
Aerospace Science and Technology Group: Carry forward the spirit of aerospace and vigorously implement the strategy of strengthening enterprises with talents


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, 5 October: Aerospace Science and Technology Group: Carry Forward the Spirit of Aerospace and Vigorously Implement the Strategy of Strengthening Enterprises with Qualified Personnel

Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Zhe

The new generation of manned spacecraft test ship return module strength appeared on camera, the Tianwen-1 Mars probe model appeared on the scene, and a number of "star exhibits" represented by the 3D model of the Chinese space station complex and the Chang'e-5 lunar probe met with the audience... At the 13th China International Aeronautical and Astronautical Expo, which has just concluded, China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. selected more than 170 aerospace scientific and technological achievements in combination with the recent hot spots of aerospace engineering missions and follow-up development plans, and met with the public through various forms to comprehensively display the vivid practice of Aerospace Science and Technology Group in exploring the vast universe, developing the aerospace industry and building a space power.

Behind the results, it is inseparable from a high-level talent team. Over the years, Aerospace Science and Technology Group has adhered to the principle of party management of talents, vigorously implemented the strategy of strengthening enterprises with talents, formed a talent training chain of the older generation of aerospace experts teaching by example, and a new generation of young talents continuing to struggle, and created a large number of high-level innovation teams represented by Chang'e, Shenzhou, Beidou and Long March 5.

Talent - an important guarantee of continuous success

How big the rocket carrying capacity is, how big is the stage for China's spaceflight. At this year's air show, a new generation of manned carrier rockets, heavy carrier rockets and other multi-type carrier rocket models came into battle, and the "family" of Long March rockets that are about to usher in 400 launches appeared together, attracting the attention of the audience.

Behind the successful launches of rockets and launches, it is inseparable from the support of groups of high-level innovative talents. As one of the most challenging and widely driven high-tech fields in the world today, aerospace depends on high-level innovative talents to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

By the end of 2020, among the on-the-job employees of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group, graduate degrees accounted for 27.9%, and university bachelor degrees accounted for 29.1%; among scientific and technological talents, graduate degrees accounted for 49.8%, and university undergraduate degrees accounted for 37.1%.

In recent years, China has successfully launched a new generation of green carrier rockets represented by the Long March 5, Long March 7, Long March 8, etc., and the Long March series of carrier rockets has been more perfect, the carrying capacity has been greatly improved, and China's ability to enter space has leapt to the forefront of the world.

From the establishment of the project in 2006 to the successful first flight in 2016, the development process of the Long March 5 carrier rocket has reached 10 years. The research and development team has faced difficulties, overcome difficulties, sharpened an "arrow" in ten years, broken through a number of key technologies, and mastered a number of new technologies with independent intellectual property rights... Supported by high-level scientific and technological talents, it is an important guarantee for the continuous success of China's aerospace industry.

Spirit - the necessary magic weapon is passed on from generation to generation

From "two bombs and one satellite" to manned spaceflight, from Beidou networking to lunar exploration, the spirit of spaceflight that has been continuously inherited has always been a necessary magic weapon for China's aerospace industry to make progress.

Academicians of the two academies are the wealth of the country, the pride of the people, and the glory of the nation. In the field of aerospace, a group of highly respected old academicians and scientists have embraced the motherland, served the people, pursued the truth, bravely climbed the peak, and were willing to be a ladder for people and rewarded for learning after the end, which has become a good story.

The Aerospace Science and Technology Group has 31 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and 130 national experts. The number of high-level talents of all kinds ranks in the forefront of central enterprises.

For more than half a century, Academician Lu Yuanjiu, adviser to the Science and Technology Committee of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group and winner of the "July 1st Medal", has done pioneering and basic work in the field of inertial navigation and automation, which has provided important support for the rapid development of China's satellites, rockets, missiles and other fields.

From Chang'e lunar exploration to Tianwen fire exploration, Ye Peijian, technical adviser of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group and academician of "people's scientist", although he is over seventy years old, he still insists on being on the front line of scientific research, and every important launch and key operation has his presence on the spot.

"Whether it is manned spaceflight or lunar exploration, whether it is satellites or Beidou, there are several points that are particularly important: first, everyone is for the national interest, and all walks of life support it; second, the key is still people. Astronauts have a characteristic that they will definitely put the completion of national tasks in the first place. Ye Peijian said.

(Subtitle) Thick planting - give full play to the role of talents in leading the development strategy

Over the years, the party group of aerospace science and technology group has adhered to the principle of party management of talents, vigorously implemented the strategy of strengthening enterprises with talents, created a group of scientific and technological leading talents represented by Sun Jiadong, Bao Weimin, Li Dong, Sun Zezhou, and other old and young people, and created a scientific and technological innovation team represented by Chang'e, Shenzhou, Beidou and Long March 5.

Looking back on the past, the talent work of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group has shown the following outstanding characteristics: First, it adheres to the concept of "the height of talent is the height of the cause" and identifies, trains, and makes good use of leading talents in the main battlefield of major projects; second, it insists that every stage of major projects and major research and development projects is promoted, and talents are followed up and reserved; third, it pays attention to planting fertile soil for the growth of young scientific and technological talents, so that young backbone cadres can take the lead and become pioneers; fourth, vigorously carry forward the spirit of aerospace, and put Qian Xuesen and Qian Xuesen through various forms. Sun Jiadong and other older generation of astronauts overcame difficulties and obstacles and created a space industry to tell the stories of the youth and share it among the youth.

Looking forward to the future, Wu Yansheng, chairman of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group, said that it is necessary to transform the study and implementation of the spirit of the central talent work conference into a powerful driving force for doing a good job in talent work, into ideas and measures to promote the high-quality development of talent work, into a vivid practice of accelerating the construction of a space power, and constantly create a new situation in the talent work of the Aerospace Science and Technology Group.

"In the future, we will further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of doing a good job in talent work, give full play to the strategic role of talent in leading development, cultivate and use talents in an all-round way, continue to deepen the reform of talent development mechanism, stimulate the innovation and creation vitality of all kinds of talents, accelerate the construction of world-class aerospace enterprise groups, and comprehensively open a new journey of building a space power." Wu Yansheng said. (End)

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