
There are no special interests of their own

author:China Industry Network

The Constitution of the Communist Party of China clearly stipulates: "The Party has no special interests of its own except the interests of the working class and the broadest masses of the people." "Looking back at the early history of the Party, as the pioneer of the Youth Movement in Guangdong, the famous leader of the peasant movement during the Great Revolution, and the first director of the Central Audit Committee, Ruan Xiaoxian from Heyuan, Guangdong Province, is precisely such an outstanding representative of the Selfless and Dedicated Chinese Communists.

Ruan Xiaoxian, born on August 17, 1897, joined the Communist Party of China in 1921, attended the Third, Fifth and Sixth Congresses of the Communist Party of China, served as the director of the Third Guangzhou Peasant Movement Training Institute, and in February 1934, he was appointed director of the Central Audit Committee, the founder of the Chinese Red Audit, and died in the guerrilla battle in Gannan on March 6, 1935. As a leading cadre of the Communist Party, although Ruan Xiaoxian only had a short life of 38 years, he always strictly demanded himself with "selflessness, distinction between public and private, public before private, and public and forgetting private", leaving a series of touching stories.

He was preoccupied with the cause of the revolution, not knowing that his son was "already thirteen years old." In 1926, Ruan Xiaoxian was reunited with his wife and children in Guangzhou, and a year later, a counter-revolutionary coup d'état occurred in Guangzhou, and his wife and children had to return to their hometown, and it was difficult to even communicate with Ruan Xiaoxian, and it was not until 1933 that they received a letter from their son. In his Reply on March 30, he wrote, "I didn't know you were thirteen years old," "It's embarrassing to say such an unrelated father to his son," and "You can't resent me."

He was in charge of a large number of relief supplies, but he himself was "poorer and poorer". In 1933, Ruan Xiaoxian, then the rescue director of the Shanghai Mutual Aid Association, actively worked under the white terror of the Kuomintang, and used all the materials to rescue the arrested revolutionary comrades. In a june 16 letter to his son, he wrote, "I was poor, and now I am even poorer... Even the stamps I write to you today have taken a lot of effort to obtain."

He was strictly disciplined and "saved every penny" for his victory. When Ruan Xiaoxian was the first audit director of the Communist Party of China, he organized the drafting of the "Regulations on auditing the Executive Committee of the Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic", established a strict auditing organization, and formulated the "six no-nos" work discipline for auditors. At the same time, he combined anti-corruption and waste with strict economy, constantly promoted auditing and supervision, and asked the people's government of the Soviet Union to "save every money and strive for victory on the front line for the sake of war." During this period, Nguyen Hsiện built a team of "economic guards of the Soviet Region" who were strict with themselves and honest in performing official duties, which won the praise of "unprecedented clean government" for the Soviet government.

Looking around at the comrades, Nguyen Ho was praised. Nguyen Yu Chuan Ling Table, He Ming Broadcast Youyan. The audit is painstaking, and the main political opinion is majestic. Sorrow and break through, I alone have to be born completely. In 1935, Chen Yi tearfully wrote a touching poem "Weeping Nguyen Ho", highly praising the glorious life of Nguyen Hsiồn and another early party leader, He Chang. As the founder of China's auditing industry, Ruan Xiaoxian was named "100 Heroic And Exemplary Figures who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China" in 2009.

Persisting in serving the people wholeheartedly is a distinctive sign that distinguishes our party as a Marxist political party from other political parties. Mao Zedong once pointed out: "Communists should not put their personal interests first at all times and in all places, but should subordinate their personal interests to the interests of the nation and the masses of the people." "Ruan Xiaoxian is one of the outstanding representatives of countless Communist Party members, and has profoundly interpreted the values of Communists in his short life, and his deeds are ordinary and great, worthy of admiration, and he is also an example for future generations to learn."

Author: Li Jinzhe is an associate professor at the Department of Social and Ecological Civilization at the Party School of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee