
Swedish media slammed the Table Tennis Association: too incompetent! It was a mistake not to let Waldner coach the national team

author:Conan ping-pong

Recently, the Swedish Express broke the news that Lindbergh, a senior sports commentator at Swedish national television, publicly accused the Swedish Table Tennis Association of incompetence against Waldner's failure to coach the Swedish national team for many years.

Swedish media slammed the Table Tennis Association: too incompetent! It was a mistake not to let Waldner coach the national team

Lindbergh, who has been in the sports commentary industry for more than 50 years and knows the history of Swedish table tennis, considers Waldner to be a huge asset of Swedish table tennis. But after the retirement of Waldner and Perlson, Swedish table tennis plummeted, and it was not until last year that it improved, which is not unrelated to Persen's return to coaching.

Swedish media slammed the Table Tennis Association: too incompetent! It was a mistake not to let Waldner coach the national team

Lindbergh said that after retiring from Swedish national television, he can finally tell the truth that he can't tell the truth in the past: Perlson has achieved a breakthrough in the silver medal at the World Championships in such a short period of time, which fully demonstrates the value of these legendary players, and Waldner's ability is also obvious to all, he is the embodiment of knowledge and ability in the table tennis world, and at the same time has immeasurable commercial value, so many years of not playing a role in the national team, it is a waste! This is the responsibility of the Swedish Table Tennis Association.

Swedish media slammed the Table Tennis Association: too incompetent! It was a mistake not to let Waldner coach the national team

Lindbergh thinks Waldner must be a good coach, with observation and analysis skills that others do not have, and can find problems that others cannot find. The failure of such a person to coach the national team is the loss of Swedish table tennis and an important reason for the decline in Swedish performance in these years.

Lindbergh said: "I am not the first and by no means the last to criticize the Swedish Table Tennis Association in this matter! ”

Swedish media slammed the Table Tennis Association: too incompetent! It was a mistake not to let Waldner coach the national team

Many Swedes are envious of the Chinese team's use of excellent retired national players as national team coaches, accusing the Swedish Table Tennis Association of why it does not use masters like Lao Wa to coach.

And the exciting news: Boza, who has been president of the Swedish Table Tennis Association since the fall of 2018, gave feedback to the media after hearing these criticisms, "We are currently contacting Waldner to talk about cooperation." ”

Swedish media slammed the Table Tennis Association: too incompetent! It was a mistake not to let Waldner coach the national team

In fact, the promotion of Person's return to the national team is not unrelated to the new president of the Swedish Table Tennis Association. Boza hopes to enhance the competitiveness of the Swedish national team and the attention of Swedish table tennis by achieving in-depth cooperation with Waldner.

Swedish media slammed the Table Tennis Association: too incompetent! It was a mistake not to let Waldner coach the national team

The Swedish team is currently led by World Championship runner-up Fark, in addition to two promising young players Carlberg and Moregard are highly anticipated, and the younger athletes, 13-year-old Bijokrid, also showed his talent early. If you are guided by Lao Wa, Swedish table tennis may really usher in another spring.

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