
Lawyer: It is predicted that Lucas will be arrested on Thursday and Bayern can claim compensation from him

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Lawyer: It is predicted that Lucas will be arrested on Thursday and Bayern can claim compensation from him

On October 26, Bild interviewed well-known German lawyer Matthias Bradler, who believes that Bayern defender Lucas will not be able to avoid jail time.

While Lucas was still playing at Atletico in 2017, he was accused of beating his girlfriend (the two beat each other up, and Lucas himself was hospitalized with injuries), and the court then ordered the two to separate. But Lucas violated court rules by traveling with his girlfriend and girlfriend's girlfriend in advance, so Lucas was asked to return to Spain by October 19 and receive a prison sentence of one year. If the local court in Madrid rejects the appeal on Thursday, Lucas will need to report to the Spanish prison immediately and be detained.

Bradler said bluntly: "This matter could have been easily resolved in Germany, because the two had long been reconciled and both were married." However, Spain attaches great importance to incidents of domestic violence. ”

Lucas will have to face the circumstances of whether the outcome of the appeal was dismissed on Thursday. His lawyers need to do a little miracle to get the court to delay enforcing the verdict. I boldly predicted: Lucas would be arrested on Thursday. ”

"Lucas could not serve his sentence in Germany and he had to return to Spain to serve his sentence as a French citizen. Of course, he does not have to go to a prison for heavy offenders, he can serve his sentence in a prison for light prisoners, and in principle he can continue to work. Even if he is detained, he can continue to appeal, and he is entitled to claim compensation if it is found that the previous judgment was wrong. ”

"Bayern should not be held responsible if Lucas is unable to provide labour because he is serving his sentence and I think Bayern can claim compensation against him."


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