
Can I still drink baijiu? How do I identify it? Reporters interviewed industry insiders that safety is the bottom line that must be adhered to, and consumers should be cautious about purchasing

author:Bright Net

"Selling soaking water wine at a low price, scanning a bottle of liquor with a price of 598 yuan, now a box of 6 bottles only costs 399 yuan."

In the past two days, someone in the WeChat group released information on the treatment of liquor soaked by heavy rain: due to the disaster affected the warehouse water, the wine is sealed very well, it is no problem to drink by yourself, it is not good to drink, rations and wine! Scan code price 598 yuan a bottle, spell 1288 yuan a box, sauce wine, a box of 6 bottles, now special price loss money processing, 399 yuan a box.

Does soaking water affect the quality of the wine? Can I still drink liquor soaked in rainwater? How to identify soaking water wine? The reporter visited this.

Point 1: Short-term soaking of liquor does not affect the quality of the wine

In this exceptionally heavy rainstorm in Zhengzhou, many distributors' liquor warehouses were flooded, and the losses were heavy, some hundreds of thousands, millions of yuan of alcohol were flooded, and some losses were as high as tens of millions of yuan. So, what should I do with these soaking wines?

Marketing expert Xiao Zhuqing said that this rainstorm disaster, liquor was soaked by rainwater, the most serious damage is the outer packaging box and carton, the bottle is generally glass or ceramic, and the lid is sealed more tightly, generally will not affect the quality of the wine, but will affect the consumption scene of gift wine.

Xiao Zhuqing said that the discount treatment of soaking water wine, for consumers, this kind of wine is cheaper, economical, self-drinking has no problem, but also support for damaged enterprises, can help them reduce losses, tide over the difficulties.

In this regard, the approach of Henan Original Liquor Commune is very novel, they pour out the rain-soaked liquor, on the one hand, remove the outer box, while cleaning and killing the bottle, on the other hand, open some for tasting, but also carried out authoritative inspection, and then launched a naked bottle of wine printed on the box with "Hand in Hand with One Heart to Thank You", which is quite creative.

"Safety is the bottom line that liquor products must adhere to." Wang Daqing, the founder of the original liquor commune, said bluntly that if it is soaked in the rain for a long time, the wine must not be drunk again. However, the rainstorm in Zhengzhou came quickly and went quickly, as long as it was properly handled, it generally did not affect normal drinking, but it was still necessary to sell at a discount so that consumers could understand it.

Point 2: The safety of soaking water wine cannot be guaranteed

After the rainstorm disaster, some manufacturers learned of the situation and said that they would replace new products for dealers free of charge, while some manufacturers were reluctant to replace products for dealers. Among them, there are also some OEM development products, which are basically not related to the manufacturer, and all losses can only be borne by themselves and handled by themselves.

The reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of a liquor manufacturer, who said that their manufacturer had recycled all the soaking water wine, and then poured the wine out and replaced it with new packaging. The reason is that if the soaking water wine is not processed, the bottle will breed mold, affect sales, and also affect the brand image.

Marketing expert Zhang Guoying's view on soaking water wine is very clear: "Water soaking wine will not be sold. "The reason is that the problem of fidelity and safety of soaking water wine cannot be guaranteed, and the carton is gone, and it is difficult to identify the authenticity."

How to identify soaking water wine, listen to what the industry has to say

A tobacco hotel owner also said that it is best not to drink water wine, in case the seal is not tightly infiltrated into the wine, the rain is so dirty, I am afraid it is not safe. Also, the place where the cap is in contact with the cap opening is also difficult to clean.

How to identify sparkling water wine?

Xiao Zhuqing said that when consumers buy wine, they will shake the bottle upside down, if there is a phenomenon of wine leakage, do not buy, if you do not leak wine, there is no problem. Also, look at whether the outer packaging box or box has a watermark.

"If you spend money at a normal price, try not to buy sparkling water wine." A supermarket manager put it this way.

Source: Big River News

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