
Seasonal Lingnan Jiaguo, one fruit three flavor medicine - longan efficacy and nutritional value Longan core longan shell longan selection and consumption recommendation warm tips

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Author: Liang Jianhua, Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University

Longan, also known as Guiyuan. It is mostly prolific in the Liangguang area, and matures in Large Quantities from June to August. The ancients highly valued the nutritional value of guiyuan. As early as the Han Dynasty, Guiyuan has been used for medicinal purposes. The "Famous Doctors" called it "nootropic", saying that its function nourishes the mind and nootropic. It has the effect of nourishing and strengthening the body, replenishing the heart and calming the mind, nourishing the blood and aphrodisiac, benefiting the spleen and appetizing, and moisturizing and beautifying the skin. The sugar content of guiyuan is very high, and it contains terrestridine that can be directly absorbed by the human body, weak and anemia, old age and weakness, long-term illness and weakness, often eating some guiyuan is very beneficial; After women give birth, guiyuan is also an important supplementary food. Guiyuan has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and replenishing the heart, so it is called "the divine product in the fruit". Therefore, together with lychees, bananas and pineapples, they are collectively known as the four rare fruits of South China.

Li Shizhen once said in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Food is expensive with lychees, and the nourishment is good for longan, cover lychee heat, and longan sex is peaceful", although the longan can also be warm supplemented, but the warmth is weaker than the lychee, so it is suitable for a wider range of people, it is a rare fruit supplement, and the old and young are salty, men can supplement yang, women can eat qi and blood, children can eat nootropics, the elderly can eat longevity, and can supplement the heart and spleen in the long summer, so the long summer health may wish a family to occasionally eat some longan in moderation.

Seasonal Lingnan Jiaguo, one fruit three flavor medicine - longan efficacy and nutritional value Longan core longan shell longan selection and consumption recommendation warm tips

In addition to the delicious taste, the medicinal value of longan is also very high, since ancient times has been regarded as a precious tonic, folk since ancient times there is a "southern longan northern ginseng" saying, its tonic function is obvious. A small longan contains three chinese medicinal herbs - longan meat, longan shell, and longan core.


Efficacy and nutritional value


Longan dried meat longan meat is guiyuan, but also the "longan dried" longan meat in Guangdong's mouth, whether fresh or dry, is a good medicinal material in the tonic, but the dry product is stronger.

Seasonal Lingnan Jiaguo, one fruit three flavor medicine - longan efficacy and nutritional value Longan core longan shell longan selection and consumption recommendation warm tips

1. Replenish blood and qi

Longan taste sweet and warm, return to the heart, spleen meridian, spleen is the foundation of the day after tomorrow, longan is rich in glucose and iron, and easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, and iron element can promote the synthesis of hemoglobin in the human body, can alleviate the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, improve the yellowing of the face. Therefore, it can be used to treat tiredness and fatigue, dizziness, less sweat, pale or yellowish face, or old and weak, long-term illness and weakness caused by insufficient qi and blood. Women have more qi and blood losses after childbirth, and can occasionally use cinnamon balls, ginger and dates as soups to cook soups or decoction water instead of tea, which has a good effect on replenishing qi and nourishing blood, and can also play a role in preventing postpartum depression.

Seasonal Lingnan Jiaguo, one fruit three flavor medicine - longan efficacy and nutritional value Longan core longan shell longan selection and consumption recommendation warm tips

2. Nourish the mind and nootropics

Longan is rich in potassium, iron and other elements, which can nourish nerves and brain tissue, thereby adjusting the function of the cerebral cortex, and has a significant effect on the heartbeat and panic, dizziness and insomnia, neurasthenia, forgetfulness and memory decline caused by neuroses, anemia or overthinking. Beneficial to the heart, nourishing the body's effects. Cinnamon meat is good at tonifying the heart and spleen, and can be used to treat overthinking, fatigue caused by overwork and sad spleen (such as exams, overtime, etc.), insomnia and forgetfulness, palpitations, as well as weak temper, blood in the stool, and women's leakage. Cinnamon ball meat and lotus seeds with tonic heart and spleen effect is better, very suitable as a long summer healthy spleen and heart health soup.

3. Beauty care

Longan contains a natural substance similar to collagen, which can be quickly absorbed and utilized by skin cells after ingestion by the human body, and this substance can increase skin elasticity after being absorbed and utilized by skin cells, playing an anti-aging role.

<h1>Longan nucleus</h1>

Seasonal Lingnan Jiaguo, one fruit three flavor medicine - longan efficacy and nutritional value Longan core longan shell longan selection and consumption recommendation warm tips

Longan nuclei are mostly discarded, but in fact, longan nuclei are also Chinese medicinal materials that can be used in medicine. Longan nuclear flat, bitter taste, return to the liver, spleen, bladder meridian, with qi dispersion, hemostasis, pain relief, diarrhea, dry and wet and other effects, can be used for hernia, fistula, trauma bleeding, pain, diarrhea, axillary odor, scabies, wet sores and other diseases. With orange core, lychee core, longan core, mango core, cherry core crushed washed water substitute drink, there is a line of gas dispersion, play a good health care role.

<h1>Longan shell</h1>

Longan peel is dried in the sun for traditional Chinese medicine. The shell of the longan is warm, sweet, and belongs to the lung meridian, which has the effect of dispelling wind and evil spirits and generating sores and muscles. This piece of peel, which is easy to be thrown away by the neighbors as garbage, can actually be used to treat dizziness and urticaria caused by wind and evil and prevent senile hearing loss. Calcined grinding end for external use, suitable for burns, carbuncles for a long time.

<h1>The selection of longan</h1>

Seasonal Lingnan Jiaguo, one fruit three flavor medicine - longan efficacy and nutritional value Longan core longan shell longan selection and consumption recommendation warm tips

1. Look at the peel

Generally clean and tidy, earthy yellow without spots. Moldy spots cannot be eaten.

2. Touch hardness

Normal fruit is full and firm. Well hydrated and free of dryness. Soft skins or hard and hard are not very fresh.

<h1>Recommended for consumption</h1>

Guiyuan lotus seed lily porridge

Seasonal Lingnan Jiaguo, one fruit three flavor medicine - longan efficacy and nutritional value Longan core longan shell longan selection and consumption recommendation warm tips

Ingredients: 20 grams of lilies, 15 grams of lotus seeds, 15 grams of guiyuan, 100 grams of glutinous rice (this is for 2 to 3 people).

Directions: Wash the lotus seeds and glutinous rice and soak them for half an hour, then add lilies, cinnamon balls and an appropriate amount of water to simmer. (If you like sweets, you can add an appropriate amount of brown sugar)

Effect: This porridge can purify and nourish the yin, warm the yang, and strengthen the spleen and stomach.


1, longan partial warm food, eat more can easily lead to symptoms such as fire, so the yin deficiency fire crowd is not suitable for too much consumption. It is generally advisable to eat less than five fresh longans per day.

2. Although longan meat has a tonic effect, it is easy to help wet, so phlegm wet, aphthous sores, urethritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, damp and hot people should also eat less.

3, longan meat is a high-sugar, high-calorie food, diabetes, obesity should not be eaten more.

Review expert: Wang Ruolun, chief pharmacist of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University

The above is the original work of the volunteers of the "Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance", if you reprint, please indicate the author and source!

【Medicine Shield Public Welfare】PSM Pharmaceutical Shield Public Welfare (public number: PSMChina), a public welfare organization jointly initiated and established by the China Over-the-Counter Drug Association, the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, etc., gathers resources, gathers strength, and promotes the safety of public medication.