
Use the "embroidery needle" of party building to wear a good "thousand threads" of grass-roots governance

author:Civil Affairs Whisper

  Handling matters such as preferential treatment certificates for the elderly, there is no need to run errands again and again, just run once to complete; dual-career families are no longer anxious about their children having nowhere to go after school, in the 4:30 classroom function room, children practice calligraphy, learn dance, do handicrafts, etc. according to their own interests; in the residents' activity room, there are leisure residents who regularly take turns playing table tennis and dancing square dance... Since its establishment more than a year ago, the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Large Community Comprehensive Service Center (hereinafter referred to as the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Large Community) in Yazhou District, Sanya City, Hainan Province, has used the "embroidery needle" of party building to wear the "thousand lines" of grass-roots governance, provide more efficient, high-quality and convenient public services, and let the community residents feel real happiness.

Use the "embroidery needle" of party building to wear a good "thousand threads" of grass-roots governance

  More than a year ago, as the first demonstration site for the pilot work of improving the governance mechanism of urban and rural communities in Yazhou District, the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Large Community was inaugurated, covering more than 32,000 people in Shuinan Village, Nanshan Village, Daegg Village, Nanbinju and Deep Sea Science and Technology City community.

  "When it was first founded, the Greater Community was a new thing to everyone. How to pick up the burden of grass-roots governance and open up the 'last kilometer' of serving community residents, many people have no bottom in their hearts. Zhou Xiantong, member of the Standing Committee of the Yazhou District Cpc Committee, deputy director of the District People's Congress and secretary of the Party Committee of the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Large Community, said that after more than a year of exploration, the large community handed over a party building that satisfied many community residents to lead the grass-roots governance.

  For more than a year, the "first group of people" of the Party Committee of Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Has always focused on the thinking, responsibility and commitment of "condensing the strength of the party and the masses and promoting the development of the community", and summarized and condensed the "365 · One Heart to the Party" party building brand.

  Zhou Xiantong told reporters that "365" means that "365 lines" (all walks of life) are fully covered in "365 days" and provide community services. "One Heart to the Party" means that party members and cadres hold a sincere heart, have one heart and one heart to the party, do not forget their original intentions, are unswerving, actively lead the broad masses, strengthen their convictions, listen to the party, feel the gratitude of the party, and follow the party.

  Present a bouquet of flowers to the revolutionary martyrs, eat a Red Army set meal, learn to sing a Red Army song... On the eve of "July 1" this year, more than 80 people, including all the staff of the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Large Community and representatives of party members in the jurisdiction, party member representatives of the co-construction units, and party member representatives of "migratory birds" talents, experienced a unique party history lesson. Through the theme activity of "stepping on the red mark and keeping in mind the mission of the original heart", we will innovate the form and carrier of party building, and change the "indoctrination" party class to an "experiential" party class, so that the study and education of party history will have "sound" and "color".

  According to Zhou Xiantong, the large community pays attention to excavating the red resources of Yazhou and the jurisdiction, building a theme party building exhibition hall, and setting up sections such as "Guyun Yazhou", "Party Building Leadership" and "Party Building Oath Wall", which has become a "punch card" for party members and cadres to visit and study. The Greater Community has become the "oath hall" of the red front, the "service hall" that benefits the people and the people, the "exhibition hall" of mass art activities, the "practice hall" of civilization in the new era, and the "warning hall" of laws and disciplines.

Use the "embroidery needle" of party building to wear a good "thousand threads" of grass-roots governance

  "Now you don't have to go out of the village to apply for a preferential treatment card for the elderly, which is really too convenient." It can be done in one day, reducing the time we spend running back and forth. On September 24, holding the hand of Wu Xianying, a large community worker in Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City, Lu Jiaming, a 70-year-old man in Shuinan Village, said.

  On the same day, the Social Affairs Acceptance Service Department of the Large Community of Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City walked into Shuinan Village to carry out publicity activities on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly. At the same time, for villagers over 60 years old to apply for free preferential treatment for the elderly, attracting many villagers to participate, a total of 101 application materials were collected at the event site, and after the event, 65 application materials were received successively.

  Zhou Xiantong told reporters that the large community is centered on the service of the people, and the administrative service matters, responsibility boundaries, handling processes and problem mediation mechanisms of the district, the large community and the village (community) are sorted out. It undertakes a total of 206 sub-projects of 21 types of convenience projects delegated by the city and district, and creates a "15-minute life circle and service circle" for the masses that is close to the people, convenient and beneficial to the people.

  "In order to achieve 'zero distance' in serving the masses, the staff of the large community sinks to each village (community) and delivers the service to the doorstep of the masses." Zhou Xiantong said.

  In late August, the Greater Community launched the "Health Knowledge into Ten Thousand Homes" and Mental Health Service Publicity Campaign in Daegg Village. Just as the staff introduced the situation, Zhang Zhengqiang (pseudonym), a villager in Daegg Village, stepped forward to say that the family's children were suffering from cancer, were tormented by illness, and were emotionally unstable. "Seeing the child's pain, as parents we are also sad, but do not know what to do, just today I know that the Greater Community has psychological counseling services, I want to try it, I hope to alleviate the child's pain, thank you very much." 」 Zhang Zhengqiang said. In the face of Zhang Zhengqiang's request, the staff informed him of the appointment method of the Greater Community Mental Health Service, and the corresponding services will be provided for his children in the future to alleviate anxiety.

  Fu Meishan and Li Xiaojun, staff members of the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Large Community Social Work Station, met 5-year-old Su Mingxuan (pseudonym) during a home visit. Su Mingxuan had a high fever about a month after birth, and his convulsions caused epilepsy, and now his intelligence is only equivalent to that of an 8-month-old child. Su Mingxuan's mother, Liu Yuhua (not her real name), plans to take her child to a major hospital in Beijing. "When we go to Beijing, we don't buy train tickets on our mobile phones, and we don't register on our mobile phones when we go to the hospital, which is very troublesome." Liu Yuhua said.

  After understanding the situation, Fu Meishan and Li Xiaojun kept looking for a solution. Through online inquiries, a guide to medical treatment in Beijing was compiled, including hospital appointment registration methods, addresses, contact numbers, and methods of booking affordable and reasonably priced homestays and hotels. For Liu Yuhua's concern about the medical insurance reimbursement problem, after verifying with the relevant departments, Liu Yuhua was informed that Liu Yuhua could go to the Sanya Social Insurance Service Center to apply for medical treatment in different provinces and other places, and could also be reimbursed for inpatient treatment in Beijing.

  "Thank you to the Greater Community for making us feel the care and warmth of the party. With everyone's help, my family Xuan Xuan saw the hope of recovery. When receiving the medical guide, Liu Yuhua said excitedly.

Use the "embroidery needle" of party building to wear a good "thousand threads" of grass-roots governance

  On June 30, a deliberative meeting was held in the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Grand Community. The Municipal Bureau of Science, Industry and Information Technology, the District Bureau of Science, Industry and Information Technology, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom and other relevant units, as well as "two representatives and one member" and resident representatives, jointly discussed the problem of weak indoor mobile phone signals.

  Previously, when Yu Yaojin and He Zongli, staff members of the "two representatives and one committee member" workstation of the large community visited the residents of the community, everyone generally reflected that there was no problem in receiving calls in outdoor open places, but when entering the indoor confined space, the mobile phone signal immediately weakened, and the telephone calls were intermittent, which seriously affected the quality of life.

  After the meeting, the Municipal Bureau of Science, Technology, Industry and Information Technology coordinated the Sanya branch of major communication operators to detect the blind spot of base station signal coverage in the jurisdiction of the large community of Science and Technology City, optimized the existing signal base station, the signal coverage was significantly improved, and some base stations were further followed up.

  On August 25, there was a warm applause in the Nanshan Village Committee, and the participants unanimously recognized Lin Yafu as the person in charge of the Nanshan Port Fishing Village Area in Nanshan Village.

  The Nanshan port fishing village area has always been a "blockage point" and "pain point" for governance, and the distance from the village committee and the donkey horse group to which it belongs is far, and it is difficult for 23 villagers to enjoy public services in a timely manner like other villagers, and the opinions are relatively large. After understanding the situation, the Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Large Community listed this problem as a solution to "check blockages, solve problems, and promote development" and promote it. After research and discussion, the plan to produce 1 person in charge of affairs in the Fishing Village Area of Nanshan Port was finally determined, so as to make grass-roots governance more effective.

  Seeing the efforts of the yazhou bay science and technology city large community, residents feel that in addition to living better, the enthusiasm for participating in community public affairs has also been stimulated. Resident Zhao Bing took the initiative to find staff and teach harmonica and gourd silk to interested residents free of charge; resident Zheng Ping, from the northeast, donated a set of combination speakers to the large community on behalf of the Sunset Red Song and Dance Art Troupe, so that the elderly in the community can better dance and fitness...

  "The establishment of the Large Community Comprehensive Service Center is a practical exploration to build a new pattern of grass-roots social governance and enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security." Yang Hongjun, deputy secretary of the Yazhou District CPC Committee, said that it is necessary to treat the masses as relatives, take the small things of the masses seriously, treat the difficulties of the masses as family affairs, and draw the "largest concentric circles" of happiness in the hearts of the party and the masses in community governance.

Source: China Society Daily

Reporter: Zhao Xiaoming