
"Zhuangzi": abandon the appearance of prosperity, adhere to the ordinary way of I, II,

author:Guoxue Bookstore
"Zhuangzi": abandon the appearance of prosperity, adhere to the ordinary way of I, II,

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There is a saying in the Tao Te Ching:

"Therefore, the reputation is not prestigious, so I do not want to be like jade, but like stone."

Therefore, the highest praise is not necessary, so it is not like the magnificence of jade, but rather as solid as a stone.

Everything under the heavens is born, nothing is born of existence, the appearance of any thing is only a appearance, it is impossible to replace its essence, if a person only pursues appearances in vain, he will only miss the real opportunity behind the realization.

Just like a person just pursues gorgeousness, when he uses his mind to use his mind on gorgeous appearances at the same time, it seems to have gained a harvest, but in fact, it is also another kind of loss, because the side of gorgeous existence will inevitably lose the precipitation of plain for life, and in things, plainness is the best basis for tempering everything, as Li Bai said in his poem: Clear water out of the hibiscus, natural to carve, this is the most appropriate state to achieve things.

Therefore, "the highest praise does not need praise", but can maintain the plain, and temper life in the plain.

There is such a story in Zhuangzi:

There was a man named Sun Xiu who thought that he was unlucky, had not met the Lord, and had wronged his cultivation and talents, so he went to Bian Qingzi to ask for teaching.

Bian Qingzi said to him: "You show off your talents excessively, try to show off the filth of others with your own nobility, cover up the darkness of others with your own light, and you are eager to let the world know your talents and cultivation, like you excessively flaunt yourself, now people are still intact in middle age, there is no middle-aged death, deafness, blindness, legs, and slopes, it is already lucky enough, where is there any kung fu to complain about God?" ”

"Zhuangzi": abandon the appearance of prosperity, adhere to the ordinary way of I, II,

The common mistake made by secular people is to deliberately flaunt their own nobility, try to disguise themselves with moral goodness, and make themselves look different, so that the hypocrisy of blindly pursuing moral high is not only useless to life, but will make life worse and worse.

For true greatness is not the result of deliberate disguise through apparent behavior, but from the heart to maintain a plain, noble deed.

As "Zhuangzi" said: "The beings of the ancients do not know by argument, do not know the poor world, do not know the poor virtue, and are in danger of dealing with what they are and what is the opposite of their nature." The Tao is not small, and the Tao is not small. ”

In ancient times, it did not use cunning to decorate wisdom, did not use wisdom to make the world difficult, did not use the mind to bother the mind, and was independent and returned to the nature of nature, so why should we make a difference?

Will not pursue mavericks, and will not use their minds only on the appearance of prosperity, but all adhere to the simple way of nature, everything goes with nature, such a calm and blunt state, itself is the best wisdom of life.

"Zhuangzi": abandon the appearance of prosperity, adhere to the ordinary way of I, II,

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Shoulder Wu asked Sun Shu'ao, "You have served as Ling Yin three times, but you have not shown glory, you have been resigned three times, and you have not shown a sad color, at first I couldn't believe it, but now that I see your face soothing, what do you really think?" ”

Sun Shu'ao said: "I don't have anything outstanding, I think there is no need to push away when the official position comes, and I don't deliberately stop them when they leave, I think that gains and losses are not out of themselves, nor can I influence them, so there is no sad look, where is there anything outstanding?" ”

The same is true for the worldly masses, in this world, the truly great people are not deliberately flaunting their own perfection, but they are in a bland state, seemingly different from ordinary people, but they always do things that ordinary people are unwilling to do, and finally achieve their greatness.

Greatness is different from the ordinary, but the ordinary can produce greatness.

Many of the achievements of the world may not be produced in luxury and huge battles, but from those ordinary years in life, gradually accumulating and precipitating in the ordinary, and finally building a higher than ordinary people's deeds; and many noble personalities are not able to use morality to flaunt their nobility in life, but in the most ordinary years with the most simple heart to live and act, in the ordinary world to maintain goodness and purity, and finally shape a character higher than ordinary people.

There is a saying in the Cai Gen Tan called:

The fat and spicy are not the true taste, the true taste is only light; the magic is not to the human, to the human is only constant.

Fine wine, fat meat, spicy and sweet, are not the most pure and wonderful taste, the most wonderful taste is always peaceful and light; people who talk and behave strangely are not high people with perfect virtue, high people with perfect virtues, and people with perfect speech and behavior are always no different from ordinary people.

"Zhuangzi": abandon the appearance of prosperity, adhere to the ordinary way of I, II,

The lightest taste is the longest and most real, like water, although it is bland, but it is the source of life that human beings cannot escape.

The gentleman's way of communicating is as plain as water, but his feelings are the most sincere; there is nothing strange about coarse tea and light rice, but it is a healthy food for a lifetime.

Everyone admires the prosperity of the world, but what can give birth to a great life is the plainness of life, we are always eager for new and strange things, thinking that it seems that only new and strange things can attract people's attention, but the novelty and prosperity of these things can only be used as a spice for life, and the essence of life must come from the ordinary after all.

The author | Guoxue Bookstore

Taste the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Studies, feel the culture of the ancients, understand a different world, and see a different life.

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