
The Lankle incident is narrated

author:Turn up the low profile

One, one's travel

In Los Angeles in 2013, the case of the mysterious death of a girl in a hotel caused a sensation around the world, and this girl was Lan Ke'er. Born in 1991, Lan Ke'er is a Chinese Canadian, his parents are Hong Kong immigrants, moved to Canada in the 1990s, in the Greater Vancouver area to engage in the catering industry, Lan Ke'er graduated from Vancouver University Hill High School, and then studied at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, majoring in psychology. Her classmates described her as cheerful and friendly. However, on a solo trip to the United States, the young girl's life came to an end. What the hell is going on? Why is everyone questioning this case?

In January 2013, when it was the coldest time in North America, Lan Ke'er, a 21-year-old girl who was still attending college in Vancouver, decided to travel alone to California. Parents are not very sympathetic to such an idea. Because after all, it is a girl, 1 person traveling abroad is always not very assured, but under the repeated insistence of her daughter Lan Ke'er, her parents still agreed. But she had to agree to one condition, which was to talk to her parents on the phone every day. So she left Canada for the United States, took an intercity bus all the way south to the San Diego Zoo, posted photos of herself on social networks, looked like a pleasant trip, arrived in Los Angeles on January 26, and after 2 o'clock, she stayed at the Cecil Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.

2. Quirky Hotel - Missing

This Cecil hotel is no ordinary hotel. It was built in 1927 and has 14 floors with a total of more than 600 rooms. Due to its strategic location in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles, it was opened in the early 1920s and was mainly used to entertain business people. By the 1930s, it had gradually become a gathering place for gangsters and hooligans. In 1947, there was a famous case that caused a sensation in the United States: the black dahlia. The killer killed and dismembered American actress Elizabeth Short and threw her in a roadside clearing. The last place where the victim appeared was this Cecil hotel. In addition, the famous serial killers Richard Ramirez and Jack Entvig stayed at the hotel in 1985 and 1991 respectively. In addition, the Cecil Hotel has also had many suicides by jumping off buildings, which can be said to have a variety of black history. Known as: Hotel of Death! It is still open today and has been turned into an economy hotel, a bit like a youth hostel, allowing some people to share a room so that they can stay at a lower price.

Lan Ke'er chose the Cecil hotel on January 28 and shared a room on the 5th floor with another stranger, but soon her roommate complained that Lan Ke'er had some "strange behavior" that was unbearable. So 2 days later, Lan Ke'er moved to a single room on the 14th floor to live alone. Traveling alone in California, Lan Ke'er has been following her parents' agreement and talking to them on the phone every day, but on January 31, her parents did not wait for her call. As originally planned, the Sky Blue Cole would leave the Cecil Hotel and head to Santa Cruz. The parents who had been in touch with him suddenly disappeared from their daughter on this day, and they were extremely anxious in Vancouver, and their intuition told them that something must be wrong, and they resolutely picked up the phone and reported to the Los Angeles police, hoping that they could help find their daughter.

Los Angeles police received the report and immediately dispatched officers to the Cecil Hotel. Within the legal limits, they searched Lan Ke'er's room, but found nothing. The police then took the dogs and searched the building, including the roof. They couldn't search the other rooms in the hotel and ultimately didn't find her. When the police then searched the hotel around the hotel, they went to a nearby bookstore, and the bookstore manager, Katie Orr, told the police that she had seen Lan Ke'er come to buy books: "He was very outgoing, very lively, very friendly" The manager then said to the police: "She seems to be buying some books as gifts to take home and give them away, because she is talking about what books to take and whether the books will be too heavy, and whether it will be inconvenient to carry them with her when traveling." ”

Third, weird videos

By February 6, a week had passed since Lan Ke'er's disappearance. Los Angeles police decided to post a flyer with a photo of Lan Kerr near the hotel and post it online. At this point, the disappearance of Lan Ke'er has entered the public eye. More than a week later, on February 15, the Los Angeles police released a surveillance video inside the hotel elevator, and it was because of this 4-minute video that the news of Lan Ke'er's disappearance was spread explosively on major social networks, and the video received 3 million views and 40,000 comments in 10 days after its release on Youku that year, which was already a very high number of views at the time. The video is as follows:


Lan Ke'er elevator video

As soon as this video came out, it pushed the disappearance to a climax. Overnight it spread throughout the global media, causing an uproar. Lan Ke'er's series of actions can be seen almost only in horror movies, but they happen in reality. For this reason, many media and netizens have interpreted these behaviors: Lan Ke'er behaved strangely in the elevator video released at the end, she pressed all the elevator buttons, repeatedly entered and exited the elevator and waved as if communicating with people, and then shrunk in the corner of the elevator to try to avoid something. All kinds of behaviors are unbelievable, but also caused crazy speculation from all walks of life, and some people even think that she may have encountered a "supernatural event".

However, the relevant sources have given several seemingly reasonable analyses so far:

1. Joke with intimate men

Lan Ke'er happily entered the elevator, naughtily pressed the buttons on each floor, and it was obvious that there were still people ready to enter after that. After waiting for a while, the man did not come in, she first hid in the corner of the elevator to try to scare the other party, and then jumped out. Judging from her somewhat delicate situation, the other party is most likely a man who is close to her. As for why the elevator door has not been closed? It was because the man had been pressing the switch outside, and Lan Ke'er spread his arms to express his dissatisfaction. Finally, she changed her plan to take the elevator and followed the man, because the man did not press the elevator, so the elevator began to function normally.

2, someone tracked and found danger

Before Lan Ke'er entered the elevator, she found that someone was following her. So enter the elevator and press each floor in order to hide the eyes and ears of the people so that people do not know which floor she is going to. She kept looking out to make sure if the stalker had followed. She hid in the corner, afraid that the stalker would see through the elevator at a glance. Lan Ke'er found that the elevator had not moved, so she went out to look at it, and complained to herself. Her exaggerated movements are cathartic. And in the end, it did not appear in the surveillance screen, which was the beginning of the accident.

3, exaggerated movement as a attention-grabbing

Lan Ke'er danced and exaggerated his movements, in fact, in order to give information to the crackers and let the outside world notice this video. She walks in a strange posture, which is a manifestation of fear and weakness in her legs. Hiding in the corner, I want to look sideways from the reflective side of the stair door to keep an eye on the outside of the elevator. She jumped out and shouted to embolden herself. Later, her body twisted, because she was completely desperate because she realized that she could not hide from danger.

But everyone is looking forward to finding Lan Ke'er, so that just ask her personally, and all the mysteries can be solved.

Fourth, there are many opinions

According to Canadian Multicultural Television, Wu Mai, a 12-year friend who has been classmates with Lan Ke'er from elementary school, middle school to college, said that the Lan Ke'er she saw from the elevator surveillance screen was completely different from the usual style, the Cecil hotel was full of all kinds of strange people, and the area was rampant with drugs, so the lan Ke'er's friend seriously suspected that he had been drugged. A person who is said to be a friend of Lan Ke'er posted a postcard sent to her by Lan Ke'er on the Internet, with Lan Ke'er's signature and strange words such as "This makes me creepy" and "pilgrimage". Due to the constant discussion of bizarre claims, the Cecil Hotel has also attracted widespread attention, with a large number of tourists visiting, a sharp increase in visitors, and even a full room, and the price of reservations has also risen. Some citizens personally went to the scene to search for evidence and conduct "folk investigations", hoping to unlock various supernatural legends that spread on the Internet.

Fifth, the bottom of the sinking corpse

On the morning of February 19, a tenant at the Cecil Hotel complained that the water pressure in the room was too low and that there was a foul smell in the water. So the hotel maintenance staff went to the roof of the water tank for maintenance, opened the water tank lid to see, found a body, and immediately reported to the police. The police rushed to the scene at the first time and found that there was a naked female corpse in the water tank, the body under the head and feet was abnormally twisted, and there were still two-thirds of the water in the water tank. Because the body sank at the bottom of the tank, it was very difficult to salvage, and more than twenty firefighters were invited, and it took a lot of effort to saw a hole in the side door of the tank before the body was taken out. She is Lan Ke'er, who has been missing for half a month. Some of the clothes she was wearing in similar surveillance footage floated in the water tank, and her watch and room key were found at the same time.

6. Autopsy report

On February 21, the Los Angeles Coroner's Office released a preliminary autopsy report, and the cause of Lan Ke'er's death was accidental drowning! The date of death was February 1. That is to say, from February 1 to February 19, when the body was found, the entire hotel people drank most of the body water for half a month. Because the body was soaked in water, it was already very puffy, with no obvious trauma and no traces of sexual assault. The full autopsy report, which was not released until Four Months Later in June, was 27 pages long. It can be seen that there are many drugs left in Lan ke'er's body: lamotrigine, siliconethipine, and venlafaxine, which are drugs for the treatment of bipolar disorder or depression. Lan Ke'er may have suffered from a more serious mental illness. The full name of bipolar disorder is manic depression, and the symptoms are emotional instability, sometimes low and sometimes high, and can rise and fall several times in a day. The police believe that it may be precisely because of this that Lan Ke'er's accidental drowning death, for this conclusion, and then caused heated discussion among netizens. There are too many suspicious points in this case, and many people think that he killed him.

7. Doubts

Suspicious point 1: elevator surveillance video

In the 4-minute video released by the police, the timestamp in the lower left corner is processed, very blurry and unclear, and some technical netizens compare the normal operation timestamp with the timestamp in the video, and find that the video has clipping, and some of the pictures are slowed down. So why did the police do this to raise questions? Is there some ulterior motive?

Doubt 2: How to reach the top of the building?

The water tower on the roof of Lan Ke'er's death is not something that can be easily climbed. Someone through the field visit, found that there are three passages to reach the top of the building: the first passage is the fire staircase, there are 3 such stairs, but a 21-year-old girl wants to reach the top of the building through such a ladder, it is difficult. The second passage is a locked door with the door key kept by a special person. The third is the employee channel, which has an alarm, and if someone passes, the alarm will be triggered. Therefore, if Lan Ke'er wants to reach the roof alone without being discovered, he needs to be very familiar with the whole hotel situation, which is quite difficult. So it's more likely that someone familiar with the hotel aisle will take her to the roof.

Doubt three: water tank

Large cylindrical water tank on the roof: 3 meters high, 1.37 meters wide, able to store 3,000 liters of water. Suppose Lan Ke'er passes the first level to reach the top of the building, then the second level is how to climb this large water tank. There is a ladder on the side of the water tank, which can be climbed through the ladder, and it can also be climbed with the help of the wall and railing next to it, but for a girl, it is also difficult and dangerous. Assuming all these conditions are done, and there is one of the most incredible places, the water tank lid is very heavy, if she committed suicide or accidentally fell into the water tank, then how did the lid close?

Suspicious point four: autopsy report

Los Angeles police released the full autopsy report in June 2013 and it was made public. When some experts read the report, they also questioned it: the report did not directly explain the results of rape and fingerprinting, nor did it disclose the identification process. Reports show "subcutaneous blood buildup in the lower body," which may be a sign of sexual assault. However, some experts pointed out that such signs also occur during the process of decomposition and swelling of corpses. It is worth noting that the original report was "uncertain". It can be seen here that there are several options for the cause of death on the report: natural death, suicide, homicide, accidental death, and undetermined, of which the "accidental death" box is ticked on June 15, but 3 days later, the "cannot be determined" check box is only 3 days after the release of the full version of the report. It can be seen that the police are also hesitant, should the result be more "unsure"?

Sum up

The fundamental reason why everyone has so many doubts is that through these evidences, the conclusion that Lan Ke'er "accidentally drowned" is very far-fetched and completely unconvincing. Mr. Li Changyu, a well-known Chinese detective, has a view of the Lan Ke'er case: "It must be murder."

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