
From "The Legend of the Demon Cat" and "White Snake" to "New Nezha", the dubbing also has a sense of achievement 丨 Dialogue Yang Tianxiang

author:Beijing News

Directed by Zhao Ji and voiced by Yang Tianxiang, the Spring Festival animated film "New God List: Nezha Rebirth" (hereinafter referred to as "Nezha Rebirth") is being screened. The film was created by the original team of "White Snake: Origins" over a period of four years, the ancient gods to the modern era, the first battle of the new god universe, especially the protagonist "Nezha" Li Yunxiang in the film left a deep impression on everyone, the reason why this role can be portrayed very well, the actor Yang Tianxiang who voiced this role is indispensable.

Yang Tianxiang is a post-90s generation who has voiced the Japanese monk Kukai in the film "The Legend of the Demon Cat" and Xu Xuan in "White Snake: Origins". For this time to dub "Nezha" Li Yunxiang, he has an incredible feeling, because of his love for the national animation, but also because of the trust in the light chasing animation: "In fact, after dubbing for "White Snake: Origins", I have always liked to cooperate with the light chasing animation, the most important thing is their animation technology, just like director Zhao Ji himself, we are all 'Xicheng boys' in Beijing, the communication is particularly pleasant, a lot of ideas especially touch our excitement, I have no reason to refuse. ”

From "The Legend of the Demon Cat" and "White Snake" to "New Nezha", the dubbing also has a sense of achievement 丨 Dialogue Yang Tianxiang

Yang Tianxiang has voiced Xu Xuan in White Snake: Origins and the Japanese monk Kukai in The Legend of the Demon Cat.

Yang Tianxiang said that he did not think that he could voice Nezha, and since he encountered this opportunity, he would definitely seize it. This time, "New Nezha" Li Yunxiang broke through the image of the traditional child Nezha and transformed into a modern punk youth, whether it is a short leather jacket or a red armor transformed by a Chinese bright light armor, which reflects his hot blood attributes. For how to interpret this role in the dubbing, Yang Tianxiang said: "Like Li Yunxiang's original and accurate role, before completing it, I will inadvertently think about how to express it, in fact, when I enter the studio, I must go all out to concentrate on doing it, and when I do not enter the studio, it is also a very valuable time for our voice actors." When creating a character, even if you are resting and doing things that may be completely unrelated to the play, your subconscious will always work, will absorb a lot of the nutrition in life autonomously, and when you next record, you will suddenly find that you have a lot of inspiration to dedicate to this role, which is my creative state. ”

From "The Legend of the Demon Cat" and "White Snake" to "New Nezha", the dubbing also has a sense of achievement 丨 Dialogue Yang Tianxiang

"New Nezha" Li Yunxiang broke through the traditional image of the child Nezha.

In the interview, Yang Tianxiang mentioned the "sense of achievement moment" of the dubbing profession: "For example, when I finished dubbing and walked out of the studio, the crew looked at me with a smile and said, thank you, I added glory to our role, at that time I thought it was really good to help people complete a play." At the same time, he also mentioned that doing dubbing is definitely not easy to do: "Doing this industry is more and more trembling, like walking on thin ice, and the more you do it, the more you feel that you can't be careless." Because the more you dig, the more you know that some of them are not enough fun and difficulties for outsiders, and there is no end to improving dubbing. There are also a lot of things behind the voice actor that everyone can't see, because when he gets a role, he must understand it like a real actor, to understand what the director wants to express. There is also a particularly important link, that is, the voice actor needs to have a particularly strong curiosity about the people and things around him without character creation, instinctive imitation behavior, and speculative psychological behavior, which will bring a lot of (material) accumulation to himself. ”


Strive to show emotions in the sound of rigid hot blood

Beijing News: What special preparations need to be made for dubbing Li Yunxiang's character?

Yang Tianxiang: The only mandatory requirement that the director mentioned to me this time is to portray Li Yunxiang as a real person, to shape him into a big boy that everyone can meet in life, so that the audience feels that he is an ordinary person. So we don't use the inherent feeling of matching cartoons, which is a very challenging thing in pure original domestic animation. Not only does it have dramatic tension, but at the same time makes the audience feel that it is a real-life sound, and the whole film needs to use this standard to accurately and fully express Li Yunxiang's emotions.

Beijing News: For you, an experienced voice actor, is this a huge challenge?

Yang Tianxiang: Except for some details, this is the biggest challenge, but I will not find it difficult, because my voice conditions are relatively simple, not particularly gorgeous, and there is also a feeling of ordinary people. So I'm more trying to show emotions in the sound of rigid blood, which needs to be polished again and again, and we do it with the director.

From "The Legend of the Demon Cat" and "White Snake" to "New Nezha", the dubbing also has a sense of achievement 丨 Dialogue Yang Tianxiang

Yang Tianxiang

Beijing News: Some viewers have given you a high evaluation of your voice, but you actually think that this time the voice is not "gorgeous"?

Yang Tianxiang: People sometimes think that my voice is good, and I am particularly grateful in my heart, and at the same time, I also understand that in addition to liking my voice, people may like more about the emotions I convey. Because in fact, when I entered the industry, many teachers made me realize that your voice conditions are not particularly good, and if you want to survive in the industry, you must strengthen your play, and your language must be infectious. If your voice conditions do not scratch your ears, the play is no longer infectious, it is difficult to survive. When you get into the play, you will find that the play is really fun, and the deeper you do it, the more accurate your expression of emotions may become.

Beijing News: You have dubbed many types of movies, is animation your favorite genre?

Yang Tianxiang: I can only say that I am a particularly lucky person, just in the strong rise of the national comics into the dubbing industry, but also particularly lucky to be able to complete a lot of national comics roles, this is absolutely happy, but also feel that I am a witness to the rise of the industry (laughs).

Beijing News reporter Zhou Huixiaowan

Edited by Huang Jialing Proofreader Wei Zhuo

Source: Beijing News

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