
A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

author:Military sub-plane

【Military Sub-Plane】 Author: Liutang2020

This time, the author recommends four more classic domestic military documentaries, these four documentaries were all produced in the 1990s, in the citation of historical documents, manuscript writing, film editing and other aspects are relatively formal, even if put into the contemporary era can also be said to be quite high-quality military documentaries. However, it should be emphasized that because of the early production age of the old documentary, some of the content of the cited materials will be greatly different from the later decryption, and there may be deviations in details, but they can still be used as important historical materials for learning reference.

"100 Years of World War" series of documentaries

If you talk about domestic military documentaries, you must mention the "100 Years of World War". This is the first full documentary on military warfare produced by Chinese himself. This set of documentaries, which lasted for 10 years, was planned by Beijing Wuyue Cultural Consulting Company, written and directed by the famous producer Mr. Feng Huazhi, and written by the famous military writer Mr. Feng Jingzhi, and completed in the mid-1990s. The documentary makes extensive use of foreign material film footage, showing the audience the real scenes and detailed courses of many wars in the past hundred years.

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲ Cover of the collector's edition of "100 Years of World War"

The "100 Years of World War" includes historical documents from the Russo-Japanese War to the Gulf War, which was a major war in the entire 20th century. These include the most influential World Wars I and II, as well as local wars in Vietnam, the Middle East, the Falklands and other local wars, and the film images cited in the documentary are from historical documents, most of which were filmed on the ground by war correspondents at the risk of their lives, with a strong visual impact effect. The narrators of this documentary are the famous narrator Wu Junquan and the famous announcer Wu Xi.

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲ "100 Years of World War"

At the time, much of the documentary was the first time it was fully addressed to the audience, and it was an authoritative work. Due to the particular lack of materials in the First World War part, the documentary production team also deliberately went to the film libraries of some Western countries to search for materials, so that the whole picture of the War was presented to the audience in a relatively complete way; when the Falklands War was produced, it was based on the precious film and television materials that the British side had just declassified that year, and truly and informatively reflected the original appearance and overall situation of the war; and the Gulf War part was the first documentary material in China to systematically display the whole process of the Gulf War.

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲Record of the Gulf War

The 100 Years of World War (a full set of eleven 152 episodes) contains the following contents:

Part I: 1418 Days and Nights (Soviet and German World War II Transcripts)

Part II: A Transcript of the First World War

Part III: A Transcript of the Entire Second World War

Part IV: Transcript of the Pacific War

Part V: Records of the Falklands War

Part VI: Transcript of the Vietnam War

Part VII: Transcript of the Gulf War

Part VIII: Transcript of the Middle East War

Part IX: Spy Wars Transcript

Part 10: Transcript of the Great Air Battle of the World

Part XI: Transcript of the Cold War

The Republic Wars documentary series

Also planned by Beijing Wuyue Cultural Consulting Company, edited and directed by Mr. Feng Huazhi, and written by Mr. Feng Jingzhi, "The War of the Republic" was recorded in the early 1990s and published by China Kangyi Audio-Visual Publishing House in 1996. The documentary series details the four foreign wars and border conflicts carried out after the founding of New China. The panorama shows the historical facts of the new Chinese people's army fighting bloodily to defend the motherland.

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲ The title of "Republic War"

Many of the precious historical documents of the War of the Republics were made public for the first time at the time. The whole documentary makes extensive use of historical documentary edits, introducing the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Sino-Indian Border War, the Sino-Soviet Border Conflict, and the Sino-Vietnamese Border War. For now, among the documentaries that can systematically and completely introduce New China's foreign wars, "The War of the Republic" is a precedent. The narrators of this documentary are Mr. Wu Junquan and the famous announcer Mr. Lin Ru.

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲ "Documentary of the Sino-Vietnamese Border War", this part mainly talks about the self-defense counterattack operation against Vietnam, interspersed with the content of Vietnam's war against France and the United States

The entire series of "War of the Republic" is four parts, and the specific content is as follows:

The first: The Secret History of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, which is the longest part of the documentary, totaling four hours.

Part II: The Secret History of the Sino-Indian Border War, which lasts for two hours.

Part III: The Secret History of the Sino-Soviet Border Conflict, which lasts for two hours.

Part IV: A Chronicle of the Sino-Vietnamese Border War, which lasted two hours.

"Chinese Army" large-scale TV series

In recent years, with the deepening of national defense and army reform, a series of documentaries about the modernization of the contemporary Chinese army have been broadcast on CCTV. However, at the turn of the century, on March 3, 2000, the large-scale television series "Chinese Army" was broadcast on CCTV's fourth program. This is the first large-scale documentary series that systematically displays the comprehensive construction and strong combat effectiveness of the Chinese armed forces since the founding of New China 50 years ago. It is the first authoritative work to understand and understand the Chinese army.

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲ The opening credits of "Chinese Army"

With the military's scientific and technological training as the main line and the representative combat units of various branches of the armed forces as the carrier, the film shows the achievements of the Chinese army at the turn of the century under modern high-tech conditions in an all-round and multi-angle manner. The film respectively introduces the development and evolution of various types of troops and academies, combat organization, weapons and equipment, and combat readiness training, and records wonderful scenes such as the Navy's guided-missile destroyers' long-distance voyages across the ocean, helicopters flying beyond the limit, Marines' island survival, long-range raid exercises for airborne troops, and missile launches.

"Chinese Army" was produced by China Huayi Audio-Visual Industry Co., Ltd., filmed and produced for two years, received guidance and support from the senior leading organs of the military and relevant troops, and hundreds of television workers and professional and technical personnel inside and outside the military participated in the production of the film. The film's commentary was independently completed by teacher Wu Junquan.

The TV documentary "Chinese Army" consists of 16 episodes, as follows:

Episode 1: The Chinese Army Toward the 21st Century

Episode 2: Honor Guard of the Three Services

Episode 3: Army Group

Episode 4: Army Aviation

Episode 5: Naval Destroyer Force

Episode 6: Naval Aviation

Episode Seven: Marine Corps

Episode 8: Air Force Aviation

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲ The first episode of the documentary "Chinese Army"

Episode 9: Paratroopers

Episode 10: Air Force Surface-to-Air Missile Unit

Episode 11: "Bayi" Air Show Team

Episode 12: Strategic Missile Forces

Episode 13: The Three Services Academy

Episode 14: Logistic Support Units

Episode 15: Troops in Hong Kong

Episode 16: The Division of Peace

"The Loud East" color documentary documentary

In 1999, the color documentary "Oriental Loud" produced by Bayi Film Studio was officially released. With detailed and little-known historical materials, this film comprehensively records the heroic achievements of a huge group of Chinese "two bombs and one star" entrepreneurs, and shows the brilliant achievements of "two bombs and one star" with vivid shots and touching stories. The film truly shows the painstaking efforts of the three generations of leaders of our party to China's "two bombs and one satellite" cause, and truly reflects the far-reaching impact of the success of the "two bombs and one satellite" on the future and destiny of the Chinese nation.

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲ "Oriental Loud" China's "two bombs and one star" record

On November 5, 1960, China's first imitation missile "Dongfeng-1" was successfully launched; at 15:00 on October 16, 1964, China's first atomic bomb exploded; on October 27, 1966, China's first missile nuclear test was successful; on June 17, 1967, at 8:00 a.m., China's first hydrogen bomb airburst test was successful; and on April 24, 1970, at 21:00, China's first artificial satellite was successfully launched. These precious and exciting historical moments are perfectly presented in this film.

This film quotes a large number of information shots that were first disclosed at that time, showing every moment of the construction of "two bombs and one star" for the audience and friends, as well as the characters and stories behind the hard struggle. At the end of the film, when the familiar names in the advisory team appear, we can't help but applaud them. Together with the vast number of "two bombs and one satellite" builders, they have supported the backbone of the republic and laid the most solid foundation for our status as a strong country. The film later won the Best Documentary Award at the 21st Golden Rooster Awards in 2001. The film is narrated by Wu Junquan and Rao Liqun.

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲ The team of consultants introduced at the end of the film, as well as the famous and unknown founders in the film, pay tribute to them

It is worth mentioning that the interpretation of the above four documentaries has been attended by teacher Wu Junquan. Mr. Wu Junquan is a voice actor and director of Bayi Film Studio (now retired), who has long been engaged in the dubbing of military teaching films and documentaries, and has also dubbed film and television works. Mr. Wu Junquan has served as the voice director of the movie "Moscow Defense War", also served as a narrator for the large-scale TV series "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and also served as the voice director of the epic film "Armageddon" of the Bayi Factory. He has dubbed hundreds of films and thousands of TV series, especially the dialect of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, and is a household name, known as the "wizard" of the film and television industry.

A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

▲ Teacher Wu Junquan, a prodigy in China's dubbing industry

The above is the basic situation of the four documentaries introduced this time, due to the short time and limited information, it cannot be introduced in more detail for everyone. If you are interested, these four documentaries can be searched on the Internet, and you can also purchase genuine CDs to watch. However, the clarity of the film is generally not high, after all, it is an old expansion pack.

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A work of conscience! Did the voice actors of Romance of the Three Kingdoms also voice the atomic bomb documentary?

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