
"Tokyo Noble Woman": The most unworthy "expensive" for women is to marry a "good family" 01, Yoshiko: self-reliant expensive 02, Xiangle: the expensive skill 03, Miki: transparent expensive

author:Orange Little Book
"Tokyo Noble Woman": The most unworthy "expensive" for women is to marry a "good family" 01, Yoshiko: self-reliant expensive 02, Xiangle: the expensive skill 03, Miki: transparent expensive

The family is well-off, tall and handsome, gentlemanly and courteous, hard-working, age-appropriate, and satisfied parents.

If such a man proposed to you, would you agree?

In the new work "Tokyo Noble Woman" by popular Japanese writer Mariko Yamauchi, a twenty-seven-year-old Tokyo girl, Hanako Harunahara, agrees. Although Hanako also had some uncertainty in her heart, her hatred for marriage and the urging of her family overshadowed this uncertainty, and after only two months of dating the golden bachelor Aoki Koichiro, she agreed to Koichiro's marriage proposal.

In the eyes of others and family members, Hanako and Koichiro, is a talented woman, is a match made in heaven, although Hanako has hesitated in her heart, but also thinks so, she has been educated since she was a child is to find a good family to teach her son, the Aoki family is in line with this standard, the performance of Koichiro before marriage is also impeccable, and Koichiro, or what the Aoki family needs, is just like her, gentle and virtuous, not strong, and can also provide a good educational background for children.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Koichiro never considered Miki Tokioka, who had been in love with him for many years.

"Tokyo Noble Woman": The most unworthy "expensive" for women is to marry a "good family" 01, Yoshiko: self-reliant expensive 02, Xiangle: the expensive skill 03, Miki: transparent expensive

Unlike Hanako, Miki was born in a small city, her parents were not friendly, she did not graduate from college, and she also worked in the Kazezuki place, which was not a marriage partner for Koichiro and the Aoki family.

There is no doubt that Hanako is an aristocratic woman in the traditional sense, born in a wealthy family in Tokyo, with a good face, graduated from a prestigious university, and although the Haruhara family is not as well-off as the Aoki family, Hanako's eating and wearing are also of high standard. If there is a deficiency, it is probably that she resigned when she was preparing to introduce her ex-boyfriend to her family, but was abandoned by her ex-boyfriend, and the state of not having a job made her a little inferior, but also made her frequently disliked in the blind date market, until the appearance of Koichiro. And the combination with Koichiro added another enviable nobility to her: the consummation of marriage.

But is reality really that beautiful? The answer is no.

Not to mention that when interacting with Hanako, Koichiro also maintained close contact with Miki, just to say that Koichiro's grandfather's investigation of the Harunahara family, Koichiro's mother's attitude of "listening to me in everything", and Koichiro's "no heart" before marriage and estrangement after marriage are all foreshadowings that Hanako's life will not be happy. The marriage with Koichiro is like a fine porcelain, which is beautiful in the eyes of outsiders, but What Hanako feels is cold and fragile.

Understanding this, Huazi resolutely filed for divorce in spite of everyone's opposition just over a year after marriage, and then found her own value by acting as an agent for her good friend Xiangle Yizi and began to truly live for herself.

At the beginning of the story, the reason why Huazi wants to marry herself out is that in her living environment and ideological concepts, marrying and having children and taking good care of the family is the way a woman should go, And Huazi's grandmother often said that girls in society will become smooth, and even warned Hanako not to be too serious about work. It was only later that she suffered from marriage that Huazi woke up: the one who can let herself live the life she wants is not marriage, nor is it a man, but only herself. In her body, there is the nobility of birth, the nobility of appearance, the nobility of academic qualifications, and the nobility of breaking after awakening, so why should she care so much about the nobility that is touted by others: marrying a good family.

"Tokyo Noble Woman": The most unworthy "expensive" for women is to marry a "good family" 01, Yoshiko: self-reliant expensive 02, Xiangle: the expensive skill 03, Miki: transparent expensive

Privately, the author Yamauchi Mariko set the title of the book as "Tokyo Noble Woman", and what he wants to describe is not only the honor of external conditions such as women's status and status, but also the honor of some other inner character, in addition to the heroine Haruna Hachiko, several other women who appear, they have many valuable characters.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >01, Yaozi: Self-reliant gui</h1>

Yoshiko makes very few appearances and is Hanako's manicurist.

Since she was a child, Huazi has had a bad problem of biting her nails, which is a bad problem that her mother can never tolerate, and Of course, Huazi knows that this is not good, but she has not been able to find a good way to solve it.

It was Yaozi, who used only a small diamond to easily solve the problem that had plagued Hanako and her mother for a long time. It can also be seen from this matter that Yaozi is good at solving problems in her professional field, and her work ability is very strong, in addition, Yaozi has a very accurate grasp of people's hearts, and can always see Hanako's heart at a glance, which is an important criterion for a woman who runs an independent nail salon to win the favor of customers.

Compared with Huazi, Yaozi's appearance conditions are not satisfactory, there is no prominent family lineage, no background of famous schools, her husband works in a trading company, Yaozi just started to do publicity in relatives' companies, and then liked nail art, she quit her job to study abroad for a period of time, and after returning to China, she worked for a few years before opening her own shop, and after several years of accumulation, she slowly had the current results.

Yaozi's life, like an upgrade to fight monsters, but also like climbing a peak, from the decision to resign to learn nail art, she is very clear about her next road to go, such a life, it seems to be much harder than Huazi's life, but it is extremely hot and vivid.

"Tokyo Noble Woman": The most unworthy "expensive" for women is to marry a "good family" 01, Yoshiko: self-reliant expensive 02, Xiangle: the expensive skill 03, Miki: transparent expensive

Born in the countryside and only has a secondary school education, these two things are the points that Zhao Liying has been ridiculed the most from becoming popular to today, and it is precisely because of these two points that I especially appreciate her, and how loud the ridicule is, it means how difficult it is for her to go all the way. But she rarely defended herself, only silently doing her job as an actor, using one work after another to block the mouth of Yo-Yo, and at the same time giving hope to people who were in a similar situation with her.

In essence, Yaozi and Zhao Liying are the same kind of people, using their own self-reliance to break out of the sky, and also using self-reliance to win the respect of others.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >02, Xiangle: The expensive skill</h1>

Xiangle is Hanako's friend from elementary school to high school, but also the promoter of the whole story, without Xiangle, Many of Hanako's hearts are not told, and will not know the existence of Miki Tokioka, it can be said that Xiangle is the same existence as the military division and bodyguards around Hanako.

Although Xiangle has lived in the same living environment as Hanako since she was a child, she is much more sober and frank than Hanako, and I think that in addition to family education, it is also because Xiangle has her foundation: the violin.

Violin let Xiangle have its own income, do not have to be attached to her family like Huazi, so that she never has to doubt her own value, but also let her see the wider world, no longer worry about a little thing in life, violin for Xiangle, is the need to persist for a lifetime, but also a thing that can give her feedback for a lifetime.

An epidemic in early 2020 caused many people to lose their jobs, but some people never worried that they would be laid off, and some people found jobs quickly after being laid off, but the reason is that they have skills that others cannot replace.

"Tokyo Noble Woman": The most unworthy "expensive" for women is to marry a "good family" 01, Yoshiko: self-reliant expensive 02, Xiangle: the expensive skill 03, Miki: transparent expensive

My husband is a programmer, and he told me before that the market for programmers is getting worse and worse, the demand is shrinking, and there are rumors that programmers will be replaced by machines sooner or later. Yes, the machine can sort the express, the assembly line is fully automated, the convenience store can also pay for itself, who can guarantee that their work will never be replaced?

So does this mean that even if you have a skill, you can't make yourself live well? Of course not.

Xiao Yuan is a blogger I have been following for a long time, her job is a finance, amateur writing articles on the Internet, in this epidemic, their company failed to carry down, in early May announced the closure, Xiao Yuan said that at the beginning of their own panic, married and not pregnant she did not know whether there is anyone to find a job, but looked at the income of their various platforms, immediately did not panic, adjusted the mentality after the full dedication to creation, this month down, although there is still some gap between the income and the previous salary, but also let her see hope.

Even in the Internet age, where every minute and every second is changing, there is a skill that will never become obsolete, that is, to update your skills at any time to adapt yourself to the ever-changing nature of society and the market, just like the small circle, can not find a financial job, then writing is also a good choice, rather than tying yourself to one thing.

Xiangle later became a freelance violinist, and after Hanako's divorce, she lived in Xiangle's apartment and became an agent for Xiangle, and the two of them worked together to make Xiangle's career flourish, which also drew a complete end to the whole story.

"Tokyo Noble Woman": The most unworthy "expensive" for women is to marry a "good family" 01, Yoshiko: self-reliant expensive 02, Xiangle: the expensive skill 03, Miki: transparent expensive

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >03, Miki: transparent expensive</h1>

If according to the time, Hanako is the third person in the relationship between Miki and Yukiichiro, but when she learned of The existence of Hanako from Sagaraku's mouth, she was shocked at the beginning, and soon regained her sanity, and also generously shared with Sagara about her story with Yukihiro over the years, and after talking with Hanako, she sincerely blessed Hanako, stating that she would cut off contact with Yukiichiro, and later accepted Hanako's invitation to attend Hanako's wedding as a new mother-in-law, and generously accepted the toast of the couple. And give advice to Hanako when she spits on her married life.

Not everyone who has been deceived and hurt in their emotional life can be so transparent.

In miki's heart, although she also hopes to spend the rest of her life with Koichiro, she also knows that she is not in Koichiro's marriage options at all, even in the time of communication, Koichiro's non-departure is only because of her non-clingy, she covets the joy of falling in love with "nobles" for a while, and is also mentally prepared to leave at any time, so it is logical that Miki's neat turn will be logical.

Romain Rolland said: "There is only one kind of true heroism in the world, that is, to recognize the truth of life and still love life." "Miki is exactly such a person.

"Tokyo Noble Woman": The most unworthy "expensive" for women is to marry a "good family" 01, Yoshiko: self-reliant expensive 02, Xiangle: the expensive skill 03, Miki: transparent expensive

Her original family was not good, her mother was cowardly, her father was self-determined and her brother was confused, so she worked hard to go to college; if the living expenses were not enough, she would work part-time; her father refused to pay tuition and was forced to withdraw from school, so she went to work; if there was no possibility of feelings, she would give up. Whether in her hometown or in Tokyo, Miki has encountered many unfair but conventional things, such as some people are destined to enter well-known universities from elementary school, Miki has to study hard every day to get admitted, some people can enter well-known companies with interpersonal relationships just after graduation, but Miki can only enter the leisure bar as a career.

Even so, there was never one thing that could really knock her down, and Miki said, "Isn't that what it is?" "Yes, isn't that what it is, life is only a few decades, if you have been entangled in conditions that you can't have and problems that you can't solve, how pity it would be, it's better to go forward little by little, to grasp everything that you can grasp with your own strength."

The author of "Tokyo Noble Woman", Mariko Yamauchi, also has the shadow of Miki, or rather, Miki is a microcosm of Yamauchi Mariko.

Born in a small city in Japan, Yamauchi likes to write but is ashamed to say it, applied for the film department in college, but found that he prefers to write film reviews rather than teamwork in making movies, after graduation, he worked in a restaurant in Kyoto, an opportunity to communicate with reporters allowed her to really embark on the road of writing, with "Here is boring, come and pick me up", "Azuma Haruko's whereabouts are unknown" and other works, and Miki finally found a career that is completely herself: developing a tourism career in her hometown, achieving herself, Also achieve hometown.

Tokyo is a huge tower to look up to the former Miki, and for Miki at the end of the story, it is an opportunity and hope for career.

"Tokyo Noble Woman": The most unworthy "expensive" for women is to marry a "good family" 01, Yoshiko: self-reliant expensive 02, Xiangle: the expensive skill 03, Miki: transparent expensive

Not only in Japan, but also in China, there are still many people who regard marrying a good family as the best destination for women, thinking that this way they can eat less of the suffering of life, in fact, this "good" and "bad" standard, it is really difficult to define, is it material? Is it attitude? Is it a family relationship? Or home style? Or is it indispensable?

Take a moment to think about why Hanako married a "good family" and her life became more bitter, and you will know that the destination does not refer to the day of marriage, but the last second of life. From the present to life, everything that happens to everyone you finally meet is just paving the way for your destiny, and the pen that describes the fate of the destination should only be held in your own hands from beginning to end.

And this pen, everyone is different, Hanako is the pen of awakening, Yaozi is the pen of self-reliance, Xiangle is the pen of skill, Miki is the pen of transparency, so do you know what your pen is?

The famous Japanese female writer Hayashi Mariko praised "Tokyo Noble Woman": "Although the starting line is different, whether it is Tokyo Senjin or local women, what they pursue is just to live like themselves." ”

Yes, the sisters of Hanako, Soraku, and Koichiro, Reiko, they are "noble women", And so are Yoshiko and Miki, and so are every woman who lives seriously and hard.

Text / Orange Little Book

Non-stop | Read seriously and live in a confused way

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