
I do practical things for the masses丨 Study party history and see practical results! This time, Shaanxi Daily paid attention to... note! Qinhan New City set up a 24-hour nucleic acid testing point for grapes, wine, tea... Qinhan products debuted at the Agricultural High School! Yang Zhanwen inspected the epidemic prevention and control work

author:Xixian New Area Qinhan New City
I do practical things for the masses丨 Study party history and see practical results! This time, Shaanxi Daily paid attention to... note! Qinhan New City set up a 24-hour nucleic acid testing point for grapes, wine, tea... Qinhan products debuted at the Agricultural High School! Yang Zhanwen inspected the epidemic prevention and control work
I do practical things for the masses丨 Study party history and see practical results! This time, Shaanxi Daily paid attention to... note! Qinhan New City set up a 24-hour nucleic acid testing point for grapes, wine, tea... Qinhan products debuted at the Agricultural High School! Yang Zhanwen inspected the epidemic prevention and control work

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"The wide application of tax big data has provided great help for taxpayers and payers to accurately enjoy preferential tax policies." In the "100 Party Members Tell Tax Stories" propaganda activity, Cui Yongchao, a tax cadre of the State Administration of Taxation's Xixian New Area Qinhan New Town Taxation Bureau, said.

I do practical things for the masses丨 Study party history and see practical results! This time, Shaanxi Daily paid attention to... note! Qinhan New City set up a 24-hour nucleic acid testing point for grapes, wine, tea... Qinhan products debuted at the Agricultural High School! Yang Zhanwen inspected the epidemic prevention and control work

In the process of in-depth promotion of party history study and education, the Qinhan New Town Taxation Bureau conscientiously implemented the work deployment of the Party Committee of the State Administration of Taxation, the Provincial Bureau, and the District Bureau, centered on the goal and requirement of "learning party history, enlightening the mind, doing practical things, and opening up a new bureau", strengthened the mission responsibility, insisted on performing duties, and on the basis of the previous labor model studio, combined with the characteristics of the tax work in Qinhan New Town, continuously upgraded the tax big data innovation studio led by Cui Yongchao, an advanced worker in the country, and created a "horse racing platform" in the General Bureau for 5 times. The party history study and education column is displayed nationwide, giving full play to the role of labor model demonstration and radiation leadership, and effectively providing better and more efficient tax payment services for taxpayers in the jurisdiction.

Highlight the labor model effect To learn advanced daily

"Learn from Old Cui!" This phrase has become a mantra in the Qinhan New Town Taxation Bureau.

I do practical things for the masses丨 Study party history and see practical results! This time, Shaanxi Daily paid attention to... note! Qinhan New City set up a 24-hour nucleic acid testing point for grapes, wine, tea... Qinhan products debuted at the Agricultural High School! Yang Zhanwen inspected the epidemic prevention and control work

In particular, since the study and education of party history was launched, the vast number of cadres and workers of the Qinhan New City Taxation Bureau have consciously strived to be the most beautiful taxpayers in various ways, such as talking about their feelings, fulfilling their promises, and setting an example; they have aroused the enthusiasm of officials in starting a business from top to bottom in the overall situation; they have created a strong atmosphere of respecting labor, advocating labor models, and studying advanced.

Since the establishment of the "Tax Big Data Innovation Studio" of the Qinhan New Town Taxation Bureau, a number of expert, skilled, and practical tax talents have been trained, and a number of advanced models have emerged, such as the Second Section of Taxation and Administration of the Civilized Post of Shaanxi Province, Liu Lu, the "May 1st Pacesetter", and Hu Tao, an "Outstanding Communist Party Member". A total of 1 cadre was selected as a tax leading talent, 3 cadres were rated as tax model talents, 4 cadres obtained tax accountant qualifications, 4 cadres were selected into the professional talent pool of the provincial bureau, and 6 cadres won the title of "post expert".

Tax reduction and fee reduction is the key work of the tax system in recent years, and doing a good job in the analysis of tax reduction and fee reduction is an important aspect of better serving local economic development and doing a good job in accurately implementing policies. The "Tax Big Data Innovation Studio" of the Qinhan New City Taxation Bureau implements the "one household, one policy" management for the tax situation of key tax source enterprises in the jurisdiction, and promotes the pillar tax sources to become bigger and stronger with a unique "tax big database + personalized management" method.

"Quick response", "simple procedure" and "paste it", Cui Yongchao's nine-character true scripture of tax reduction and fee reduction was preached in the national tax system "as your most beautiful" activity, the propaganda video was displayed on the platform of learning and rejuvenating taxation, and the deed materials were published in "China Taxation" and received wide acclaim.

Focus on tax-related blockages and dedicate yourself to serving taxpayers

The Qinhan New Town Taxation Bureau insists on taking taxpayers as the center, and in the study and education of party history, the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" and the key work of the provincial bureau "tax housekeeper" service work are arranged and deployed synchronously.

I do practical things for the masses丨 Study party history and see practical results! This time, Shaanxi Daily paid attention to... note! Qinhan New City set up a 24-hour nucleic acid testing point for grapes, wine, tea... Qinhan products debuted at the Agricultural High School! Yang Zhanwen inspected the epidemic prevention and control work

2021 is the year of the National Games, and the equestrian and BMX events are held in Qinhan New Town. Qinhan New Town Taxation Bureau "Tax Big Data Innovation Studio" accurately docked the construction project of the 14th Games, set up a tax professional service talent detachment, through the "tax chief housekeeper + professional service team + daily tax housekeeper" trinity talent service system, the implementation of all-round, full-process, accurate butler-style tax payment services, to promote preferential policies direct enjoyment, convenient handling of excellent experience, classified services to solve problems, to ensure that key projects to provide "one enterprise, one policy" personalized answers, accurate solutions to problems, a number of media publicity and reports on this.

The first tax office of the "National Workers Pioneer" of the Qinhan New City Taxation Bureau is the forefront of the innovation studio to serve taxpayers and payers. Combined with the "learn from labor models" activity, the cadres of the First Taxation Institute used new technologies such as the Internet + taxation to innovate and implement a series of grounded service measures such as three-level tax guidance, special mailing, and "contactless" tax handling, which not only realized "running at most once", but also extended "running at most once" to "not running once". With smart taxation and "worry-free invoicing" to help market players add vitality, it has promoted the in-depth development of key business environment tasks such as "contactless" tax handling from the details.

In order to solve the problem of "financing difficulties and expensive financing" for small and micro enterprises, the tax big data innovation studio combined with the actual situation of the jurisdictional tax, bank and enterprise, tailor-made low-cost, efficient, safe and convenient bill financing products - the province's first tax easy loan product "tax E sticker", for nearly 100 taxpayers and payers in the jurisdiction to solve the urgent need for lack of funds.

Innovate tax management around the reform of collection and management

In the process of deepening the reform of "decentralization service", the "Tax Big Data Innovation Studio" of the Qinhan New Town Taxation Bureau has created a tax service model of "one site and multiple photos" commercial secretary library, and established a tax service project with the characteristics of the pilot free trade zone, which has been copied and promoted by the province.

I do practical things for the masses丨 Study party history and see practical results! This time, Shaanxi Daily paid attention to... note! Qinhan New City set up a 24-hour nucleic acid testing point for grapes, wine, tea... Qinhan products debuted at the Agricultural High School! Yang Zhanwen inspected the epidemic prevention and control work

At the same time, the studio broke down the barriers of human resources and social security, taxation, market supervision, entry and exit and other departments, and jointly built a "global cloud" gig maker sharing service platform, which not only realized the timely payment of flexible employees' wages, but also solved the collection of relatively scattered tax sources. The project was listed by the Ministry of Commerce as one of the "best practice cases" of the national pilot project of deepening the innovation and development of trade in services, and was replicated and promoted nationwide.

Since the launch of the party history study and education, the tax big data innovation studio has taken "grasping innovation is to grasp development, seeking innovation is to seek the future" as its purpose, paying attention to the superposition of innovative elements and resources, timely sending the latest tax policies to innovative enterprises one-to-one and point-to-point, and using a series of preferential tax reduction and fee reduction policies, so that a large number of scientific and technological innovation enterprises such as Yuguo Biological, Dietec, Sanyi Youyan, and Okayun have run out of the "acceleration" of innovative development on the Wuling Plain, providing strong support for the high-quality development of the driving industry in Qinhan New Town. In the new economic field, a unique Qin and Han advantage has been formed, which has converged into a new growth pole for regional economic development.

Text: He Tian Wan Bao Chain Song Qian

Editor: Xiao Wang 丨 Review: Deng Junxin

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<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > this time, Shaanxi Daily paid attention to...</h1>

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > Attention! Qinhan New City set up a 24-hour nucleic acid testing point</h1>

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > grapes, wine, tea... Qinhan products debuted at the Agricultural High School! </h1>

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > Yang Zhanwen inspected the epidemic prevention and control work</h1>

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