
Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods

author:Guo Ketong
Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods

There is no rotation on the ---- side of the wrist

Most of the problems of the wrist not being able to turn sideways are caused by improper application of the thumb, and when we try to tie the thumb up, we will find that even the wrist is difficult to turn sideways. The thumb hurts so much that it can't be bent, just like the sixth vertebrae, and it is necessary to start from the daily life change to solve the compression of the seventh vertebrae.

Symptoms: Thumb can not be in one gear ten

When the thumb is injured, we will find that the palm of the hand is very glance-at-the-foot and very inconvenient, and the wrist cannot even be turned sideways, and it is very inconvenient to hold things. Some people, when using brooms, scissors or lifting heavy objects, are accustomed to using only the thumb to apply force, which will hurt the thumb in the long run and even cause shoulder pain.

Primary and secondary symptom analysis assessments are checked to see if you have the same symptoms?

Main symptom

□ thumb pain

□ shoulder pain

Side symptoms

□ is very angry

□ fatigue is easy

□ cold

Poor sleep quality □

What kind of people are the danger group?

□ workers

□ the person who is to operate regularly through the hands

Examples, such as: 100 yuan fast cut hand, cleaning industry, etc

The seventh vertebra --- these phenomena are telling you that the seventh vertebrae is compressed!

Features: Thumb pain to the point of not being able to bend

Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods

Empirical stories ---- severe cleanliness, resulting in a veritable "kneeling" woman's life

A noble woman who is rich and toiling cannot see a little dirt

Mrs. Lily often wears stylish sunglasses, carries a designer bag, and wears a fashionable miniskirt. When people see Mrs. Lily, they always say, "Here comes the lady!" She has an entrepreneur husband, and she does not need to run for five buckets of rice, as long as she directs the servants at home to do some housework. However, she is a rich and noble "toiling life" and a veritable "kneeling" woman. Why? Because Mrs. Lily can't see a little dirty, she spends a lot of time cleaning the environment every day.

I spend a lot of time cleaning every day, even if my whole body is sore

The floor of her house, which can be called a mansion, she was kneeling on the ground inch by inch and wiping it with a rag, even the security window was wiped one by one. She was often busy for several days, and when she stopped, she felt that her shoulders were sore and her hands were sore, but Mrs. Lily was doing her best. For her, these sorenesses don't get in the way, as long as she sees her home as clean as a sample house, it makes her feel comfortable.

The famous car sent by her husband has intensified her cleaning work

One year, Mrs. Lily's birthday, her husband specially sent an imported car. Everyone else was envious and praised her fate. Unexpectedly, this gift actually aggravated Mrs. Lily's cleaning business. Inside and out of the car, even the mark steel ring of the famous car, she did not fake others, polished shiny and clean. People are cleaning up before the New Year, and she wipes it spotlessly every day.

Until one day, the more her thumb tried to exert force, the more she could not exert herself, the pain in her shoulder became more and more intense, and her wrist was not very moving, and it would be painful to turn sideways slightly. If you ask about the details of Mrs. Lily's pain, she can't say which point is uncomfortable, only that it will hurt.

I know that overwork will cause the seventh vertebrae to compress, but I can't change the habit of loving cleanliness

When Mrs. Lily couldn't sleep well, and couldn't even do the floor cleaning that had to be done every day, she obediently looked for a solution. Strictly speaking, this was not the first time Mrs. Lily had encountered it, nor was it the first time she had received treatment. She herself also understands that the reason is that her own labor has affected the seventh vertebrae of the cervical spine, but she put her hands together: "No way, let me see the dirty mess and not tidy up, I really can't stand it!" I am really a noble lady, kneeling woman! ”

Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods

Check for the source of the disease:

The inability to turn the wrist sideways is a phenomenon of seventh vertebral compression

The seventh vertebra, which is related to occupation and lifestyle habits, is compressed

If you carefully observe the causes of the compression of the seventh vertebra, you will find that most of these people have the problem of excessive use of the thumb, and the reason for the frequent use of the thumb is nothing more than work and cleaning, as well as the extraction of heavy objects, etc., therefore, whether the thumb will be painful is an important indicator of whether the seventh vertebra is compressed.

Self-examination 2-stage method: It turns out that the problem is that the seventh cervical vertebrae is compressed

Step 1 thumb is uncomfortable, or even can not lift up

The end of the seventh vertebrae will come to the thumb, during self-examination, we can move our thumb, if we feel pain or can not lift, it means that the seventh vertebrae is wrong.


When the hands are raised flat, can't the wrists be rotated up and down?

Next, try to raise your hands flat and rotate your wrists up and down, and you will find that when you rotate your wrists, you will feel pain, unable to rotate up and down, and even have difficulty flexing, which is also a symptom of compression of the seventh vertebra.

Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods

What's the problem: the thumb tightens the shoulder muscles, which then compresses the seventh vertebra

The pain of ignorance always hurts deeply to know the mistake

Most people experience the same symptoms as Mrs. Lily, although part of the reason is that they love to work hard and exert improper force, but they really don't know that some of the actions are digging pits for themselves to jump.

Thumbs, shoulders, and wrists are interlocked, creating a terrible cycle of pain

When our thumbs are to be forced, the muscles of the shoulders must also be lifted and contracted, and if the fingers are overworked or twisted, they will become weak, but unless the thumb is completely fixed, otherwise, when our wrists have to perform various movements, guess who will exert more force? The Bitter Lord is the shoulder.

When the injured thumb has to exert force, the shoulder is harder, so it is easier to strain, and it is easy to compress the seventh cervical vertebrae over time. Since then, the terrible vicious circle has begun. In the end, the shoulders and thumbs, wrists, everyone is weak and painful together. Seeing this, you may have the same question as the sixth vertebrae, is it the cervical spine that affects the thumb, or the finger pain that affects the cervical spine? In fact, it is possible.

Sprained thumbs may also implicate the seventh vertebrae

If the thumb is often overused in ordinary work, it will also cause the above pain phenomenon, and some people are purely in the force, coveting a momentary convenience, and twisting the thumb brother, this situation is also easy to implicate the cervical spine in turn.

Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods

Pain Relief Strategy: Change the habit of using fingers to completely relieve the pressure of the seventh vertebra

Without a thumb, wrist movement can be very inconvenient

Maybe some people feel that the thumb can't move, there are other four fingers can share the worry, and ignore the problem of thumb pain, but don't underestimate our thumb, if you try to tie the thumb up and don't move, you will find that many things can't be done, and, even if you don't use it, when you use the other four fingers, it will also implicate the muscles of the thumb, and make it feel pain, who makes it a brother in the finger? We really don't have it.

Using the horizontal bar mechanism of human flesh, loosen the compressed seventh vertebrae

If we deal with the problem of compression of the seventh vertebra in the way of posture release, we must activate the human flesh horizontal bar mechanism, the patient only needs to lie flat, after lifting the hand, imagine that he is hanging the horizontal bar and start to pull down in the direction of the body, back and forth a few times, immediately can release the oppressed cervical vertebrae, and immediately relieve the pain of the shoulder and finger. This is because when our hand is pulled down, this action is like hanging a horizontal bar, which can loosen the junction between the cervical spine and the shoulder bone, and this is the position of the seventh vertebra of the cervical vertebra, as long as some space is removed so that the seventh vertebra can be soothed and not compressed, the pain can be naturally relieved. However, the action of the horizontal bar of human flesh must be helped by a special person to hold the hand, it is not possible to do it yourself, it is recommended to be assisted by professionals, because this involves the force and angle of the pull, and it is not recommended that ordinary people operate, otherwise it may cause anti-injury, but sprain other parts of the body.

Immediate pain relief method: Relax the sparring nerve that connects the seventh vertebrae, and use compression to join the valley point

On the side of our carpal bone, there is a sparring nerve, which is connected to the seventh cervical vertebra at one end and the part of the Hegu acupoint at the other end. Because the cervical spine is not suitable for direct compression, it can also be effective to press moderately to knead the valley points. In addition, moderate massage of Hegu Acupoint can also reduce fire, especially for night shifts or those who often stay up late can have a good effect, in addition, pressing Hegu Acupoint is also helpful for sleep quality.

Usually more health care, sometimes turn a blind eye, in order to let the wrist rest more

Regarding the compression of the seventh vertebra, in addition to the health care measures of gymnastics and gymnastics, patients should make some changes from their daily lives. If you are over-cleaning because of your own cleanliness, then give yourself some more breathing space, the standard of environmental cleanliness is occasionally lowered, believe me, there is a little dust on the window, it will not affect the quality of life, and the small soup stains on the ground will not make people sick. And if the wrist cannot be turned sideways because of work habits, then, as mentioned in the first two vertebrae, if the nature of work cannot be changed, then it can only be maintained by taking care of the usual health care and letting the fingers rest more.

The cervical spine is self-healing--- palm straight legislation

Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods
Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods

Professional exercises --- Hegu Cave Relaxation Method

Press the hegu acupuncture point to relieve the pressure of the seventh vertebra

In the above solution, we mentioned that to alleviate the pressure of the seventh vertebra, you need to do a personal meat horizontal bar, but this is not something that you or your relatives and friends can help operate, so what if you can't find a professional doctor? It doesn't matter, of course, there is a way to operate it, that is, to press the Hegu Cave located near the tiger's mouth.

The method of operation is very simple, find the junction depression of the thumb bone and the index bone, press down in the direction of the index finger, if you will feel sore feeling, it is the Hegu acupoint. The time and force of the compression should not be too large, usually as long as the light press for a few seconds, it will have an effect.

Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods

The daily small things self-help method --- turn the wrist, and the soreness is no longer annoying

In the daily self-help method, in fact, just when the thumb hurts. Turn your wrist to ease the pain.

The method is simple, using the index, middle and ring fingers of one hand, press on the wrist of the other hand and gently rotate it.

As for the force of rotation? Of course, it is also gentle, and the wrist does not feel excessive pain, do not twist the wrist excessively, so as not to alleviate it, but cause wrist sprains!

Which phenomena tell us about the compression of the seventh cervical spine, self-examination + pain relief methods

Trivia--- wrist that cannot be completely solved can not be turned sideways, with no pain as the highest principle

*Under normal circumstances, each hand has five fingers, which doesn't seem very important when combined, and we always think that even if one of the fingers is injured, we can replace it with the other fingers. In fact, the fingers perform their duties, and the thumb as a finger brother is more important, so when using the fingers, we must pay attention to the force should be evenly distributed, do not only use a certain finger, so that the thumb will not be injured under the long-term uneven force.