
A shameless traitor, the maker of the "Xinjiang Cotton" incident: her name is Xu Xiuzhong 1, family shame 2, traitor to the country and seek glory 3, shameless environment

author:Mud-legged spectators

Recently, the West has smeared and spread rumors against China and sanctioned China with so-called "forced labor". As for the rumors and smears of Western countries against China, the outside world has never understood that since Western countries have not come to China for field investigation, why are they bottomless rumors?

As some enterprises in Western countries hyped up the unwarranted "Xinjiang cotton" incident, they were beaten in the face by the Chinese people. However, according to foreign media information, the person who created the "Xinjiang cotton" incident was actually a Chinese named Xu Xiuzhong. By the way, she should not be called Chinese, she does not deserve the three words "Chinese", she should be called a traitor, or it can be said to be a shameless traitor.

Who is Xu Xiuzhong? Why frequent black China, we know about this shameless traitor through foreign media information.

A shameless traitor, the maker of the "Xinjiang Cotton" incident: her name is Xu Xiuzhong 1, family shame 2, traitor to the country and seek glory 3, shameless environment

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Xu Xiuzhong was not of Chinese descent, but was born in China in 1994 in Jiayuguan, Gansu Province, supposedly the only daughter of the family.

However, foreign media said that Xu Xiuzhong's family conditions are very good, her parents have great hopes for her, from a young age in the arts to train her, play the cello, and even hire a special teacher to tutor her cultural classes, at the age of 12, she participated in the Olympic Summer Camp. Now this so-called Olympic number is canceled, but at that time, if you participate in the Olympic number competition, you will have extra points.

Xu Xiuzhong's family is a typical chinese family of three, for the cultivation of parents, she is not satisfied, in Australia said to people do not like parents too focused on their own cultivation. She even believes that her parents spent money to raise her because of China's family planning policy, because her parents cannot have any more children. She could say the same kind of.

Xu Xiuzhong was trained by his parents at a high price, and he had a smooth ride and was later admitted to the Communication University of China. The university is a professional school that trains media people. But after Xu Xiuzhong went abroad, she said she was unhappy at the Communication University. After that, he dropped out of school and went to Australia again, for unknown reasons.

After arriving in Australia, Xu Xiuzhong's specialties cultivated by her parents from an early age played a role, and she found a way to fame. This road is very shameless, that is, the bottom line of denigrating her own motherland, anyway, as long as she says that China is not good, she can become famous. Xu Xiuzhong was famous for cursing his motherland. I don't know how his parents felt when they saw their daughter doing this, whether it was the fault of the son not the godfather, or whether there was a problem with Chinese education? That's another topic.

A shameless traitor, the maker of the "Xinjiang Cotton" incident: her name is Xu Xiuzhong 1, family shame 2, traitor to the country and seek glory 3, shameless environment

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After Xu Xiuzhong came to Australia, it is said that she liked talk shows, so she often went to the stage of Australian talk shows at night, and the topic was to denigrate China and Chinese.

According to a talk show video in Xu Xiuzhong, she actually degraded herself three times and four times, and also devalued Chinese, so as to attract the laughter of white Australians.

It was Xu Xiuzhong who denigrated her compatriots and her motherland in the talk show, so she became famous. But her derogatory derogation of China is so destructive that it cannot be measured by traitors, that is, a complete traitor.

There are many talk shows in Australia, generally like the northeast two-person turn theater, Xu Xiuzhong became famous in the talk show industry, she was not satisfied, and later hired to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and the New York Times reporter, since then into the media industry, still continue to smear China. Because Xu Xiuzhong was born in China, she smeared and rumored about China, and was once adopted by Western countries.

According to the data, during the Hong Kong riots, the Australian Chinese held a patriotic and patriotic parade, and Xu Xiuzhong mixed in and took the opportunity to slander China. It was she who denigrated her homeland, and for a time Xu Xiuzhong was more famous in Australia.

A shameless traitor, the maker of the "Xinjiang Cotton" incident: her name is Xu Xiuzhong 1, family shame 2, traitor to the country and seek glory 3, shameless environment

Because Xu Xiuzhong had no bottom line to smear her homeland, she was soon recruited as an analyst by an Australian institute called the Institute for Strategic Studies. The study is said to be an extremely anti-China organization.

On the institute's official website, we will see Xu Xiuzhong transform from a stand-up comedian to an analyst, and her mission is to smear Chinese nationalism and Xinjiang, Uighur issues and the Belt and Road Initiative. It was not long after joining the institute that Xu Xiuzhong concocted the problem of "forced labor".

According to a report released by the Australian Institute of Strategic Studies on March 1 last year, Xu Xiuzhong is the main author, she made up "China forced Uighur labor" in the report, it is said that Xu Xiuzhong has never been to Xinjiang, she found "evidence" through satellite maps, do not know what kind of mood Xu Xiuzhong is in making up these lies, in order to win the favor of Westerners, actually face is not wanted, shamelessly smearing his motherland.

After the Australian institute released the lie concocted by Xu Xiuzhong, western countries believed that the opportunity to suppress China had come, so they took this false report and began to boycott China's Xinjiang cotton. Subsequently, the United States took the opportunity to introduce the "Xinjiang-related Bill", what was Xu Xiuzhong's mood? She must not be ashamed of the excitement, because the smear of her motherland has finally been recognized by the Western masters.

A shameless traitor, the maker of the "Xinjiang Cotton" incident: her name is Xu Xiuzhong 1, family shame 2, traitor to the country and seek glory 3, shameless environment

I remember a friend who has been to the United States said that The Chinese who are engaged in politics in the United States are very tough on China, because the Chinese themselves are not valued in the United States, and if they are pro-China, then they will not be able to eat in the United States.

Like Xu Xiuzhong, who was born in China and grew up in China, when he arrived in Western countries, he was not accepted by white people at all. Although Australia was a place of exile in the United Kingdom in ancient times, Australia discriminated against yellow people, especially Chinese. In order to integrate into Australia, Xu Xiu found a convenient way: to smear China and survive in Australia by creating fake News about China. Otherwise, a student who drops out of school is, at best, a high school student.

In 2019, during the Hong Kong riots, Hui Xiuzhong stood up for the Hong Kong rioters, attracting the attention of the West. Some Australian media have made a lot of reports on Xu Xiu, saying that Xu Xiuzhong is a very busy person, and some Western countries have invited her to give a speech. Moreover, when Xu Xiuzhong was reported, he would also put an incomplete map of China to humiliate China.

After Xu Xiuzhong became an Internet celebrity in the West, he was scolded by the Chinese people, so Xu Xiuzhong turned himself into a "victim" who was "persecuted" at home, saying everywhere to the West that if she had something to do in the future, she must be "murdered". When she said this, she also realized that the people of her country resented her, and it was estimated that she would not dare to return to China in this life.

In 2019, Xu Xiuzhong tweeted that she was "investigated by China's security services", and when the Chinese people scolded her, she actually took a screenshot as evidence.

In fact, for such a shameless traitor as Xu Xiuzhong, the people of the country do not need to treat her as a person, and such a shameless traitor will not have a good end.

In a country like Australia, there was a constant violence against Asians by whites. The discrimination of whites against Asians is precisely caused by the derogatory smear of people like Xu Xiuzhong. Xu Xiuzhong could not change her skin color, and her yellow face would sooner or later be discriminated against by white people.

A shameless traitor, the maker of the "Xinjiang Cotton" incident: her name is Xu Xiuzhong 1, family shame 2, traitor to the country and seek glory 3, shameless environment

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In our impression, there are many anti-China Chinese in the United States, why can people like Xu Xiuzhong survive in Australia?

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that in recent years, Australian kangaroos have always followed the United States to suppress China, and even called China. China-Australia relations have fallen to a low point.

So people like Xu Xiuzhong, who come from China and smear their own country, Australian kangaroos certainly like it. Originally, the Australian kangaroo was the descendant of a group of prisoners, and his personality was not sound, similar to Xu Xiuzhong's personality.

Australian kangaroos are far away from China, and they actually regard China as an imaginary enemy and believe that China is a threat to them, which is a national idea that people do not understand. Originally, the trade between the two countries was very good, but the Australian kangaroo was like a brain disease, constantly anti-China, and even more active than the Americans, which was difficult to understand.

Perhaps it is Australia that is anti-China, so Xu Xiuzhong also meets their requirements. Moreover, the institute where Xu Xiuzhong works is said to be a rogue group, not a research institute at all, but an institution that smears China. I don't know what benefits such an institution would be for Australia.

A shameless traitor, the maker of the "Xinjiang Cotton" incident: her name is Xu Xiuzhong 1, family shame 2, traitor to the country and seek glory 3, shameless environment

The institute is said to be a frequent liar, and even Australians believe it lacks integrity. According to relevant information, this research institute is funded by the US government and military enterprises, which shows that Xu Xiuzhong actually serves Americans.

Above we introduce Xu Xiuzhong, a post-90s traitor, her experience and behavior have lost the bottom line of being a person, and Yu Maochun is a cargo all the way, there is no need to treat them as people. They can't influence China's development and growth!

Image source network, copyright belongs to the original author.

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