
Li Jun, secretary of the post-80s village branch from Sichuan, watched the ceremony on the spot and sighed that "our generation's life is at the right time"

author:Red Star News

After winning the medal of "National Advanced Individual in Poverty Alleviation" this year, Li Jun, village secretary of Xiuyun Village, Baiyi Town, Cangxi County, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, once again flew to Beijing. This time, he was invited to participate in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and watched the ceremony in Tiananmen Square.

Li Jun, a college student who walked out of Xiuyun Village, returned to his hometown after the Wenchuan earthquake to make contributions, becoming the youngest village party secretary in the county. Today, more than a decade later, that once backward and poor small mountain village has become the first batch of "rural revitalization demonstration villages" in Sichuan Province.

Li Jun, secretary of the post-80s village branch from Sichuan, watched the ceremony on the spot and sighed that "our generation's life is at the right time"

Li Jun

Talking about this morning's viewing impressions, Li Jun directly called out "too lucky" several times, "I came to Beijing to watch the ceremony on the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and this time I witnessed it on the spot, which is really very lucky." ”

After arriving in Beijing on June 28, Li Jun watched the large-scale theatrical performance "The Great Journey" celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China at the Bird's Nest. Several times, Li Jun was so excited that he shed tears, "It is particularly touching, you will feel that this hundred years of glory, it is not easy to come." ”

On the morning of July 1, at the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned a message to the young generation in his important speech. As a post-80s generation, Li Jun was very touched by these words. "It feels like our generation is at the right time." Li Jun mentioned that when he came to Beijing to participate in the celebrations, when communicating with party members of similar age, he found that everyone was sighing, "Our generation has caught up with a good time." ”

This is not a polite saying, "Everyone can achieve their ideals in life through their own efforts, this is the best time." "Li Jun said that this generation of young people not only witnessed the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, but also witnessed the 100th anniversary of the founding of New China in the future." So, I really think my generation is very fortunate that we can do a lot for our country. ”

As the only person in the county to come to Beijing to attend the ceremony, Li Jun said that after returning home, he should summarize it well and convey it to the villagers to drive everyone's enthusiasm.

Cangxi County is an old revolutionary area, and there are still a large number of red revolution ruins in the local area, which is a place that has made great contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution. "The elderly party members in our village, they are very excited, and told me that in such a remote place as Xiuyun Village, it is a matter of pride for a lifetime that a rural branch secretary can come to Beijing to watch the ceremony."

Li Jun said that Xiuyun Village is a place he will fight for all his life. "To build the village so that the people in the city are envious, so that the people can live happier and happier, this is my goal."

Red Star News reporter Wang Tian reported from Beijing

Edited by Guan Li

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Li Jun, secretary of the post-80s village branch from Sichuan, watched the ceremony on the spot and sighed that "our generation's life is at the right time"

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