
Continue the red bloodline to motivate to continue to move forward

author:Hulunbuir News

In recent days, the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech has aroused a warm response among the majority of party members and cadres in the city, and everyone has said that the spirit of the speech is encouraging and motivating, standing at a new starting point in history, we are full of excitement and morale, passionately start a new journey, and strive to write a new answer sheet.

Wang Wei, director of the Information Guidance Center of the Hulunbuir City Public Security Bureau

Continue the red bloodline to motivate to continue to move forward

Over the past hundred years, Chinese communists have worked hard, adhered to the truth, adhered to ideals, practiced their original intentions, undertaken their missions, were not afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle, were loyal to the party and did not live up to the people, and created brilliant achievements. As a communist party member and people's policeman, I was deeply touched after listening to the general secretary's important speech. The people, the root of the country also. In the endless tide of history, the Communist Party of China has always stood at the forefront of the tide of the times, relying on "everything for the people, everything depends on the people." The people's public security comes from the people, is rooted in the people, serves the people, and always keeps the people's safety and danger and "urgent difficulties and expectations" in mind. Putting the people in the highest position in their hearts and adhering to the supremacy of the people is the eternal proposition of the times of the people's public security. After a hundred years and prosperity, full of vicissitudes and endless life. The vigilance soul will never change, and the police emblem will always be to the party. Adhering to the unswerving original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists, no matter when, we are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice; no matter where we are, we are willing to make selfless contributions.

Deng Yaokun, political instructor of the Hulunbuir Squadron of the Hulunbuir Detachment of the Armed Police

Continue the red bloodline to motivate to continue to move forward

By studying the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, I am deeply proud, inspired and multiplying my motivation. As a communist party member or a soldier, we must regard the study of the spirit of President Xi's important speech as the most important political task at present, so that it can be internalized in the heart and external words in deeds. In the future, I will certainly conscientiously study the party's innovative theories, constantly enhance my ideological awareness, consciously base myself on my own post, and shoulder the mission and responsibility of being a soldier, leading soldiers to fight, and training soldiers to fight wars. Turn loyalty and faith in the party into an inexhaustible driving force for taking root in the frontier and working hard, and contribute to the march of a strong army.

Wang Yiming, deputy captain of the first team on duty at the Hailar Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station

Continue the red bloodline to motivate to continue to move forward

General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC fondly recalled the glorious course of the CPC's century-long struggle, highly appraised the great achievements created by the CPC in uniting and leading the Chinese people over the past hundred years, systematically expounded the "nine musts" of taking history as a mirror and creating the future, and issued a new era call to all Chinese Communist Party members. As an immigration management policeman, I will always bear in mind the important instruction of the general secretary's speech to "always inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building", shoulder my mission on the new road of catching up with the examination, and strive to create new achievements worthy of the party, history, and people.

Continue the red bloodline to motivate to continue to move forward

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Our party comes from the people

The foundation and blood of the party are in the people

Always with the people

Fight for the interests of the people

It is the fundamental starting point for our party to build the party and revitalize the party and strengthen the party

And the children of Hulunbuir

Pay tribute to the great Communist Party of China with a sincere confession

Reporter: Xue Ning/Wen BurenTao Tao Hu Saihan Li Shuobin/Pictures, video shooting and production