
Long-term lack of vitamin B2, what characteristics will the body have? How to supplement through diet?


The human body is a huge "chemical plant", need to supplement a lot of food every day to maintain basic physiological functions, most people in daily life will not have protein, fat and other substances lack of situation, there is a lack of substances are vitamins. Vitamins as an essential nutrient for the body, the role is also very large, our body originally contains more vitamins, used to maintain the health of all aspects of the body, if you can not get supplemented in time after consumption, may cause a variety of discomfort.

Long-term lack of vitamin B2, what characteristics will the body have? How to supplement through diet?

B vitamins are a relatively large variety of vitamins, of which vitamin B2 is a nutrient that everyone is prone to lack, its main role is to promote the body's absorption and storage of nutrients, if it is lacking, it may cause anemia. So long-term lack of vitamin B2, what characteristics will the body have?

Oral problems keep coming up

Mouth ulcers can be said to be a problem that everyone has had, although this situation is not serious, but the impact on the body is very large, because mouth ulcers are very easy to be stimulated, whether it is talking or eating is a great inconvenience. Many people will eat a little kiwi fruit and oranges when they have mouth ulcers, mainly because these fruits contain more vitamins, which can promote the healing of the ulcer surface. Vitamin B2 has the effect of cleaning oral inflammation, long-term deficiency can also cause ulcers or redness and swelling, usually you can pay attention to supplementation.

Long-term lack of vitamin B2, what characteristics will the body have? How to supplement through diet?

Various skin problems occur

The temperature is getting higher and higher, the clothes are wearing less and less, especially in the hot summer, most people like to wear short sleeves, with the skin exposed, various skin problems continue to appear in front of our eyes. Many people are prone to some red bumps, no pain or itch, is particularly uncomfortable to touch, especially in the front chest or back of these places, in fact, this situation and the lack of vitamin B2 has a large relationship, because the appearance of these knots is mainly the skin continues to secrete oil caused by pore blockage, and vitamin B2 can promote the discharge speed of pores on the oil, alleviate the continuous accumulation of fat in the pores, play a role in protecting the skin, if you often skin care or easy to appear a variety of skin problems, It can be considered that it is caused by the lack of vitamins in the body.

Long-term lack of vitamin B2, what characteristics will the body have? How to supplement through diet?

Eye strain is prone to occur

Most of the work now is related to computers and mobile phones, these electronic products have a certain radiation, long time to the computer is prone to dry eyes, eyes astringent, in order to better complete the work, such a situation is also inevitable. If you have not used your eyes for a long time and have also experienced eye fatigue, it may be a lack of vitamin B2, because it can alleviate the symptoms of eye fatigue and has a certain protective effect on the eyes.

The role of vitamin B2 in life is more extensive, the lack of this vitamin may affect the normal work and life, want to supplement this vitamin, can be carried out through the way of diet, recommend several foods with high content to everyone.

Animal meat or offal

Many people do not eat animal offal, think that these foods are not very clean, in fact, these foods contain nutrients are very rich, the elderly often say "what to eat to supplement what", although in some cases there is no benefit, but most of the cases are reasonable, animal offal contains more vitamins, especially the liver, if the lack of vitamin B2, usually you can pay attention to supplement a little more offal, such as pig liver, river crab and so on.

Long-term lack of vitamin B2, what characteristics will the body have? How to supplement through diet?

Soybeans, green leafy vegetables and other foods

Soy products can be said to be one of the common foods in life, their main raw material is soybeans, and 100 grams of soybeans contain 0.25 mg, eat more soy products can play a role in supplementing vitamins; the content of vitamins in green vegetables is also a lot, 100 grams can almost supplement 0.08-0.16 mg, while vegetables contain more dietary fiber, can promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines, promote good health.

Long-term lack of vitamin B2, what characteristics will the body have? How to supplement through diet?

If you are usually prone to mouth ulcers, eye fatigue, etc., you can eat more of these foods to supplement vitamins, of which the content of animal offal is the most, if you really do not like internal organs, you can also choose vegetables or soy products, are common foods. In addition to the need to supplement vitamin B2 in people with physical discomfort, there are also two kinds of people who should also pay attention to moderate supplementation, otherwise it is easy to cause adverse effects.

1. Pregnant or lactating women

Vitamin B2 can promote the speed of blood production by bone stem cells, reduce the occurrence of anemia in women, and it is recommended to supplement 1.6 mg per day during pregnancy, and if it is a lactating population, it is almost 1.8 mg.

Long-term lack of vitamin B2, what characteristics will the body have? How to supplement through diet?

2, Diabetics

The main cause of diabetes is caused by excessive intake of carbohydrates or sugar in the diet, causing the diet in life to be controlled, in this case vitamin deficiency will be more, vitamin B2 can speed up the body's metabolism, play a role in alleviating complications.

Although the living conditions are getting better and better, but the unhealthy diet is also more and more common, and this way of eating is an important factor that causes some nutrient deficiencies or diseases, want to live a healthier and happier life, diet should pay attention to supplementing comprehensive and balanced nutrition, maintain a good lifestyle, can reduce the risk of various diseases.