
Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand

author:Hey fashion

Whenever we talk about goddesses, there are some names that are always mentioned repeatedly. There is no doubt that the entertainment industry is a place rich in goddesses. But is there another possibility for the definition of a goddess? People are beautiful and kind, iq is superior, business ability max, business surprise everyone, quiet when not working, debut for many years zero scandals, personal practice to do charity, really do it, without any show and adulteration. Such female artists give a richer and fuller definition of the word goddess. Yi Liyuan is such a being.

Debut for many years, Yi Liyuan has maintained zero scandals and zero hype, because when she is not in business, she is busy cultivating herself and doing charity, and there is no time to speculate. As a famous young singer, Yi Liyuan has always practiced the transmission of great love with her singing. In 2015, Yi Liyuan sang the public welfare performance season and was invited to participate in the public welfare performance "To the People"; in 2017, Yi Liyuan actively participated in the national precision poverty alleviation cause, and joined hands with the famous songwriter Song Qingsong and the young composer Meng Wenhao to compose and sing the public welfare song "Step by Step" for atulier Village (Cliff Village) in Zhaojue County, Daliangshan, Sichuan, hoping to spread more positive energy through the power of music, calling on more social people to give more love and help to these special groups and solve the problem of the "Cliff Village" road. Use music to awaken the light of hope in "Cliff Village"; in 2018, Yi Liyuan was invited to attend the Spring Festival Gala of overseas Chinese and Chinese, singing the theme song of the China Overseas Chinese Charity Foundation "Meet the Light" to help the national public welfare undertakings.

Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand
Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand
Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand

In May this year, the 18th China Charity List Awards Ceremony was held in Qingdao, and Yi Liyuan was awarded the annual Charity Promotion Ambassador, which is the second time she has been listed on the China Charity List. As early as 2018, Yi Liyuan was awarded the Annual Charity Star Award of the China Charity List. Over the years, she has been focusing on the development of philanthropy and has contributed to it by example. This year, Yi Liyuan once again appeared on the China Charity List and won the annual charity promotion ambassador. Earlier, the sudden rainstorm in Henan caused flooding, the masses were affected, and the disaster touched everyone's heart. Although Yi Liyuan could not participate in the flood relief, she donated 100,000 yuan to Henan for the first time and prayed for Henan's blessings, hoping that the people of Henan would be safe. I have to sigh that Yi Liyuan is really a person who has both love and positive energy.

Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand

Yi Liyuan has been awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Literary and Art Volunteer" by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Special Contribution Award of the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation, the honorary title of "Love Ambassador" by the China Overseas Chinese Charity Foundation, the honorary title of "Belt and Road" Image Ambassador, and the Annual Charity Star of the China Charity List. These honors are well deserved for Eliyuan. On the road of public welfare, Yi Liyuan silently paid time and energy to dedicate her love to help those vulnerable groups, which was recognized by everyone and society. Through her influence, she makes more people feel warmth and hope, assumes social responsibility with public welfare and good deeds, and practices her mission and responsibility in a unique way of artists. Yi Liyuan's contribution to public welfare is not just as simple as singing, she will donate money and materials, she will personally go to those places that need help, experience their lives, truly understand them, see what aspects of help they need, and use their own actions to practice their own public welfare road.

Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand
Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand
Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand

As a singer, Yi Liyuan sang for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people, and was known as the most beautiful "cross-border singer"; as an associate professor and master tutor of the Communication University of China, she taught according to her aptitude, took root in the pulpit, and preached and taught to solve puzzles. Since last year, Yi Liyuan's many titles have added one more - the cultural promotion messenger of the Winter Olympics. Since being awarded the title of Ambassador of Winter Olympic Culture Promotion, she has personally interpreted the culture of the Winter Olympics, spread the spirit of the Winter Olympics, and awakened everyone's Olympic dreams for the Olympic Games.

In 2020, Yi Liyuan, along with Jackie Chan, Lang Lang, Yang Yang and Wang Yibo, was awarded the title of "Winter Olympic Cultural Promotion Ambassador" by the Organizing Committee of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. In order to promote the culture of the Winter Olympics, Yi Liyuan has participated in: the Winter Olympic Mascot Launch, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Countdown 1000 Days Theme Concert, was invited to "Meet With One Heart" to the first anniversary of the countdown to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, and attended the launching ceremony of the global recruitment of Winter Olympic Volunteers...

Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand
Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand

In addition, Yi Liyuan has also recorded the first domestic Winter Olympics theme variety show, in the Beijing Satellite TV Winter Olympic venues large-scale live music show "Winter Dream Covenant", to promote the Winter Olympic venues, explore the Shougang Ski Jump, experience the equipment team work of the National Alpine Ski Center, visit the National Snowmobile Bobsleigh Center, sing the Winter Olympic theme songs, etc., and personally promote the Winter Olympic culture. In the special program of CCTV's "High-speed Rail to the Winter Olympics", Yi Liyuan, as a messenger of the promotion of Winter Olympic culture, introduced the story of the Winter Olympic venues and once again personally promoted the Winter Olympic culture.

Yi Liyuan has been committed to the development of public welfare undertakings for many years, silently paying without asking for returns, funding children in poor areas and families, carrying out condolence performances in the old revolutionary areas, and donating to support young talents to start a business... I have to say that the beauty of people's kindness and heart is Yi Liyuan, doing public welfare, Yi Liyuan is serious.

Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand
Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand
Debut for many years zero scandals, people are beautiful and kind, scholar-type singer Yi Liyuan to understand

I remember in an interview, when Teacher Yi Liyuan was asked what other recreational activities she usually had besides work, she said, "In addition to participating in the party and acting, the rest of the time is studying, teaching and doing scientific research." There was simply no extra time to entertain, and sometimes I slept four or five hours a day when I was busy, and my time was squeezed out like a sponge."

I know that Teacher Yi Liyuan is still an associate professor and master tutor of the Communication University of China, and when other people are playing and vacationing after work, Teacher Yi has begun to study, without any festivals and holidays, basically all year round. She has long been committed to the study of vocal performance, stage practice, film and television music communication, etc., and the students she has guided have won many awards in competitions at home and abroad. No wonder netizens have said that "although Teacher Yi Liyuan spans various fields, she has done well and done wonderfully in each field." Worthy of being a vocal educator and singer of virtue and art! ”

I have to sigh, time is really for people who know how to manage and have self-discipline, others are doing a good job of one thing in a lifetime, only self-disciplined people will be three lifetimes in a lifetime, this is the gap between people.

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