
Charlie Hannum on King Arthur: The Beast: Hopefully, it will be remade

author:1905 Movie Network
Charlie Hannum on King Arthur: The Beast: Hopefully, it will be remade

A few days ago, actor Charlie Hannum publicly expressed his hope to remake the movie "King Arthur: Battle of the Beasts" starring him and directed by Guy Richie.

Charlie Hannum called King Arthur: Battle of the Beasts not up to expectations, and revealed that the big problem with the film's production was that there was a character who was not chosen correctly, affecting the main plot line.

Charlie Hannum said: "We didn't make the movie we wanted. The idea was that if this one succeeded, we could make a few more. And I'm really fascinated by the legend of King Arthur, and I really feel like we've missed an opportunity to tell a long story. "King Arthur: Battle of the Beasts" was released in Chinese mainland in May 2017 and ended up at a box office of 57.06 million yuan, far below expectations.

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