
From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

author:School District State

In the Quarterfinals of the Olympic Women's Basketball Team of the Chinese team and the Serbian team, the Head Coach of the Chinese team Xu Limin sent the strange soldier Wu Tongtong in the second quarter of the game, and after the appearance, Wu Tongtong brought great changes to the team, she sent 3 assists, instigating the Chinese team to narrow the point difference.

She used a tight defense to force the opponent to have a 24-second violation, helping the Chinese team successfully complete the defense.

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?
From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

Medium: Wu Tong Tong

Wu Tongtong graduated from Changgun High School in 2013. During his three years of study at Long County Middle School, he was the captain of the Long County High School Girls' Basketball Team.

During high school, he led the team to participate in many competitions, and won the Hunan Provincial Championship three times, and in 2013, he led the team to win the National Basketball Championship for Middle School Students.

Today, Taketomo will represent the country in the Tokyo Olympic Games and bring wonderful performances!

Speaking of Long County Middle School, Wu Tongtong said:

"Long County had a great influence on me, and the three years of high school taught me to work together in the group, laying the foundation for later development." The school motto of "Simplicity and Perseverance" has also always inspired me, giving me more courage and confidence to continue on this road. ”

It is said that "Long County is hell, Yali is earthly, and one is heaven", today follow Mi Xiaobang, let's take a look at "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

Image from Long County Official Micro

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

The "Past and Present Lives" of the Centennial County

Chang county middle school - a well-known name, the fourth high school in the country, The first high school in Hunan!

In 1904, in the late Qing Dynasty, the imperial examination and the xingxuetang were abolished, and in the context of this era, Yan Zhongji, who was the prefect of Changsha in the Qing Dynasty, founded a school in Changsha that advocated new learning, called "Changsha Fu Middle School".

Today, Long County Middle School has been established for 117 years.

In 1912, the Republic of China was founded, the prefectural system was abolished, and the Changsha Fu Middle School was renamed "Hunan Chang county public school". The term "Long County" first appeared in a hundred years.

Later, it was renamed Hunan First Union County Middle School, Chang County Public School, Hunan Chang County United Middle School, Changsha No. 2 Middle School...

In 1984, it was eventually renamed: Long County High School.

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

The centenary history of Long County

The reason why Long County Middle School can enjoy a high reputation, in addition to its brilliant history, is also inseparable from the efforts and sweat of countless Long County students.

In the 2019 Qingbei Independent Enrollment Middle School Rankings, among the 264 schools, The total number of passers in Qingbei ranked first in Changjun Middle School!

Among them, the number of Peking University passed 28, the number of Tsinghua passed 18, the total number of Qingbei passed 46, Qingbei independent enrollment ranked first in the country!

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

The data source is from the Sunshine College Entrance Examination Network

Long County Middle School has always been very outstanding in the five university discipline competitions, ranking in the top three in the national top 100 school rankings.

In 2020, a total of 119 people won the first prize of the province in the five university discipline competitions, including 36 in physics, 27 in chemistry, 21 in biology, 21 in mathematics, and 14 in informatics.

At the same time, a total of 19 gold medals and 8 silver medals were won, of which 12 students were selected for the national training team and obtained the qualification of Tsinghua Peking University.

15 people won the qualifications of Tsinghua Peking University Qiangji, and the number of people selected for the national training team ranked first in the province and second in the country!

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

The screenshot is from the Long County

The brilliance of Long County Middle School is also reflected in the college entrance examination.

In 2017, there were 941 people on the line in Chang county, with an online rate of 91.1%, and the number of people on the second book was 1029, and the number of people on the line was 99.6%.

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

The number of people with more than 600 points, including 351 in science and 150 in liberal arts, a total of 501 people; Tsinghua Peking University is expected to admit more than 60 people;

This is only the official can be released to query the results of four years ago, and now, Long County Middle School is even more "domineering" outside, according to anecdotal information, this year's online rate of more than 99%.

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

This year, Wang Xinwen of Long County Middle School received 12 offers from world famous schools, and she not only achieved excellent results, but also made a name for herself in the rich campus club activities and various campus life in Long County.

She is the president of the musical, and won the Outstanding Actor Award in the school celebration activities, the runner-up of the Hunan Division of the National Secondary School Debate Competition, the first prize of the Foreign Research Agency English Competition in Hunan, and the nomination of the International Language Olympiad Team in China...

As she said, in Long County, in the campus where students are like clouds, masters travel freely in the "hell" academics, and rich extracurricular activities make Long County students more outstanding.

Long County, not "hell", but "heaven".

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?
From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

The road to the Long County Group

In October 2001, Changjun Middle School and Lushan International Experimental School joined forces to form the first basic education group in Hunan Province - Changjun Education Group, and the history of the group has been nearly 20 years.

Long County, located at the top of the four famous schools. At present, the Chang county family is the largest education group in the province and the largest number of high-quality famous schools.

In the official inquiry of Long County Middle School, there are 32 schools (including elementary school + middle school) in addition to the long county middle school headquarters.

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

Group school information comes from the long county official website

The territory of Chang county's group-run schools can be said to cover all corners of Hunan.

Long County Bilingual Experimental High School

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

The picture is from the school official micro

Long County Bilingual Experimental Middle School, known as "Long County Middle School True Junior High School".

In 2009, the school was invested and built by the municipal government, the long county middle school was uniformly managed, the school teachers were uniformly allocated, and the characteristics of foreign language teaching were highlighted, and the long county bilingual experimental middle school was officially opened.

The school consists of 72 teaching classes, 8 teaching classes in the American AP Curriculum Center, and the school is taught by foreign teachers, and offers courses in German, French, Korean, Japanese and other small languages.

In 2019, in the evaluation of the teaching quality of middle schools in Changsha, it won the top three junior high schools in Changsha.

In 2019, the number of 6A students in the middle school examination was 215, with a 6A rate of 21.6%; the number of 5A1B people was 172, and the proportion of 5A1B or more was 38.9%; and the number of people in a single subject was 11.

In the past ten years, a total of 2805 graduates of changjun bilingual experimental middle school have been admitted to Tsinghua Peking University, and a total of 146 people have been admitted to Tsinghua Peking University in five years.

Chang county bilingual, Changsha's hottest junior high school, worthy of the name!

Long County Meixi Lake Middle School

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

Long County Meixi Lake Middle School, the core emerging school of the Long County!

Changmei (abbreviation) has been favored by many parents in recent years, and the topic degree remains high. In 2012, it was founded by the Municipal Education Bureau and managed by Chang county Middle School.

Since its establishment, the junior high school has been running for 9 years and 6 middle school examinations, and the number of people in the middle school examinations every year is more than 600, and the 6A rate is stable at about 20%.

As of 2020, a total of 787 students have achieved good results of 6A in the middle school examination, not including the data of the four major direct promotions, which is indeed extraordinary.

Changmei is also a national youth football special school and the first batch of swimming characteristic schools in Changsha, this year was identified as Changsha sports reserve talent swimming, women's football training base, swimming team has won more than 70 gold medals!

Changmei has several "most" in the Meixi Lake area: the earliest opening, the widest area, the largest scale, the best conditions, the most complete teachers, and the highest allocation.

Worthy of a high-level, high-starting school!

Foothills International Experimental School

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

In 1993, the Boarding Department of Long County Middle School, also known as Lushan International Experimental School, began to establish the school.

Lushan International Experimental School is a boarding school integrating primary school, junior high school and high school founded by the Municipal Education Bureau.

In 2001, he joined the Long County Education Group; in 2016, he established the Foothills Education Community (also known as the "Foothills Community"), and today's Foothills has 9 member schools, namely:

Lushan Binjiang Experimental School, Lushan Wai Chinese Experimental Middle School, Lushan Zhongjia School, Zhangjiajie Cili No. 4 Middle School, Lushan International Experimental School, Lushan Lanting Experimental Primary School, Wangcheng Lushan Yinshan School, Lushan Gaoling Experimental School.

In 2020, the number and ratio of Peking University Qiangji Plan (Science) test passed ranked first in the province.

In 2020, 4 students entered Peking University through the "Qiangji Plan", accounting for 20% of the number of science students in Hunan Province, of which the admission rate was 100%, ranking first in the province.

Since this year, Lushan International School has for the first time had an index student program, with a planned number of 450 students.

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?
From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

Pathways to Long County

Long County, is hell, but also heaven.

Some people say that stepping into Long County is equivalent to stepping into the door of a university with one foot. Every year, there are countless students graduating from Chang county, 985, 211, Tsinghua Peking University, and top foreign schools.

What are the ways to enroll in Long County?

1) Indicator students

The indicator student plan was uniformly delineated by the Education Bureau in early May, and the 2021 Long County Secondary School Indicator Student Plan is as follows:

In the first year of this year's total score system, the minimum control line for the admission of indicator students is 562 points, according to "".

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

2) Specialty students

Every year, Long County Middle School has a 5% Specialty Student Program, and Long County Middle School announces the Specialty Student Enrollment Program in mid-May and registers;

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

This year, the registration period for special students is from May 20 to May 25; the professional examination for special students will be organized on May 29.

From Nagagun to Tokyo Olympics! "Hell" Long County, what else do you not know?

Note: Students with special abilities still need to take the entrance examination, and finally the admission is determined by the professional + middle school entrance examination results.

3) Scratch raw

That is, by participating in the middle school entrance examination, based on the results of the middle school entrance examination and the grade of advance subject and comprehensive quality evaluation, volunteer to fill in the report and select the best for admission.

The admission score line of the middle school entrance examination of Chang county middle school in recent years: academic performance 6A + comprehensive quality 5A. This year is the first year of the total score system, and the specific score line will not be known until the end of the admission.

Who says Long County is "hell"?! Long County is clearly "paradise"!

Chen Xiaoduo, a former student of Changjun Middle School, chief soprano of the China Opera House and the 26th Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Award, said:

"The school motto of Long County: Simple, Realistic, Shen, and Resolute, will be imperceptibly engraved in your mind, and when you have some choices in your life, it will jump out."

Persistence, climbing peaks, crossing the deep sea, breaking out, daring to fight, Chang county for a hundred years, will come out Xu Teli, Li Weihan, Chen Zizhan, Zhou Shizhao and other generations of famous teachers, and countless outstanding students.

This is Long County, have you gotten her charm? #Nagasan Junior High School ##Tokyo Olympic Medal ##名校 #

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