
Affectionate companion, powerful and agile American Huskies Will you like it?

The American Huskies are affectionate companion dogs that are ideal for family pets. It has a single white color, or white mixed with small pieces of cheese

Affectionate companion, powerful and agile American Huskies Will you like it?

The American Huskies have a well-proportioned, compact body structure, good physique, and a smooth gait full of vigilance at all times.

Affectionate companion, powerful and agile American Huskies Will you like it?

The American Huskymo is part of the Pomeranian hairy dog family, and many dog lovers prefer to classify it as a Nordic breed

Affectionate companion, powerful and agile American Huskies Will you like it?

It is agile, powerful, alert and beautiful. It is a typical Nordic dog breed with a small to medium size.

Affectionate companion, powerful and agile American Huskies Will you like it?

The eyes are slightly oval, not prominent, straight, uncured, the ears are triangular and in harmony with the shape of the skull, the inner and outer coats grow vigorously, the horizontal line of the back, and the legs have beautiful hairs

Affectionate companion, powerful and agile American Huskies Will you like it?

There are three size types of American Huskies (size refers to shoulder height): toy type, 9 inches to 12 inches (including 12 inches); small, 12 inches to 15 inches (including 15 inches); standard type, 15 to 19 inches (including 19 inches)

Affectionate companion, powerful and agile American Huskies Will you like it?

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