
"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life

"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life

As long as you don't lose your heart, life can't beat you.

Author: Insight South Wind

An old man, a boat, a big fish, a sea.

Three days and three nights of bitterness, several desperate struggles, and finally, the old man dragged a giant fish skeleton and drove the boat home.

Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" is so refined that it can be finished in three words.

But in the view of writer Wang Xiaobo, "The Old Man and the Sea" is not only a story of an "unlucky" fisherman, it also reveals the common fate of mankind.

"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life

A person's true maturity is to recognize himself.

Santiago was an emaciated, gaunt old fisherman, alone in a small boat, fishing in the Gulf Stream of Mexico.

Recently, he has become a well-known "unlucky egg" in a small fishing village.

Because, for 84 days, he hadn't caught a single fish.

The older fishermen looked at his miserable condition, very sympathetic, and they would carefully avoid fishing and discuss only the weather or what they saw at sea.

The young fisherman liked to joke with the old man, saying that his sails patched with flour bags were like a flag of defeat and surrender.

But no matter how others ridicule and attack, the old man always believes that he has more than 30 years of experience and will catch fish sooner or later.

In the end, the old man's faith and persistence allowed him to catch a 1500-pound big fish, which made all those who laughed at him shut up.

In life, we may also encounter moments where dreams are ridiculed or abilities are questioned.

Some people can't collapse in the noise of the outside world, but those who are determined in their hearts can see noise as floating clouds and firmly follow their own path.

In life, looking down on others is a realm, and seeing through yourself is a kind of wisdom.

It is better to read thousands of people than to know yourself.

"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life
"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life

People live a lifetime, and the fight is the mentality.

The old fisherman, who had never been able to catch a fish, had a miserable life.

He lived in a dilapidated wooden hut, living off the food given by the restaurant owner, but no matter how difficult the life was, the old man's blue eyes were always full of happiness.

Unable to afford a new newspaper, he discussed the old news with Manolin in a serious manner, as if he had watched the latest event.

He didn't care about the dilemma of not being able to catch a fish for 84 consecutive days, but instead joked about going to buy lottery tickets to try his luck.

Anyone who looks at it, the life of the old fisherman is a capital letter.

But he could always taste the sweetness from the suffering, end a tiring day, and sleep peacefully on the bed covered with old newspapers.

The optimism of the old man is a reminder to us that it is not easy for anyone to drift in the sea of people, and it is only a mentality to fight.

The mentality collapses, the temporary suffering is infinitely magnified, the mentality does not collapse, and no matter how big the hardships can be easily overcome.

Things turn with the heart, the situation is created by the heart, and changing a mentality is to change a way of living.

Life is full of tastes, not determined by heaven, all in you and me.

"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life
"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life

Be strong at heart, starting with enjoying solitude.

Santiago, the old fisherman, lived alone after the death of his wife.

Manolin was distressed by him, always looking for opportunities to come and accompany him, the child was sincere, but he did not know that the old fisherman seemed lonely and not vulnerable.

The seabirds flying in the sky and the flying fish that jump on the surface of the water are all good companions for the old man to talk about when he is fishing alone.

If there was only a vast ocean around him, he would quietly talk to himself.

In the boundless loneliness, the old man learned to get along with himself.

Shen Congwen once said that the best attitude towards loneliness is to treat it as a kind of enjoyment.

Loneliness is a kind of sobriety, and being alone is a kind of maturity.

In a world without disturbance with others, you precipitate yourself, refine yourself, achieve yourself, taste loneliness, and you can feel the poetry of boring life.

"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life
"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life

Only by keeping working hard can good luck come.

Even after 84 days of nothing, the old fisherman still rowed his boat out to sea in good spirits.

He first carefully observed the position of the birds in the air, judging the general direction of the fish, and then put the fishing rope as thick as a pencil straight into the ocean current.

When the fishing rope is lowered, other fishermen are used to sloppiness, but the old man does not slacken off, he is always ready to catch fish for decades.

So, when a marlin larger than a boat was hooked, the old fisherman was not surprised at all, he knew that this good fortune that seemed to fall from the sky was actually won by his own ability.

Nietzsche said that if there is a miracle in this world, it is just another name for effort.

Life is not just sitting and waiting, good luck will come uninvited, even if the fate is not up to people, you have to fight with it.

Instead of being favored by the goddess of luck, it is better to spell out a natural tomorrow for yourself in every silent day of hard work.

Only by keep working hard will you be able to catch it when good luck comes.

"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life
"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life

Life is a hardship, and holding on means everything.

After all the hardships, the old man finally caught the fish, and it seemed that he was going to close the net, but the marlin was big and heavy, and the old man could not pull it at all, but even people with boats were dragged away by it.

From day to night to dawn, the big fish swim non-stop, but the old man carrying the fishing rope on his back is more and more unable to hold on.

The back of the spine was strangled by the rope, the pain was so painful that it was unconscious, the right hand was injured, the left hand was cramped, the stomach was hungry, and the eyes were blackened.

He thought about giving up, but always when he was about to fall, a voice sounded in his heart: "As long as it can survive, I can survive as long as possible!" ”

This kind of self-motivation has supported the elderly to spend countless gray and dark times.

When his wife died and he was lonely and alone, when the little helper was forbidden by his parents to go to sea with him, when the young man laughed at him at the sunset of the western mountains, the old man never easily lost to life, and always stubbornly held on.

Sometimes, life is a bitter suffering, life has many storms, who is not staggering forward, while gritting their teeth and struggling.

Perhaps, at this moment, after climbing through the bumpy road, the next second falling into the thorny jungle, life stumbles, is nothing more than a process of surviving the trough and prosperity.

Sometimes holding on means everything.

As the book says, man is not born to fail, a man can be destroyed, but not defeated.

Never admit defeat, you will never lose.

"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life
"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life

Instead of complaining, change.

After a bitter battle, the old man finally subdued the big fish, but the battle was not over.

The blood flowing from the hearts of the big fish attracts a large number of sharks, which nibble on the marlin unscrupulously.

The old man was exhausted, but he still had to keep fighting the sharks.

When he was overwhelmed, he was also shaken, knowing that he would be targeted by sharks, and it was better to have never caught a marlin.

But the old man quickly chased away the distractions, telling himself that it had happened, that regret would not help, and that instead of complaining, he should think about how to defeat the shark.

The world is difficult, and whenever the difficulties of fate follow, we may as well learn from the attitude of the elderly.

Look down on impermanence, actively cope, and do not let the poison of complaining about others hurt others and hurt themselves.

The fool complains, the wise man saves himself.

The really powerful people are not people who do not complain, but people who turn negative emotions into upward forces and do their best to change.

"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life
"The Old Man and the Sea": The most important thing to see through in life is these 7 truths of life

We must do our best, but also allow ourselves to have no harvest.

Some people say that the truth of life is often that after going through hardships, you may not be able to have what you yearn for.

Like the poor old fisherman, he overcame the difficulties of lack of food and water, lack of help, and physical injuries to finally catch a super big fish of 1500 pounds.

However, a swarm of sharks swarmed to eat the big fish, leaving him with only a fish skeleton.

Full of hope to go to sea, empty-handed, this heavenly trick was enough to make the old man beat his chest and complain, but he looked indifferent.

He knew very well that the sea was like the world, the waves were uncertain, and the effort would not necessarily be rewarded, and what he got might soon be lost.

Since there is no way to avoid it, it is better to fight as much as you want, and after seeking to be worthy of your heart, let it go.

The so-called maturity is to spur oneself to do everything to the best of one's ability, and on the other hand, to accept oneself frankly and will not receive anything.

The life of hard work, although defeated, is still glorious.

The reason why famous books are classics is that we can see our ordinary lives through the legends of others.

The old fisherman is engraved with the shadow of the author Hemingway.

This literary "tough guy" flourished in his old age, fell into disgrace in his later years, suffered from illness, and his literary achievements were questioned.

Under the internal and external difficulties, he refused to admit defeat, and finally created "The Old Man and the Sea" that shocked the literary world.

The story of the old fisherman has inspired thousands of people, and Hemingway's journey is not enlightening you and me?

Life is exhausting, lonely and confused, and in the face of a life that is only once, it is necessary to fight for yourself, do your best, and then let go of your worries and remain calm.

Don't be harsh on success, don't be afraid of where fate will push you, as long as you don't lose your heart, life can't beat you.

Encourage your friends.

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