
The truth about the Lan Ke'er incident?


As an OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) patient, I don't feel strange at all about the movements that Lan Ke'er does in the elevator monitoring, because I will also do exactly the same movements. I also have difficulty getting out of the elevator, sometimes I have to jump out with both feet when I get out of the elevator, or I can only lift one foot on a tile and can't step on the crack. Otherwise, you must return to the elevator from the new "out of the elevator". [Picture] She gestured outside, apparently checking to see if anything had fallen out of the elevator. Every time I get out of the elevator, I feel like something has fallen in the elevator. So I used my hands to cross the four corners of the elevator, and this movement slowed down like a touch that Lan Ke'er did. Sometimes the elevator door is relatively small, you can't see all four corners, you need to go in to see. For example, standing in a corner, looking at the other 3 corners, and then going out of the elevator to see that corner is enough.

So to sum up a series of "strange moves."

When she first entered, she bent down so exaggeratedly to press the elevator, maybe there was something she was thinking about and was very excited. So when she entered the elevator, she forgot to check if there was anything left outside the corridor.

But once I calmed down, it was broken, and I just forgot to check if anything had fallen outside. I wanted to check the elevator, but I was afraid that the elevator would be suddenly called away, and it was too late to check whether there was anything left in the elevator. She just poked her head out, but where was it better than checking in the hallway? Later, she tried to keep the elevator open and stood directly outside to check the elevator and the corridor.

When everything was done, she was exhausted and she didn't want to do the elevator anymore. Because when you get off the elevator, you also have to check the elevator. She didn't want to check the elevator anymore.

So she chose to take the stairs, and she hallucinated that she had accidentally gone to the top of the building and dropped something on the roof. She went to the roof to check, saw the big water tank, and then she hallucinated that she had landed something on the tank, she climbed on the water tank to imagine that she had opened the water tank and dropped something, so she opened the water tank lid to check, but there was a dead corner in the tank, and she thought, "Then I put my head in and look at it." As a result, the weightlessness slipped into the tank...

We OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) usually have people around, we will try to suppress our compulsive behavior, afraid of being seen and think we are weird. But because anxiety is not released, a person will explode and cause tragedy.

I wasn't too worried that I would climb into the tank myself because not only did I have obsessive-compulsive disorder but I also had cleanliness, and I wouldn't go to a dirty place on the roof.

The truth about the Lan Ke'er incident?
The truth about the Lan Ke'er incident?

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