
Be shocked! Dali's 80-year-old grandmother took out 20 live maggots from her ear...

Source: Spring City Evening News

The 80-year-old grandmother's ears are repeatedly pus, with bouts of pain and occasional itching: at first glance, the ears are filled with "white yarn". The doctor examined it carefully and took 20 live fly maggots out of her ears!

Recently, Grandma Wang, who is more than 80 years old, came to the Department of Otolaryngology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Dali University for treatment. After detailed questioning by the receiving doctor, it was learned that Grandma Wang had repeatedly flowed pus in both ears in the past 4 years, and because the pain was not obvious, she did not visit the doctor in time. But for nearly 3 days, she felt that her right ear began to itch, and she also had repeated paroxysmal pain.

The doctor on duty used a flashlight to illuminate Grandma Wang's right ear for preliminary observation, "Ah, the ear is still filled with white yarn, then you have to smoke the yarn to see clearly." After careful examination, it was found that these "white yarns" would actually "squirm" on their own. It turned out that these yarn-like things turned out to be live fly maggots, and there were quite a few of them!

Be shocked! Dali's 80-year-old grandmother took out 20 live maggots from her ear...
Be shocked! Dali's 80-year-old grandmother took out 20 live maggots from her ear...

After the doctor let Grandma Wang complete other examinations, she decided to first remove the live maggots blocked in the ear canal, and then do a systematic etiological analysis and formulate an effective diagnosis and treatment plan for travel to solve the disease from the root cause. So the doctor immediately under the visual endoscopy of the visual ear for professional treatment, a total of about 20 live maggots were removed!

Be shocked! Dali's 80-year-old grandmother took out 20 live maggots from her ear...

After carefully reviewing and analyzing Grandma Wang's medical records, Chief Physician Chen Yinzhong of the Department of Otolaryngology found the reason why grandma Wang's right ear had maggots in her right ear - there were lesions in the external ear canal and tympanic chamber of Grandma Wang's right ear, which triggered repeated pus flowing from her right ear, attracting fly bites and laying eggs, and eventually causing live fly maggots to parasitize in the ear canal (clinical maggot disease).

After finding the cause, the doctor carried out symptomatic treatment for Grandma Wang, and Grandma Wang has been successfully discharged from the hospital.

【A little more news】

In the clinic, human fly maggot disease often occurs in poor health conditions, and the elderly and children with limited mobility, early symptoms are often not found in time, mostly after hatching into maggots, maggots swim in the external ear canal or drill into deep tissues to cause pain in the ear. Maggots should be completely removed at the time of treatment.

The otolaryngologist of the Great Affiliated Hospital reminds that flies do not bite seamless eggs, and problematic meat flies also love to bite. Personal hygiene needs to be paid attention to in daily life, especially the ear hygiene of the elderly and children. In the hot summer season, patients with "purulent otitis media" should strengthen ear care and seek medical treatment in time.

Source: Spring City Evening News - Kaiping News Reporter Liu Wenbo Yang Weiqi Correspondent Li Mengyang Courtesy of the First Affiliated Hospital of Dali University, video