
How to do a good job in garden pest control in autumn and winter?

author:Baba La Magic Fairy

How to do a good job in garden pest control in autumn and winter? Most of the diseases and insects of green plants will enter a dormant state in various ways in winter, and their wintering places are relatively fixed, concentrated, basically inactive, and have little mobility, which is the best period for the prevention and control of seedling diseases and insects. Only by understanding the way garden plants overwinter can we correctly control insect pests!

Pest distribution

1. From the perspective of pest categories: the overwintering base of dry moths is large, the density of insect populations per unit area is also high, the suction pests harm plants widely, the density of insect mouths is high, and root-eating pests mainly occur in nurseries and large areas of lawns.

2. From the perspective of tree growth potential: weak trees are susceptible to the harm of moth dry pests, and trees with serious harm are accompanied by gum disease. Such as: black pine, due to the mountain forest soil is nearly barren, tree performance aging, in recent years black pine continues to suffer from the bull, gidding insects, pine borer and other drill borer pests.

3. From the perspective of planting environment: the density of overwintering insects on dense planting places or plants that have not been pruned for many years is high. The number of overwintering insect states in clean areas under environmental conditions is small, and the number of overwintering insect states is large. Wintering insects are occasionally seen on the branches of flower shrubs that have undergone autumn pruning.

How to do a good job in garden pest control in autumn and winter?

Insect infestation overwintering mode

1. Overwinter in various ways on weeds in the soil around the tree base, under stones, in the layer of dead branches and leaves, and near the host. Such as: Japanese cotton borer, American white e, ruler moth, American spotted fly, rhododendron three-leaf bee, cotton curl leaf borer, moon long tube aphid, frost Tian'e and so on.

2. Overwinter in the form of eggs and other forms on the host branches and leaves, in the bark cracks, in the bud axles, and at the branches, such as the large green leaf cicada, the purple weed long spotted aphid, the meadowsweet aphid, the Japanese new cotton aphid, the Kao's white shield worm, the Mizuki solid worm, the yellow-brown canopy caterpillar, etc.

3. Overwinter in plant stems, stems and fruits with larvae, such as star calf, peach borer borer, Asian corn borer, etc.

4. Overwinter in other ways. Little Mae-e overwinters in the sac with larvae: Most jujubes overwinter as cocoons on branches or plant roots, and underground pests such as grubs, moths, and golden needleworms prefer to overwinter in humus.

Garden pest control measures in autumn and winter

1. Winter ploughing deep turning: when frozen, the soil ploughing, the pests that can overwinter in the soil are frozen to death, the larvae, pupae, eggs, etc. of the underground pests lurking in the soil will also suffer mechanical damage, and the pests exposed to the surface of the ploughing will be pecked by natural enemies such as birds and birds, and if necessary, artificial donation can be taken. In addition, deep turning can bury the pathogens on the surface of the soil into the deep soil layer, and the pathogens in the deep soil layer are turned to the ground, destroying the suitable environment for diseases and insects, and effectively controlling the occurrence of diseases and insects. The depth of ploughing is 20 cm to 30 cm.

2. Clean up the nursery: Most of the germs or overwintering eggs of flowers and tree diseases and insects overwinter in the dead branches and leaves or weed diseased fruits in the nursery. Therefore, in winter, the dead branches, fallen leaves, weeds, diseased fruits, etc. in the nursery will be treated centrally, burned and buried deeply, which can reduce a large number of various sources of diseases and insects. This has a significant effect on the prevention and control of anthrax, powdery mildew, rust, red spiders and moths in the month, rose, chrysanthemum, begonia and willow trees. Winter pruning is one of the important links in the management of seedlings, which can be combined with winter pruning to eliminate diseases and insects. Focus on pruning the branches and leaves with diseases and insects, such as insect eggs on flowers and trees such as the moon season and roses, and the shell insects on poplars, willows and flower shrubs, and the branches and leaves of diseases and insects cut off should be cleaned up in time and destroyed centrally.

3. Artificial extermination: use a toothpick to remove the shell of the fertilized female shell insect, artificially remove the cocoon of the thorn moth on the branch, scrape off the overwintering pests and germs in the bark cracks, in the tree scars, and at the branches; clean the decay holes and holes on the branches of the base of the plant to prevent pests from overwintering inside, and the pests with the habit of wintering in the lower tree can be tied to the grass in front of the lower tree to trap and kill them in a concentrated manner.

4. Whitening protection: Whitening of the trunk in winter can not only effectively prevent the frost damage of winter seedlings, improve the disease resistance of seedlings, but also destroy the wintering places of diseases and insects, and play a dual role of both antifreeze and bactericidal insects. In particular, it has a better effect on mites and mites that overwinter in the bark. Winter whitening is better than twice, the first after leaf fall to before the soil freezes, and the second in early spring. It is not recommended to use lime for whitening, otherwise it is easy to cause burns after being applied to the branches of flowers and trees, and the damage of lime to the soil increases with the rainwater. The use of garden-specific whitening agent - floating green and clear circle, while whitening, can prevent the outbreak of diseases and insect pests, save labor and time.

How to do a good job in garden pest control in autumn and winter?

5. Drug control: winter all kinds of diseases and insects are mostly in a dormant state, for those in the occurrence of seasons is not easy to control the disease and insects can use winter drug control, spray once a week, spray 3 times continuously, the control effect is often higher than summer. For example, the use of floating green Qingyuan (mineral oil stone sulfur compound) can be sprayed to control aphid shell insects, spraying floating green Fen Xiu'an 3 times can play a good role in the prevention and control of pear rust, moon season black spot disease and other diseases; spraying floating green qingyuan (mineral oil stone sulfur compound) before the plant germinates, which can kill germs, but also kill the insect bodies and overwintering eggs in the branches, bud armpits, bark cracks, insects, mites, and overwintering eggs; applying green roots to apply medicinal fertilizer, pesticide treatment of the soil, which has a good effect on the prevention and control of maggots, grubs, and golden needle worms. At the same time, the plant is supplemented with fertilizer.