
9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

author:Classic Movie Recommendation Officer

Since 1998, when Tom Hanks collaborated with Steven Spielberg on Saving Private Ryan, the two conceived of the Second World War TV series.

At that time, the investment was $125 million, and according to the production cost in 2000, investing 125 million yuan to shoot TV series was definitely the peak of the industry.

"Company of Brothers"

Band of Brothers

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

After eight months of intensive filming in the Uk, five hundred actors with lines and ten thousand extras were used, and eight directors were jointly completed, of which Tom Hanks directed the fifth episode, and in the eighth episode his son Colin Hanks successfully portrayed the role of Lieutenant Jones.

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

IMDb 9.6 points, Douban 9.6, enough to see the fans' appreciation of this drama.

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

The film is based on the true story of unit E Company of the 101st Army Airborne Division of the United States, and won six Emmy Awards in 2002.

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

The 101st Airborne Division, the Howling Eagle / Howling Eagle, is the ace unit of the United States. It is also "a unit with a glorious and excellent revolutionary tradition." At the time of World War II, there was still a system of apartheid, so there were no blacks in the team. The most legendary experience of this unit was winning a battle with little chance of winning during the days it was guarded by bastgaine in Belgium.

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

The play's title,"Brothers Company" instead of "Paratrooper E Company," also highlights the stark theme of the camaraderie of comrades-in-arms in war, which is bound to coalesce into a force to defeat the enemy, "brotherhood is above all else."

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

The charm of "Company of Brothers" lies not only in looking directly at the essence of war, but also in facing the propositions of mutual assistance and mutual assistance among soldiers in war, mutual hatred, equality and harmony of brotherhood, etc., through a variety of aspects, showing the various echoes of a war imposed on soldiers.

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

Watch "Company of Brothers", feel the brotherhood of life and death in the fire of war, feel the brotherhood sublimated in the fire of war, and feel the unique patriotic feelings and main theme consciousness of American artists.

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

The Second World War was drawing to a close, and at the same time it was at its worst. Germany was defeated by the Nazis, the Allies decided to open a second battlefield in Europe, and Normandy in northern France became the key point of the new situation.

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

On June 6, 1944, Company E of the 506th Regiment of the U.S. 101st Airborne Division was ordered to parachute into this highly gun-fired beach. Company E is made up of a group of enthusiastic and patriotic young people, and the harsh training has made them the elite and backbone of the US military.

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

Under the command of Lieutenant Winston, the warriors overcame various disadvantages and completed the landing battle with distinction.

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

After this, high-intensity battles began, whether it was the town of Carentan in France or Eindhoven in the Netherlands, whether it was Bastony in Belgium or the town of Hegner in Germany, leaving behind the figures and blood of the E-Company brothers.

Brotherhood Company, it is an ode and requiem belonging to ordinary warriors...

9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II

I have watched "Brothers Company" three times in its entirety, the first time I feel "not bad", the second time I feel "really good", and this year I took the time to enjoy the third time, and I can't help but sigh "Too classic - the more you see the better!" Classics are timeless.

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9.6 high score, can not be copied the epic masterpiece of World War II