
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions

author:Anning Word Yu

As the most important famous relic, the "Huairen Jiwang Holy Order" has a great influence, so the story about its collection and circulation is very exciting.

Because it is a takumoto, there will naturally be many, which is also the main reason why this famous monument has a great influence and everyone learns. But what are the takumotos we can see so far? What are some of our worth learning?

Many collectors will think that they are the best after getting a good version, one is that they may really like it, and the other is that they can also raise the value of their own collection. For example, Chong'en of the Qing Dynasty, after receiving the Song TuoSheng Sect, was ecstatic, and wrote the word "Mo Huang" on the first page of the big book, and inscribed on the second page "The famous stele of the World Law Book is the first, and the Song Tuo Mo Bao of my family is the first." After that, dozens of pages of dense inscriptions show its cherishing. This is the famous "Ink Emperor Ben". It can also be seen from the Chong'en Pai language that at that time, some people actually spent "three hundred gold" in order to purchase a Song Tuosheng Order, and the price was really staggering.

Below we introduce the famous book that is currently popular.

1. Zhang Yingzhao collected the second book

Now in the Shanghai Library, this book is the "Late Northern Song Dynasty Expansion Book", collected by Zhang Yingzhao, Li Shou, Shi Yizhi, Wang Xisun, Jiang Jingqiu and other collections, and is now in the Shanghai Library. At the beginning and end of the inscription, there are Weng Fanggang side inscriptions, the first page has Yi Bingshou as Wang Xisun inscription, and the end of the book has the inscriptions of Li Shou, Weng Fanggang, Guo Shangxian, and Ye Zhimilling in the eleventh year of Chongzhen (1638). The volume consists of 21 open volumes, measuring 38.3 cm in height and 25.1 cm in width. The inscription is eighteen open, the core is 27.4cm high and 15.1cm wide, the word "Ci" at the end of the fifteen lines of the inscription is basically intact, only the fine cracks on the head of the cursive character are oblique, the upper right corner is 泐, the "糸" part of the word is crisp, and the "edge" character of the twenty-one line "Jiuzhi Shengyuan" is not connected to the stone flower in the lower left.

In 1958, Mr. Wang Zhuanghong found several pages of Song Tuo's "Ji Wang Sheng's Teaching Order" scattered in the Zhangjia Garden in Shanghai, and after many searches, he was still missing two pages, fortunately, the kung fu did not pay off, and finally found the missing two pages in the stove, made up for it, and completed it. This is the book of the prologue of the famous Holy Sect Zhang Yingzhao. Mr. Wang Zhuanghong believes that the Tuoben he discovered is far superior to the Northern Song Dynasty such as the Zhou Wenqing Ben, the Mo Huang Ben, the Wu Hewu Ben, the Liu Zhengzong Ben, and the Weng Fang Gang Bao Ben, both from the Tuo Tuo Era and the Spirit of Calligraphy and Painting, "far above the Northern Song Dynasty ben that has been handed down to the world, and is the crown of the "Holy Religion" in Hainei." It is presumed that this book is the first book of the Holy Religion.

This book was released in June 2012 as the second edition of the Hanmo Treasure of Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House.

"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions

2. Zhang Yingzhao collected the first copy

It is recognized as the earliest surviving version, collected by the National Museum of China, and unbroken in the Northern Song Dynasty. This "Holy Order" of the Northern Song Dynasty was originally the old collection of Zhang Yingzhao. Zhang Yingzhao and Wen Ruyu carved Chunhua Ge Ti and Ji Wang Sheng's Order for Su Fu during the Ming Wanli Calendar. Qianlong returned to Zhang Zhao, and there is Wang Jihua at the back of the album, briefly describing the circulation of this extension. Inside, there are Zhang Yingzhao's own "Zhang Yingzhao Seal", "Character Use", and "Southern Tang Zhang Yingzhao Collection Book Printing". The tuoben consists of fifteen and a half openings, each opening twelve lines, ranging from ten to eleven characters. White linen paper, the ink is heavier, the words seem to be slightly smaller, thin and hard and full of spirit. Unlike the general Northern Song Dynasty Tuoben, the word "dispute" in the sixth line is visible in the right middle pen. Among the Northern Song Dynasty, this is the first.

3. Mitsui Liu Tieyunben

Liu Tieyun, also known as Liu Hu, is a collection of the Mitsui Bunko in Japan. The Mitsui Bunko in Japan is a collection of Takaaki Mitsui in the Mitsui Foundation. Mitsui has a large collection of books, and this one has a great impact. The "Collection of Zhejiang Zhongkai Books Co., Ltd." shared in the previous article is the processed Mitsui Liu Tieyun ben.

"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions

4. Ink Emperor Ben

Chong'en's old collection is a controversial one, some people say vivid, some people say it is crude, and there are many traces of it. To be fair, the base book is indeed the extremely refined Song Tuoben, but after many exposés, resulting in some words being unclear, but if it were not for the extremely refined base, it would not have seen this effect now. He Shaoji praised the book as "coral jade trees intersect kesheng, and Jie Ge flying towers to the air." The fat painting is full of flesh and blood, and the light is injected into the thin tendons. If it weren't for the felt wax to the ancient times, it would be easy for the mountain apes to be shocked." Overall, the book is also very exciting, and the style is very close to the Zhou Wenqing ben.

"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions
"Huai Ren Ji Wang Sheng Sect Order" Tianxia Takumoto Who Is First: The Battle of the Best Editions

The above is mainly the version that can find clear pictures on the Internet. There are so many other versions that I won't cover them all. It is said that the total number of surviving copies of the Northern Song and Southern Song Dynasties should be about 100, and there are more than 20 copies in the Forbidden City in Beijing.

The earliest surviving Takumoto is the Go-Dai Takumoto collection in the Mitsui Kien-kuni Museum.

The following is directly from the network, for reference only.

Early Northern Song Dynasty

1 Li Bo Zhang Yingzhao Ben (Wang Jihua Ben): Liuyuan Bookstore, Shangshu Painting

2 Forbidden City Zhu Yi An Ben: Forbidden City

3 Jiang Hengben pictured above: no printed version

Northern Song Dynasty Ben

4 Jinbomo Imperial Book: Xiling, cultural relics, etc

5 Shaanxi Bo Liu Zhengzong Ben: Cultural Relics, Shaanxi, etc

6 Mitsui Liu Tieyunben: Primary color

7 Mitsui Matsumoto: Selected Books. Catalogue of the Upper Bot Exhibition

8 Zhang Yingzhao ben (Weng Baoben): Shanghai Ancient Books Bookstore, Shang calligraphy and painting, Shanghai ancient books

9 Kurokawa Kurokawa Kuroya Ben (Luo Ba Ben /Mingku Edition?) ): Bowendo

10 Ansi Yuanzang Wu Hewu Ben: It is unknown whether there is a printed version

11 Han Fengxi Ben: Painting and Calligraphy Self-Study Series Thesal Grass (Part 1)

12 Shangbo Zhou Wenqing Ben: Republic of China Colo Edition

13 Mitsui Sho Merlin: I don't know if there is a printed version

14 Evening Jade Edition: Japanese Print

15 Duo Yun Xuan Gao Feng Han Ben: Famous works of calligraphy and painting inscriptions

16 Qing Palace Inner Fu Ben (Shen Qi Yuan Ben): Famous Traces of Jin and Tang Dynasty Law Books (Abbreviated)

Southern Song Dynasty Ben

17 Mitsui Zangmo Emperor II: Series of Famous Writings, Reprints of Xiling, Republic of China Colo Edition (corrected according to Mr. Ding's post)

18 Pictured above: No printed version

19 Xu Yisheng above: no printed version

20 Mitsui Zhu Wo An Ben: Primary Colors, Huaxia, wang xi's dharma book series

21 Southern Song Dynasty Ofes in the Qing Dynasty: Taiyin

22 Guotu Zhu Yi An Ben: Guotu Society

23 Chuanbo Zheng Banqiao Baoben (not detailed): Sichuan people are beautiful

24 Shaanxi Bo whole paper: There is a copy of the original large paper

On the 25th, there were two kinds of Imperial Sects

26 Chinese Stone Carvings (Remnants)

27 Shen Zengzhiben Northern Song Dynasty (National Museum Collection)

28 Zhang Zezhi (Xiao Si) Zao Menglou (Wenzhi) Fills in the Missing Northern Song Dynasty (Shanghai Museum Collection)

29 The Forbidden City in Beijing was taught by the Northern Song Dynasty

30 The Lotus Ship inscription of the Forbidden City in Beijing is signed with the Southern Song Dynasty

31 Mitsuizo Liu Jianzhiben (Song Tuo)

32 Mitsui Zang Li Chun Hu Ben (Song Tuo) Qing Li Zonghan Old Collection, Acquired by Taisho in the fifth year

33 Mitsuizo was cleared of Sōshūmoto (Song Tuo), which was obtained in the fourth year of Showa

34 Mitsui Zang Kiyo Shao Song Nian Lan Xue Zhai Old Collection (Song Tuo), acquired in the third year of Showa

35 Mitsui Zang Biyuan Old Collection (Song Tuo), acquired by Taisho in the fifth year

36 Mitsui Kurakan Takumoto (Song Taku), acquired in 1919

37 Mitsui Zangqing Zhu Yi Zunben (Song Tuo)

38 Mitsui Hidden Incomplete Book (Song Tuo)

39 Mitsui Zao Shumoto

40 Mitsui Zang Kiyoro Zhenyu Old Collection Incomplete Edition, Meiji 44 years to obtain

41 Zhou Lianggong Lai Gutang collected the Southern Song Dynasty Edition of the "Order of the Holy Teachings of the Tuowang in the Early Northern Song Dynasty"