided "a long time in the closet in advance", and were accompanied by five bracelets, two necklaces and three rings.

And she never hides that.

She would comment that she was "a vain child from an early age," writing in her autobiography, The Fashion Charlie, "I've always praised fashion, just as I've always admired materialism."

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

△ Source: Poisonous eyes

In Su Mang, it's hard to see the tearing between different values.

She was forever gleamed with fanaticism, even morbidity.

In the in-depth manuscript of Ji Yi, a former senior chief writer of People magazine, there is a detail that impressed Sir.

In preparation for the charity night, the subordinates were worried that it would rain, and Su Mang said that it would not rain.

After saying this, he wore high heels and knelt bare knees on the cold floor of the hotel to pray for blessings.

Sure enough, the rain stopped.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Sir tends to think this is true.

Because this is not Su Mang's story, but also a cross-section of an era.

In that age when all things grew barbarically, ambitions that overrode emotions, even human nature, were considered symbols of progress.

Fashion, of course, is the fruit that stands tall.

This is also the reason why Su Mang's speech once again "offended" people.

Sir read the speech carefully.

Your inner volume was in our time

It may be said that it is the pressure of competition

And then what

From the gap between desire and inertia

All your troubles come from this one alone

It's just that the desire is too high

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

She really wasn't meant to stab anyone.

The most likely scenario is that the assistant hands her the material, and she does not do her homework to understand the sociological origin of the word "inner volume", and habitually makes judgments according to her own knowledge framework and life experience.

What is an inner volume?

Isn't it just a disease-free groan.

How can a young man lie flat?

Be sure to complete the KPI, be sure to go to Paris, be sure to memorize LV, and be the focus of the lights.

That's how she thinks, that's how she does it, and that's how she tames the stars.

It's just that she ignored it.

Beyond individual effort, there is a more powerful variable.


It's windy.

In the past, a person's struggle could have been useful.

But today, when capital has completed its original accumulation, its next step must first be to protect its property.

When the time comes to learn success, successful people build barriers higher and higher.

Then, all kinds of efforts are unsuccessful, and then they will feel that the efforts are useless, and then they will be dissatisfied with the "successful people".

An anti-fashion, anti-class force is quietly growing.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Su Mang may have noticed that Li Xueqin appeared in peach blossom docks.

But she wouldn't really understand why Li Xueqin appeared.

You can see that she has almost no common language with Li Xueqin and other young people of the same generation, including Guo Qilin.

She is also fulfilling the belief that #expensive is good, and expensive is beautiful.

She was still superstitious about lights, superstitious about power.

She remains vanity Fair's most faithful believer.

Therefore, she does anything, she needs stars to come to the scene, write books, open shops, shoot variety shows, all brush up on the love card, let the stars come, even if it is a meal.

Song: Do you have a girlfriend?

The child had to get him to say it

Which type do you prefer

Guo: I really go to the toilet

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

But she forgot.

Power cannot buy real feelings.

A typical detail.

That year.

On Su Mang's Weibo, she cut Off Hong Huang.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

It's like a reincarnation.

Not long ago, a fashion brand had a big body, and she and Zhang Ziyi were in the same frame.

As a result, in the picture that Zhang Ziyi po came out, she was cut out.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

You know, they were called sisters.

Zhang Ziyi photographed a pair of bracelets on the Bazaar Charity Night and gave Su Mang one on the spot.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

Is it Zhang Ziyi who avoids Su Mang's recent controversial hot search physique and develops friendship into underground, or is there consideration for other commercial brands?

No way of knowing.

But Yu Sumang, the former rule-maker, could not have imagined that one day he would become a victim of the rules.


She and fashion, and the stars she raises with fame and fortune, are a relationship of exploitation for each other's food.

The beauty that is exaggerated and magnified is more like business.

The high society they strive to shape is actually a distinction between three, six, and nine.

But today's times are changing.

Where to allow this "classism".

More explicit words Sir will not say.

Again, that sentence.

Sir thought of "The Great Trick of the Tree".

"Tree Stroke Wind", all the time pointing out, the wind direction has changed.

Whether it's the name of the joint restaurant, the sheets that have been blown over, or the people who can't stand in the wind.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

What is the last scene of "Tree Trick"?

It is the three fierce bandits who have always dreamed of cooperating one day, but in fact, on a certain day in their lives, the three of them appeared at the same time.

It was only then that one knocked over the teacup, one was suspicious, and the other grumbled, unaware that each other had been in the same boat.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

And back to Su Mang.

Back to the masterpiece of her career, Bazaar Charity Night.

They are fighting with each other, and they are deceiving zi yan hong.


She and her fashion empire, where to get.

This is fate pressing the final shutter.

This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"
This "queen" went from being banned to "disappearing", turning "Charity Night" into "Game of Thrones"

The picture in this article comes from the network

Editorial Assistant: Please call my full name Darwensi

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