
No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

author:Garden set
No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

When we passed by the gardens of some local tycoons, it was not difficult to find that they were full of various precious tree species, with diverse shapes and magnificent momentum.

Among the flowering tree species, represented by the rhododendron, a large number of local tycoons are collected in their own gardens, which not loses the sense of sincerity and cordiality while invigorating the home.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Where did the local tycoons find the precious cuckoos? Many big players who play with cuckoos know that the most sought-after cuckoo species now is the high-quality cuckoo imported from Japan.

As we all know, the Japanese breeding technology is quite mature, so that the rhododendron cultivated by Japan is not only good in appearance but also easy to raise, especially the root system, and the resistance is very good.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~
No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Whether the Japanese cuckoo can survive and maintain smoothly depends mainly on its root system.

Many people have tried to make root sticks for cuckoos themselves, but every time they lift the roots, they will damage the branches to wilt. Japanese rhododendron, in the early stage is placed in the greenhouse maintenance, such as the root system to grow strong, and then the planting and transplanting, not only improve the survival rate, but also reduce the difficulty of maintenance.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

If you want to plant a rhododendron in the garden and worry about not keeping it well, you may wish to look for a Japanese rhododendron directly! Minute by minute, make your garden beautiful.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

The meaning of the cuckoo

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Rhododendron is a beautiful and dignified, brilliant and dazzling flower, but also has the reputation of flowers in the West, in ancient times, also praised by many poets.

Bai Juyi's "This thing in the flower is Xi Shi, whipped peony medicine are all concubines" and Li Bai's "A garden of red and drunken Poto, from the ground even the branches of the tufts of pu luo", can fully explain that its beauty is loved by everyone!

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~
No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

The cuckoo has been given a lot of beautiful meanings, and the bright red of the mountains and fields comes into the eyes, how can it not arouse people's warm feelings? So what do you know about the meaning of the cuckoo?

Cuckoo is related to love, usually, people will give it to their lover, if someone gives it to you, then do not hesitate, cuckoo means always belongs to you, representing his sincere heart for you.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

When you see the rhododendrons blooming all over the mountain, it means the arrival of the god of love. Cuckoos of various colors are mixed together and fill the mountains and fields, representing the love of the good life.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~
No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Rhododendron blooms only in its own flowering season, giving a more lively feeling, and the leaves are dark green during the non-flowering period, so it has the meaning of moderation, which is very suitable as a low wall or barrier in the garden.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Conservation of cuckoos


Rhododendrons like to be wet, and for potted rhododendrons, it is necessary to always keep the potted soil moist and not too wet.

The amount of water required during the flowering period is slightly more, and in the summer, attention should be paid to spraying water, spraying branches and leaves in the morning and evening, and also spraying potting soil at the same time. In autumn, the amount of watering should be reduced as appropriate to prevent the emergence of autumn shoots and affect the formation of flower buds in the coming year.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~


Rhododendron likes fertilizer, but its roots are extremely fine, so fertilization must not be thick, too much fertilization, will cause wilting phenomenon.

It is best to take "thin fertilizer and diligent application", timely and appropriate amount of fertilization, in order to make the rhododendron large and beautiful, the plant robust, strong disease resistance. During the growing season, thin fertilizer can be applied every 2 weeks except during the rainy season.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Fertilizer can be used to decompose bean cakes, vegetable cakes, fishy water, bone meal, chicken manure, etc., chicken manure is rotten and dried and rubbed into powder, sprinkled on the pot soil, nutrients with water seepage, the effect is very good.

If it is found that the leaf tip is scorched, mostly caused by hypertrophy, it should be immediately removed and replaced with soil, rinsed with large water several times to reduce the amount of fertilizer, and no fertilizer is required after autumn.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~


For potted rhododendrons, mostly for the purpose of viewing flowers, do not pay attention to shape, listen to its natural growth, so there are many branches and chaos, which not only hinders growth, but also affects the quality of flowers.

In order to maintain the beautiful shape of the tree, the necessary pruning should be carried out according to the modeling requirements, and the ventilation and light transmission conditions should be improved, which can promote growth and improve the quality of flowering.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

After the rhododendron blooms every year, it is best to remove all the flower peduncles to reduce nutrient consumption.

Pruning is carried out during the dormant period, and crossed branches, upright branches, inverted branches, introverted branches, pairs of branches, etc. are cut to adjust the branches and display a beautiful tree shape.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Turn the pot

Rhododendron should be turned over every 2 to 3 years, and it is better to carry out after flowering, and it is also possible to turn the pot in the early spring and autumn.

Remove about 1B3 of the old soil when turning the pot, cut off a small amount of old roots, replace it with loose saprophyll soil or mountain mud, and put a small amount of chicken manure and bean cake on the bottom of the pot as the base fertilizer.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Since most of the root system of rhododendron is distributed in the soil surface layer, the topsoil layer should be retained when turning the pot.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~
No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Early pest control

The main insect pests of rhododendron are large moths, reticulum bugs and rhododendron leaf bees, which can be sprayed with 1200 times the liquid of the enemy hundreds, or the method of killing egg blocks and larvae on young leaves.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Common diseases are leaf spot disease, rust, etc., which can be controlled with zinc or Bordeaux liquid.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~
No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

This romantic time of blossoming,

Plant a Japanese cuckoo in the garden,

A tree fragrant, a courtyard deep affection,

As the best gift,

Send it to your loved ones, awesome!

In Shanghai,【Mi Cuiyuan】,

Quality Japanese cuckoo is already in place,

Just wait for the people who are related, and that splendid courtyard.

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Looking for a verdant garden

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

Introduction: Completed in 2010, Mi CuiYuan is located in Qingpu District, Shanghai, and is an imported seedling exhibition center covering an area of 180,000 square meters.

Transportation: 20 minutes drive from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport.

Varieties: Rhododendrons, tea plums, camellias, red maples, feather maples, chicken claw maples, five-needle pines, etc., as well as the centuries-old Luohan pine and Kato Saburo bonsai, all imported from Japan.

Open: Now open to developers, hotels, clubs, manors, private villas and other VIPs.

Phone: 18816908108


Email: [email protected]

Address: Fangxia Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai (Mi CuiYuan)

No cranes, no garden! In doing so, your garden can also be beautiful~

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(This article is original, please indicate the original source when reprinting.) )

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