
The only "college entrance examination champion" in the Ming Dynasty who even had three yuan in the middle school - ShangRui

author:Beijing guide grandpa

As we all know, the highest level in the imperial examination is the temple examination. In the 276 years of the Ming Dynasty, only 89 yuan were admitted, of which only one of them took the first place in the township examination, the meeting test, and the temple examination, and this person was called Shangrui.

The imperial examination has been popular since the Sui and Tang dynasties, and after passing the Examination for Xiucai, you can take the examination at three national levels: the first level is the township examination, which is held in the provincial capital, presided over by the Xuezheng (that is, the local education bureau chief), and the imperial court sends the chief examiner, the first name is Xie Yuan; the second level is presided over by the Ceremonial Department in the capital Gongyuan Examination, the imperial court faction is the chief examiner, the first is called Huiyuan; the last level is the palace examination, presided over by the emperor, held in the imperial palace, and the first place is called Yuan. The new subject is eligible to enter the Hanlin Academy as a Shujishi without examination, which is today's national guarantee graduate student.

The only "college entrance examination champion" in the Ming Dynasty who even had three yuan in the middle school - ShangRui

Shangrui, the people of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, are not only excellent in learning and integrity, but also good-looking. After Yingzong was captured in the "Tumu Fort Rebellion" that year, the Wallachian army suppressed the city, at this time, the people led by Xu Youzhen advocated moving the capital, escaping the war, on the other hand, the ministers led by Yu Qian opposed the southward move, and must hold beijing and guard the country. At this time, ShangRui was already a military attendant, that is, the deputy minister of national defense, and at this important juncture, he was also resolutely opposed to the relocation of the capital, which coincided with Yu Qian. After Emperor Yingzong's "Nangong Restoration", he killed Yu Qian, and ShangRui was also dismissed from his post and became a commoner. After Emperor Yingzong's death, Emperor Chenghua ascended the throne, and Shangrui was reused and entered the cabinet as an official. After that, he successively served as the Shangshu of the Military Department, the Household Department, and the Official Department, that is, the cadre at the ministerial level and the second in command of the state. In the next ten years, a lot of exciting things were done.

The only "college entrance examination champion" in the Ming Dynasty who even had three yuan in the middle school - ShangRui

The first thing was to impeach the eunuch Wang Zhi, who was in charge of the secret service agency, the West Factory, and often arrested and killed people at will, and sold officials and knights. That is, as long as the officials of the imperial court do not agree with each other, they also say that they will be arrested if they are arrested, and if they are killed, they will be killed. Shangrui impeached Wang Zhi, the emperor did not think so, Shangrui weighed the pros and cons to the emperor, Wang Zhi had already moved the ancestral roots, the emperor had no choice but to kill the grand eunuch Wang Zhi, and also revoked the West Factory, a secret service agency that brought calamity to the country and the people.

The only "college entrance examination champion" in the Ming Dynasty who even had three yuan in the middle school - ShangRui

The second thing, when Princess Wan Guifei saw the fame of Shangrui, she used herself to be favored by the emperor and asked Shangrui to write an inscription for her father's portrait, and Shangrui directly replied: "It is not the Yellow Emperor who is under the command, and does not dare to accept it." Wan Guifei was not happy, and ShangRui didn't care. After Shangrui retired, Liu Ji, a scholar of Huagaidian University, saw his descendants full of halls and sighed: "I have been with your colleagues for many years, and I have never seen you kill a person in vain, this is God repaying you." ShangRui replied, "I don't dare to make the imperial court kill a person in vain." "Shang Ren's life is easy and generous, and he adheres to a "right" word when it comes to major events. Walk straight!

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