
Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated


A 30-square-meter cottage for Japanese girls, the room is exquisitely stored, and a person's life is full of taste.

We often pursue a happy life, and the state of happiness is also different. For these people who are keen to live alone, being able to enjoy a person's time freely and live a good life is a kind of "happiness".

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

As shown in the picture, I looked at the internal photos of this Japanese girl's 30-square-meter hut and was fanned by her positive state of life. Although it is a one-person residence, it does not live up to the quality of life, maintaining regular storage, and the rooms are exquisitely furnished.

It turns out that in the environment where they feel comfortable, a person's daily life can also be tasteful.

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > to store and organize, and complete the artistic beauty of the home</h1>

The house you live in can be said to be rented, but the quality of life in front of you is really living by yourself. If you want to have a comfortable living environment, it is indispensable to do a good job of daily storage and organization. In the photos of the interior of the room she posted, the items in the room have been streamlined, and the living room placement is also small and exquisite.

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

Because it is a one-bedroom apartment, the design of the house adopts "de-marginalization", there is no boundary, a bed is the bedroom, a sofa and a coffee table, it is combined into a living room.

The entrance space where the door is pushed open is also processed as a storage place for daily objects, and the edge of the window, coupled with a wooden table that can be stored, has become a daily restaurant or office space.

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

In the small room, these carefully selected objects can play a multi-purpose effect. It is precisely because of this state that the quality of the one-bedroom room is realized, and it can make the best use of everything and not waste only resources.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27" > cooking and cooking, making daily food delicious</h1>

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

When you are in a good mood, you open the refrigerator in the kitchen, cook today's dishes yourself, and use food to complete the "taste" of living alone. Storing all the ingredients, condiments, etc., according to the category, is also convenient when cooking.

With freshly bought fruits and vegetables, to achieve today's exquisite cuisine, every meal is a respect for life, the fulfillment of taste buds.

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

To live a good life is not to say how much wealth you have, but to have a delicate heart. Even if you use simple ingredients and eat coarse tea and light rice, you can live a poetic and beautiful life.

The three meals a day in front of you are actually the embodiment of your attitude towards life. Inside the diet, what is hidden is the pursuit of the quality of life and the quality of life in the present.

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" > hand-knitted fabrics that decorate the delicacy of life</h1>

In addition to chai rice oil and salt, storage and sorting, life also needs some small interests and hobbies to achieve the exquisite life in front of you. The little sister who lives alone loves hand-knitting.

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

As shown in the figure, in daily life, using some common dried flowers, rope knots and other objects, it is possible to weave beautiful items that decorate the room. Used to decorate the room and look full of beauty.

In addition, the small baskets that are stored daily can also be woven by yourself. Placed in the room, such hand-knitted, it looks very beautiful.

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

Looking at her solitary life in a 30-square-meter room, happiness, it turned out to have nothing to do with the size of the house where she lived.

With a delicate heart, the solitary life in front of you can be created with taste, from the living environment to the three meals in front of you, the quality of life has never been disappointed.

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

Such a state of one-person living is a kind of happiness.

May every reader and friend living in reality also be able to create their own quality home within the scope of their own ability and with their own hands!

Japanese girls' 30-square-meter cottage, the room storage is exquisite, the life of living alone is tastefully stored and organized, the beauty of the art of cooking and cooking is completed, the delicious hand-knitting of daily food is achieved, and the exquisite life is decorated

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