
Chen Yongquan, a former member of the party group and deputy director of the Bazhou District Medical Security Bureau, was expelled from the party and expelled from public office for serious violations of discipline and the law

author:Chuanguan News

Sichuan online reporter Zhong Fan

On September 21, the Bazhong Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a circular that the Bazhong Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection recently filed a case to review and investigate Chen Yongquan, a former member of the party group and deputy director of the Bazhou District Medical Security Bureau, for serious violations of discipline and law.

After investigation, Chen Yongquan lost his ideals and convictions, had a weak sense of law and discipline, violated the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities, accepted gifts and gifts for a long time that might affect the fair performance of official duties, and accepted banquets from management service recipients; Violating integrity and discipline, using their authority to seek benefits for the business activities of their relatives, and conniving at relatives to lend money to management service recipients and collect excess interest; Violating the discipline of the masses, giving preferential treatment to relatives and friends in the process of handling relevant medical insurance business, and showing unfairness; Taking advantage of one's position to accept money or property from the person in charge of a relevant medical institution is suspected of accepting bribes.

Chen Yongquan used his power to supervise the medical insurance fund for personal gain, coveted small favors and small favors, was willing to be "hunted", relaxed supervision over the conspicuous problems of the industry that encroached on the medical insurance fund, such as "excessive diagnosis and treatment, indiscriminately recording expenses, and hanging up beds and hospitalization", and became a "golden period" for him to accumulate wealth during holidays, and the office became a trading ground for power and money, and his behavior seriously undermined the political ecology of the medical industry and seriously eroded the sense of gain of the masses, which is a typical example of "fly greed and ant beetles" around the masses. Chen Yongquan seriously violated party discipline, constituted a violation of his official duties and was suspected of committing a crime, and did not restrain or accept his hands after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, and should be dealt with severely.

In accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China," the "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China," and other relevant provisions, and after studying at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Bazhong City of the CPC, it was decided to give Chen Yongquan the punishment of expulsion from the party; The Bazhong Municipal Supervision Commission shall give him the sanction of dismissal from public office; Confiscation of their proceeds of violations of discipline and law; The suspected crimes were transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution in accordance with law, and the assets involved were transferred with the case.

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