
Crying, shouting! Regardless of the training, what is the errand that Emperor Yanxuan also has to resign?

author:Western han dynasty

In order to compete for the throne, the princes and courtiers of the feudal dynasty did not recognize the throne, and the six relatives did not recognize it, and there were many people who killed their fathers and brothers, but there was an emperor who did not want to be, and he resigned from the throne even if he was disciplined and anxious to cry, so that the second monk was confused and confused!

He was the second emperor of Later Zhao, Shi Hong, and everyone dreamed of a good thing, so why didn't Shi Hong want to do it?

The thing is this, when Emperor Gaozuming of Later Zhao, Shi Le, was about to breathe, he said to Crown Prince Hong, Zhongchang Shi Yanzhen, and nephew Zhongshan Wang Hu: Daya (the crown prince) is weak, I am afraid that I will not be able to inherit my ambitions, Zhongshan below, it is advisable for all the divisions to be canonical, do not disobey the orders, Daya and Bin Yi are good at maintaining themselves, Sima Shi is the Same Yin Jian, we must reconcile with each other, do not follow the other path, the king of Zhongshan should also think twice about Zhou Huo, and try to help Kuangfu, I will be blind to death.

Saying that Shi Le's legs were stretched, the Western Heavens were gone. Shi Hu followed his uncle Shi Le's southern expedition to the north for more than twenty years, repeatedly made military achievements, had many famous generals, had a good mass base, and was a successor material, but Shi Hu was a nephew who could not do it, Shi Le thought that prince Hong, Ren Xiao wen was like a human prince, and the next document appointed Hong as the prince. Shi Hu was not satisfied in his heart, and swore that after Shi Leyan drove, he would kill everything.

The ministers Cheng Li and Xu Guang, who were familiar with Shi Hu's path, suggested that Shi Le abolish Shi Hu so that the crown prince could sit firmly on the throne in the future, but Shi Le was indecisive and did not listen to the advice of his loyal ministers, resulting in the maintenance of "tiger" relics, making the prince panic for a long time, like sitting on a needle felt.

After Shi Le's death, the domineering Zhongshan Wang Hu presided over the aftermath, first burying Shi Le overnight in an unknown valley to avoid being robbed of the tomb, and then solemnly holding a funeral ceremony, burying himself outside the city, called Gaoping Mausoleum.

He then ordered the crown prince to ascend to the palace, and asked crown prince Hong to issue an arrest warrant, to hunt down Cheng Xiao and Xu Guang, who were saying bad things about himself in the back, and at the same time to let his son Qi WangYun enter the palace to supervise Prince Hong, so that he could silence the civil and military officials and dare not squeak.

Crown Prince Hongsu knew that The means of Zhongshan Wang Hu were also sick and frightened, and after thinking about it, instead of being afraid and afraid, it was better to resign the throne and be quiet, so he said to Shi Hu: I don't want to do it, you do it!

Shi Hu sneered: "Lao Tzu is dead, and his son should do it!" You don't want to do it, don't do it? Tell me to violate the ancestral system? What is the intention?

Prince Hong cried and said: I am a mediocre talent, I can't do this kind of work, you still let me rest!

Shi Hu scolded: "Can you do it, the people of the world have their own public opinion, and it is not something that can be achieved by us talking about it, don't say more!"

Prince Hong, who did not want to take the throne, rubbed and rubbed, did not run to the right topic, Shi Hu scolded, a stomach aggrieved Prince Hong, the puppet seemed to have completed the procedure, counted as ascending the throne, that is, The Yanxi Emperor, was forced to do what many people envied, never seen in ancient times, speechless!

Shi Hu made himself chancellor, and the thirteen princes of Wei, including DaDan Yu, Jia Jiu Xi Li, and Wei Jun, were the chief regents of Bai Yi; the eldest son, Zhao, was the crown prince, the general of the Jiaguan Shizhong, the governor of all the Chinese and foreign armies, and recorded Shang Shushi; the second son Xuan was made a che riding general, the king of Fenghejian, and the leader of the Ji Prefecture Assassination History; the third son Tao was a forward general, the king of Fengle'an, and the lieutenant of Si Li; the fourth son was honored as the king of Qi; the fifth son was made the acting king; and the sixth son bao was the king of Leping. It's all his family's business, what else can they do?

Shi Hu changed the tai womb into a Chongxun Palace, and all of Shi Le's empress dowager Liu Shi and others rushed to the Chongxun Palace to think about it, and the empress dowager dared to drive it arbitrarily, who dared to say no? Liu Hou was humiliated and said to King ShiKan of Pengcheng: I can't stand it anymore, you hurry up and find a way to kill this demon head!

Shi Kan went out to contact people was caught by Shi Hu and boiled to death in a cauldron, hearing that Empress Liu was involved in this matter, Shi Hu ordered Empress Liu to commit suicide, there was nothing that did not dare to do, only unexpected, Shi Hu li Yan Yan Emperor's biological mother Cheng Shi was the empress.

Shi Hu's wanton behavior made the people of the world angry, shi Lang who guarded Luoyang was the King of Qin, and then failed, was cut off by Shi Hu first, then beheaded, a bit of operation Shi Hu to clean up the other Righteous Soldiers of the Qin King, the Banshi later ordered Emperor Yan yan to build WeiTai, not according to the uncle Shi Le's instructions to learn Zhou Huo to assist the prince, and the Sima clan, who was known to the world by the world, really smelled alike, the mud could not support the wall, there was this evil fire waiting around, And the Yan Yan Emperor was like a man on his back, how uncomfortable he was.

Shi Hu's heart is known to everyone, Qin Wang Hong even spat out words of dissatisfaction, the good deeds immediately passed the words to Shi Hu, Shi Hu left him for observation, Emperor Yan yan was stunned, I don't know when Shi Hu's magic sword fell on his head, thinking bitterly or walking as the best strategy, holding the emperor's jade seal, personally going to the Wei Palace, and saying to Shi Hu: I really don't want to do it!

Shi Hu shook his head and said, "After sitting on the emperor's throne, can you do it, the people of the world will make public arguments, why do you just come to trouble me?" Are you bothered? You hurry up and let me go!"

People don't want it, the embarrassing Emperor Yanxuan cried, had to tearfully carry the emperor Yuxi back, said to his mother Empress Cheng: The first emperor to do this, let me do too hard, our family will not have anyone in the future!

No longer interested in playing, Emperor Yanxuan paid attention to let Shangshu Province write a Zen concession table for Shi Hu in his name, and Shi Hu was furious: Ru zhi is not beneficial, even more! I am incompetent, I can't govern the country, I say what Zen ranging, I simply don't do it, and I still come up with this bad idea, saying that Zen jean is really ridiculous!

In order not to let Emperor Yanxuan be disturbed again, Shi Hu ordered his right servant Guo Yin to take the official document to see Emperor Yanxuan, and it was said that Shi Hong was deposed as the King of Haiyang and immediately moved to Chongxun Palace! Admire this!

After Shi Hu abolished The Yanxuan Emperor, he felt that he was not worthy of the throne, did not dare to call himself emperor, claimed to be the King of Zhao Tianwang, ascended to the throne, changed the Yuan Jianwu, promoted the wenwu hundred officials to one level, and the meat eaters played the crown to celebrate, and the mountain shouted: Long live, long live, long live!

In order to avoid the aftermath, Shi Hu put Emperor Yanxuan and Empress Cheng, Qin Wang Hong, and Nanyang Wang Hui, all of them into the Chongxun Palace for reflection, the time was not long and they felt that these people were in the way, and sent people to kill them all at night, Emperor Yanyan reigned for a year, did not want to be His Majesty, Shi Hu was a good person to the end, even did not give his life to Emperor Yanxuan, the province had to do difficulties in the world, at the age of twenty-two.

Emperor Yanyan did not want to do it, but he could not do it and did not dare to do it! Shi Hu, the "tiger", crouched around who dared to be? The emperor cried twice, gave way twice, and bitterly begged to resign from the throne, setting a precedent in history, unprecedented and breathtaking.