
"Heavenly Tao" Essence 23: The essence is clean, and it is still clean, and no one understands the pain of the heart

author:Hibb Film
"Heavenly Tao" Essence 23: The essence is clean, and it is still clean, and no one understands the pain of the heart

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In the play, Rui Xiaodan's death and Ding Yuanying's silence make many people unable to understand, and many people even give Rui Xiaodan's overly conceited and Ding Yuanying's too cold-blooded evaluation, but these two actually belong to the same spiritual level.

The only two related words in the whole play are "cultural attribute" and "heavenly way". The Tao of Heaven is the objective law of all things and is not transferred by the will of man. For the telephone at that time, whether Ding Yuanying was saved or not, it could not affect Xiao Dan's life and death.

Many people do not take career and life seriously, thinking that career is career, and life is life. In fact, career is actually the definition of a certain stage of our lives. So enlightened people cherish their profession. Even though Rui Xiaodan has decided to leave the police force, it is her duty and obligation to hunt down fugitives and protect the people in the city, and it is also her original wish.

If because of Ding Yuanying's retention, Xiao Dansuo drove the car back to the county seat, then she could survive, but she deviated from her cultural attributes. Previously, the two of them had discussed cultural attributes several times, and also looked forward to each other's future, and even decided that Xiao Dan would resign in the near future and abandon Wu Congwen. However, at present, she is still a criminal police officer and has met four wanted criminals, and if she does not intervene, the criminals will drive to the county town in 20 minutes to endanger the people.

She made this call to inform Ding Yuanying of the situation, when Xiao Dan actually calmly decided to perform her duties, first explaining the situation to her lover, and then seeking reinforcements from the police force. It's just that the variable of the human bomb cannot be guessed by anyone, which led to the tragedy.

In Rui Xiaodan's position, she knew that she was on the way to heaven, but instinctively reacted to call Ding Yuanying to show her situation, subconsciously it was a goodbye, she instinctively put Ding Yuanying in the first place, the only person who would make her feel at ease. After she was blown off her feet and disfigured, although there was still a chance to regain a life through rescue, in her view, this half-crippled body could only be a burden to her and to the people she loved.

She did not want to live like this, so she resolutely pulled the pistol into her heart. Even a living body is not insurmountable to her, there are no worldly burdens and burdens, so she can come and go freely at any time. She never depended on anyone, did not cause trouble for anyone, and really and truly cleaned up.

In Ding Yuanying's position, receiving such a phone call, he could not speak, what he said was wrong, what he said was useless, Ding Yuanying's silence may be the best way to express; on the original heart, he did not want Xiao Dan to go, but this would violate the Heavenly Dao, violate Xiao Dan's professional ethics, and both people are extraordinary people who are born in the mortal world but are not limited to the mortal world.

As Ding Yuanying finally said, because she is a criminal police officer, a criminal police officer with 6 years of police experience. All the words of caution are so weak and useless when a policewoman faces 4 wanted criminals. He was a man who understood everything in his heart, not to mention that they were in tune with each other's hearts. In the realm of the Heavenly Dao, Xiao Dan has achieved the "original self", which is Ding Yuanying's evaluation: acting with nature, when born, born, and dead.

But no one could understand Ding Yuanying's silent phone call, and all the people suspected that Ding Yuanying was accusing him of feelings for Rui Xiaodan, and he could not be understood and could not be forgiven. Rui Weifeng was even more reluctant to allow Ding Yuanying to participate in the handling of Rui Xiaodan's affairs because of that phone call.

Ding Yuanying has always been an introverted person, not crying does not mean that there is no pain, a mouthful of blood honestly expressed his grief for the loss of his beloved. After this mouthful of blood was spit out, the hidden emotions finally had an outlet, Ding Yuanying looked at Rui Xiaodan's photo, recalling the happiness of the two people getting along, and he couldn't even know where his lover's grave was, and the tears finally flowed through this wordless heartache night.

Rui Xiaodan's farewell ceremony was held at the Qingu County Funeral Home, Rui Weifeng trembled his hands, looking at the relics left by his daughter when she died, he had no material or reputational requirements, just to end the torment of this scene as soon as possible.

Xiao Yawen only met Rui Weifeng once when she was in college, and Rui Xiaodan rarely mentioned her father in front of her, and even if she did, she was polite and distant. Ouyang Xue has known Rui Weifeng since he was a child, perhaps because he and his father are divorced men, or perhaps because of Xiao Dan's attitude, in short, her impression of this person is very indifferent.

Xiao Yawen only asked one question, that is, where Rui Xiaodan would be buried, but Rui Weifeng was unwilling to answer this question in front of everyone, he did not want Ding Yuanying to know the answer through anyone.

In the farewell hall, Rui Xiaodan was wearing a police uniform, his body below the police badge was covered with a strip of silk, and the injured side of his face was obscured by a bouquet of flowers. Several leaders made brief speeches, and finally the captain of the criminal police delivered a eulogy. After the farewell ceremony, the funeral home staff will push the body away.

Xiao Yawen and Ouyang Xue could not bear to leave, and watched the cart leave. Just when the cart was about to disappear, Xiao Yawen suddenly found something and hurriedly stopped the cart. She quickly caught up with it, reached out and touched the position of Rui Xiaodan's feet, and sure enough, it was empty, and Xiaodan couldn't leave without shoes. She took off her shoes and put them in the position of Rui Xiaodan's feet, which allowed the staff to push away.

As soon as Rui Weifeng saw Xiao Yawen come out barefoot, he immediately understood and asked his friend to take her to buy a pair of shoes, but Xiao Yawen was not in a hurry about shoes. She wants to know where Xiao Dan's cemetery will be, but Rui Weifeng made Xiao Yawen promise not to tell Ding Yuanying the tomb site, Xiao Yawen disagreed, she accused Rui Weifeng of not knowing Rui Xiaodan at all, but only relying on the power of blood, such a result may go against Xiao Dan's wishes. Rui Weifeng loves his daughter, but whether Xiao Dan is alive or dead, he never knows what her daughter really needs.

Rui Xiaodan, who is originally an extraordinary root, after meeting Ding Yuanying, the spiritual world was reborn and reached the spiritual realm of oak trees and kapok in Shu Ting's poems. Xiao Dan's father will not understand that Xiao Dan is the daughter of the Kingdom of Heaven, and her love with Yuan Ying is the love of the Kingdom of Heaven. Rui Weifeng's approach is a great sadness for her daughter.

Le Sheng and Ge Lushi's lawsuit opened as scheduled, this is the first anti-unfair competition case in the domestic audio industry, attracting widespread attention from the society, Lin Yufeng also paid attention to the progress of the trial in front of the TV, Le Sheng as the plaintiff, several lawyers are sitting in danger, and Groesh Company did not even invite a serious lawyer. The evidence submitted by le sheng in court was reasonably rejected by Ge Lushifang, and Le Sheng's defeat was basically a foregone conclusion.

But the lawyers of Lesheng Company still want to fight to the death to prove that Ge Lushi has an affiliation with farmers, and if there is no organization planning and financial support of Ge Lu Shi Company, there will be no individual industrial and commercial households in Wang Miao Village, which are specifically for the production of Ge Lu Shi Company's products. Grothy actually achieves administrative purposes in a market economy way, because farmers have no choice and are essentially subordinate.

Here it comes to a common sense of law: factual evidence does not represent legal evidence. That is to say, seeking truth from facts, there are also two versions, two worlds. The further explanation is that in fact, the Grothy Company does exist in unity with the peasants, and the relationship between you and me and I have you is very close.

However, this does not mean that it is also legally integrated, and it does not mean that the farmers are affiliated with the Grammy Company. In the whole layout of killing the rich and helping the poor, Ding Yuanying made a cut between the peasants and Ge Lushi, that is, let all the farmers who want to participate in it register the company and the self-employed, and very cleverly separated the relationship between the two.

Therefore, Xiao Yawen retorted: The dependence relationship of the market economy is not equal to the affiliation of asset rights, and if the opposing lawyer believes that the two attributes are equal, please come up with a legal basis. Poverty alleviation is not giving, not charity, is to import to farmers a concept of survival of the market economy, the establishment of a market economy of survival mode, Mr. Ding Yuanying is based on this consideration to make farmers independent from the fundamental property rights. Poverty in Wangmiao Village is an objective condition, why has the blood transfusion-style poverty alleviation in the past few decades helped the poorer and poorer? It is because the peasants are waiting for the Savior. Mr. Ding told farmers in the way of independent property rights that there has never been a savior, and the only way to change their fate is to rely on the farmers themselves. Peasant households that have changed their concepts have the conditions to go up, and if they do not have the conditions to create conditions, they must also go up; this is precisely the glorious tradition of arduous struggle that our party has always advocated.

Le Shengfang only had a factual basis, neither a legal basis nor a clear target for prosecution, and for a while he choked and could not speak. In the end, one of the most veteran lawyers among them changed his mind, aimed at the potential negative impact of the Gresi incident, accused the destruction of market balance and order, and rose to the national and ethnic level, and this vicious competition continued, and there would be a situation in which foreign products were anti-dumping at home, while the Chinese people themselves were crazy in the nest.

But even then Le Sheng was powerless to return to heaven, and the court now tried the case according to the law, rather than judging the law according to the case.

Lin Yufeng did not wait for the court to pronounce the verdict, he decided to ask Han Chufeng about Ming Ding Yuanying's address in the ancient city, in order to take the pistol, he drove all the way for more than ten hours, from Shenzhen to Beijing. The body is tired, but there is a sense of relief in the heart. As soon as Lin Yufeng reported his name, Han Chufeng understood his intentions, and he knew that sooner or later the two people would have to meet and make a decision.

Han Chufeng mistakenly and neatly told Lin Yufeng the detailed address of Ding Yuanying in the ancient city, which was also his minimum respect for Lin Yufeng. Of course, Han Chufeng also left a sentence,

I don't tell you, and it doesn't affect my responsibility to this friend unless I don't exist anymore. The meaning of this sentence is self-evident, Han Chufeng knows Ding Yuanying, some things still keep their original appearance, do not interfere more. But out of concern, he still secretly warned Lin Yufeng.

Ding Yuanying was immersed in pain, but no matter how much sadness there was, people's flesh still needed to eat and sleep to maintain a state of life, and he used to be interested in boiling and eating instant noodles, but now it was only grass and stomach.

When Lin Yufeng knocked on Ding Yuanying's door, he couldn't believe that the sickly gaunt and pale man in front of him was the tall man behind Ge Lushi, but the next moment, he still raised his gun at him.

The next episode is the last episode of the Tendo Spirit Series, and everyone's fate will be explained in this episode.

Shibu Film and Television, everything can be refined, we will see you in the next issue