
Every time a butterfly flaps its wings, it's a great time for you to improve frozen shoulder, chest tightness and shortness of breath

author:Everyone is healthy
Every time a butterfly flaps its wings, it's a great time for you to improve frozen shoulder, chest tightness and shortness of breath

It is said that every time a butterfly vibrates its wings a few times, it can strike a tornado soon after.

The butterfly effect is a chaotic phenomenon that meteorologist Lorentz discovered, but this theory is particularly appropriate in any scenario.

Every time a butterfly flaps its wings, it's a great time for you to improve frozen shoulder, chest tightness and shortness of breath

A small daily habit that is not taken seriously, such as irregular daily work and rest, sitting posture, uncontrolled diet, etc., seems insignificant, but if it is not corrected in time, it will be endless over time.

Similarly, when there is a problem in the body, if you insist on correcting bad habits, coupled with correct treatment guidance, after a period of time, there will be obvious improvement.

And a small butterfly wing fluttering action, even if it is insisted on for 1 minute a day, will accumulate over time will definitely improve many pain points and open your mind.

Butterfly wing action points ——

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Clench your hands in fists, stick to your back, and your elbows vibrate back and forth on the side of the body, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

So back and forth, do it for 1 minute.

Focus: When vibrating the elbow, the fist does not leave the back, and squeeze the lower back.

The movement of the butterfly flapping its wings, holding fists with both hands, can stimulate the kidneys in the back.

The kidney Yu acupoint belongs to the foot sun bladder meridian, which is the back of the kidney Yu acupoint. Stimulating the acupuncture point can relieve fatigue and fatigue, improve low back pain, improve energy and immunity.

Every time a butterfly flaps its wings, it's a great time for you to improve frozen shoulder, chest tightness and shortness of breath

This action can also stretch the lung meridian, the hand Taiyin lung meridian follows the front and outer side of the upper arm, stretches the meridian, can open the chest, improve chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, upset and other diseases.

It also has a relieving effect on numbness and pain in the arm, chills in the palms of the hands, or fever caused by qi and blood stasis.

The movement of flapping the arm can also relieve shoulder and back discomfort, improve frozen shoulder, and have more benefits of thinning the arm. Stick to the exercise, you will see results!