
What to Do at Home Series: Vampire Movies – Immortal Grief

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Vampires are supernatural creatures in Western legends who can survive for a long time by drinking the blood of humans or other creatures. In recent years, with the continuous adaptation of novels, movies, and popular culture, the common image of vampires has gradually evolved into a kind of fantasy creatures that must be blood-sucking to maintain their vitality, nocturnal, and have supernatural powers, which are usually evil. Today Xiaobian recommends several vampire movies for everyone to see.

Vampire zombies have been in a state of horror for four hundred years

What to Do at Home Series: Vampire Movies – Immortal Grief

Four Hundred Years of Vampire Zombie Thrillers, aka (Thrill Four Hundred Years) is a horror film directed by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Gary Oldman, Winona Red, Keanu Levis, and others. Adapted from Bram Stoker's vampire novel Dracula, the film tells the story of Dracula, the Earl of Dracula, who became a vampire due to the suicide of his lover and was eventually redeemed.

Four hundred years of ups and downs, Dracula quietly waited, waiting for the day when the princess was reborn, from 1496 to 1896, the zombies were hidden in the silent castle, waiting for the arrival of hope, the beautiful princess was his eternal confidence, but although the princess was reborn, she could not communicate with it, and the ghost was different, and love would become helpless. In distant London, her beloved princess is about to get married, and Dracula ventures out of the castle on which she depends and crosses the sea to her lover. He sucks blood at night and transforms into a beautiful man during the day, and he conveys to his lover the love that has been hidden for 400 years. The lover woke up, and there seemed to be this man in the depths of her memory, but when and where was it? No one would tell her other than the vampire zombies who loved her. The meeting of lovers is also a breakup, the human path and the ghost path are no different, the people in the world advocate love, but no one likes zombies, so the chase and interception began. The zombie who lost his energy gradually grew old, but the love still lasted forever, and his body was dripping with sword wounds, but the sword wounds were even more painful!

In the castle, as the sun sets, Dracula dies smiling in the arms of his lover. The intestinal love myth makes people hide their faces and sigh, and behind the ugly vampire zombies is the figure of an infatuated man. Don't talk about any more mountain alliances and sea oaths, don't talk about flowers before the moon, as long as any man in the world has the determination to love his lover for a hundred years, it will be amazing. 400 years? That's a perverted guy, and someone would always say that.

Night interview with vampires

What to Do at Home Series: Vampire Movies – Immortal Grief

Interview with the Vampire is a fantasy film directed by Neil Jordan and starring Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Kirsten Dunst. Adapted from the novel of the same name, the film tells the story of the owner of the manor, Louis, who is in pain after the loss of his wife and daughter, and meets the vampire Lestat, who is bent on teaching Louis to become a vampire.

Powerful and lonely, Lester has no empathy for human beings in his heart, only seeing them as delicious food, and choosing young and beautiful girls to suck blood. One day, however, he meets Louis, a farmer who has just lost his wife and daughter and is in pain. Louis has a face that is no less than a vampire, handsome and full of manhood, so that Lester is trapped in the fate of the first sight, and can never escape the bond with each other.

The film deals implicitly with same-sex feelings, but more often than not, explores the human nature of loneliness. In the struggle of restraint and wantonness, some people choose to indulge in selfish desires, some people adhere to social morality, and what kind of person we become is our own choice, but loneliness is like a tulle wrapped around us from beginning to end.

Van Helsing

What to Do at Home Series: Vampire Movies – Immortal Grief

Van Helsing is a thriller directed by Stephen Sommers and starring Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roussburg, and others. The film tells the story of Van Helsing's journey to Eastern Europe, the home of the vampire Count Dracula, at the end of the 19th century to hunt down evil forces that have plagued the local area.

Sniper hunter Van Helsing fights werewolves, vampires, Frankensteins, steam technology and magic mixed, the special effects are beautiful and dark, cold, and the scene is magnificent.

Steampunk films present audiences with a unique world of technology and magic, novelty and tradition. The steampunk worldview places a strong emphasis on technology and culture in parallel or futuristic worlds, while absorbing Elements of Victorian technology. Steampunk films have a long history, and such films still appear irregularly in the world film industry.

Bloodthirsty dawn

What to Do at Home Series: Vampire Movies – Immortal Grief

Bloodthirsty Dawn is a 2009 sci-fi horror film by Lionsgate Films, directed by director Michael Sperry and starring Ethan Hawke, William Dafoe, and Isabelle Lucas. The film tells the story of Edward Dalton who meets the human Audrey Bennett in an accident, through which she meets Avis, who miraculously transforms from a vampire to a human in an accident, and through the joint efforts of the three, finds a way to change from a vampire to a human.

The heavy iron door opened, and the living finally came out of the terrible hell on earth. Under the blazing sun, corpses and limbs were strewn all over the ground, thick blood spread and flowed on the dirty cement floor, and one shocking and unbearable human tragedy continued to be staged, and the warm sun, blue sky and pure white clouds set off the tragic intensity of the tragedy that was taking place on the earth. What is human nature?

The last fifteen minutes of the film left me with a long haze in my heart, the plasma all over the screen, all kinds of harsh flesh-biting sounds, and the heavy fear that weighed down on me.

Tales of the Night

What to Do at Home Series: Vampire Movies – Immortal Grief

Tales of the Night is a science fiction film directed by Len Wiseman and starring Kate Beckinsale, Scott Spitman, and Michael Sim. There are five films in total, namely "Tales of the Night 1", "Tales of the Night 2: Evolution", "Tales of the Night 3: The Rise of the Wolf Clan", "Tales of the Night 4: Awakening", and "Tales of the Night 5: Blood War". The film tells the story of the vampires with aristocratic temperament and the ferocious and savage werewolves who look for opportunities to kill each other in the dark night all the time, and a big war is about to break out.

"Legend of the Night" more or less borrows from the blade warrior in the story, and the overall style is also somewhat imitated, but the thick dark elements plus a little thrilling suspense have also formed their own characteristics. The skinny little leather jacket has become the classic image of this collection. The darker approach provided a lot of inspiration for later suspense thrillers.

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