
Mercedes-Benz semi-annual report released Zhang Yan explained in detail the "new and heart" of luxuryism

author:China Economic Net

Source: China Economic Network

"Tonghua Wanli Danshan Road, Young FengQing in the old phoenix sound", new and old, chick and old, it seems to be a linear change, in fact, it is a spiral of spitting out the old and the new, after a hundred years is still rejuvenated, it must be a self-innovation tide.

Yes, have you ever wondered whether Mercedes-Benz is a new or traditional force? As the inventor of the automobile, "Mercedes-Benz was born to subvert 135 years ago. We believe that Mercedes-Benz has been seeking a balance between inheritance and transformation, which is why it has today's development; for products to change, for customer service excellence, Mercedes-Benz has never stopped. Zhang Yan said.

Mercedes-Benz semi-annual report released Zhang Yan explained in detail the "new and heart" of luxuryism

Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co., Ltd

Senior Executive Vice President Zhang Yan

In the tide of historical changes in the "new four modernizations" of automobiles, when more "new faces" join the ranks of car manufacturing, tradition and innovation accelerate the integration, and ideas and noise seem to be more and more exciting, what is our original value intention? "The core of the understanding of brand value lies in truly understanding customers and providing customers with professional services." Zhang Yan said, "(Focus on) the products of 'New Luxury' and the service of 'Heart Luxury'. ”

Shouzheng out of the new to meet the diverse needs of users

According to the production and sales data released by the China Automobile Association, in the first half of this year, passenger cars sold a total of 10 million units, maintaining double-digit growth year-on-year, and the sales growth rate in June fell, with production and sales of 1.555 million units and 1.569 million units, down 3.8% and 4.7% month-on-month, down 13.7% and 11.1% year-on-year. Overall, in the first half of the year, although passenger cars faced with unfavorable factors such as chip shortages and rising raw material prices, sales still exceeded 10 million units.

Mercedes-Benz's performance in the first half of the year was quite impressive, with a total of 441579 new cars delivered to Chinese customers, an increase of 27.6% year-on-year, ranking the main force in the luxury camp. Among them, the S-Class sedan, which was officially launched in January, and the C-class car that is about to complete the current product cycle, have achieved double-digit growth. "This is the result of our joint efforts with our dealer partners and reflects the dynamism of the entire market. We do not pursue digital growth one-sidedly, but more importantly, we work with our partners to build sustainable relationships for our customers. Zhang Yan introduced.

The rich product line that best reflects Mercedes-Benz's "new luxury" is the key guarantee to meet the increasingly diversified needs of consumers. Enterprises and the entire dealer system are constantly understanding luxury, improving the concept of delivering luxury experience to customers and the construction of service capabilities. "The new cars we saw at the Shanghai Auto Show, including innovations in design language, intelligence, digitalization and interconnection, highlighting Mercedes-Benz's original intention as a luxury brand to promote luxury development. The 'sub-brand' strategy that has been proposed is to allow customers to better experience our personalized luxury. Zhang Yan said.

Mercedes-Benz semi-annual report released Zhang Yan explained in detail the "new and heart" of luxuryism

Specifically, in the first half of the year, the new S-Class sedan officially landed in the Chinese market, interpreting the "New Luxury 2.0" car-making aesthetics and intelligent driving; the new Maybach S-Class sedan was officially launched, which once again raised the style of "supreme luxury" to a new dimension; the new AMG GT Black Series and other limited listings to strengthen the charm of "performance luxury"; G 500 Blazing Special Edition was listed, continuing the legendary story of "Extending World Luxury". The "Year of Mercedes-EQ" opened at the Shanghai Auto Show, telling a new story of "pioneer luxury" and accelerating Mercedes-Benz.

In the second half of the year, the new long-wheelbase C-class car will be officially launched, with a more dynamic fashion design, intelligent innovation of digital luxury and the rear seat of the "C position". As a "new force" in the sub-brand, Mercedes-EQ will launch three new pure electric products after the EQC pure electric SUV, accelerating the product layout of electric luxury travel, including: the new EQA pure electric SUV of the new generation of Mercedes-Benz pure electric model, the new EQB pure electric SUV of the new generation of luxury 7-seat pure electric model, and the new EQS pure electric sedan with a range of 800 kilometers of CLTC.

According to the data released by the China Automobile Association, in June, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 248,000 units and 256,000 units, respectively, an increase of 1.3 times and 1.4 times year-on-year; from January to June, the production and sales of new energy vehicles were 1.215 million units and 1.206 million units, respectively, an increase of 2 times year-on-year, and the cumulative sales of new energy vehicles have been the same as the level of the whole year of 2019. Embracing the electric era, in order to better adapt to and meet the needs of Chinese consumers for new energy vehicles, Mercedes-Benz will launch three new electric vehicles in one breath, which just proves its customer-centric value concept.

Mercedes-Benz semi-annual report released Zhang Yan explained in detail the "new and heart" of luxuryism

"We and our reseller partners are always discerning and understanding new trends, new needs, new models. Its core is to provide customers with efficient and high-quality services to meet the needs of customers in the new market environment. Zhang Yan said, "At present, we have more than 700 dealers, and by the end of this year, nearly 600 will have the ability to provide EQ sales and customer service, and work together to better serve customers." ”

Mercedes-Benz semi-annual report released Zhang Yan explained in detail the "new and heart" of luxuryism

Perfection Let the action speak for itself

With the official implementation of the full-time position of "Customer Rights Officer" in 2019, as well as the "Service Convention" to ensure transparent operation, the "My Starbucks Rewards Guide" that clarifies the details of luxury retail, and the "Hospitality" that establishes the attitude of behavior, Mercedes-Benz's "heart luxury" has become the value consensus of its deep-rooted customer service in China, and a series of measures to improve customer service have also received positive feedback from customers.

Mercedes-Benz semi-annual report released Zhang Yan explained in detail the "new and heart" of luxuryism

Zhang Yan said: Whether it is dealer store upgrades, dealer team capabilities, internal process optimization, or digital construction, the focus is on enabling every employee to not only achieve the improvement of professional capabilities, but also willing to understand and meet the needs of customers from the heart, and practice the concept of "service with temperature".

Specifically, on the retail side, dealers who have been upgraded through the "2020 Network Upgrade Plan" can carry out projects to improve customer experience such as smart screen projection, transparent workshop, and traffic flow monitoring on the basis of making full use of technologies such as big data. By the end of 2021, Mercedes-Benz authorized dealers will complete the upgrade of the whole network at the software level such as process and personnel; on the user side, Mercedes-Benz has created a four-in-one digital platform for Chinese customers, such as official website, WeChat, mobile application and car-machine interconnection, bringing convenient experiences such as online product browsing and service reservations; at present, the number of Chinese customers connected with the cloud of Tri-Fork Star Emblem has reached 4 million.

Mercedes-Benz semi-annual report released Zhang Yan explained in detail the "new and heart" of luxuryism

"At present, Mercedes-Benz has more than 4.5 million customers in the Chinese market, and the heroes in operating communities, co-creating communities and service concepts are slightly the same, which is reflected in the insistence on 'heart direction, perseverance'." Zhang Yan said, "We operate a personalized user community, such as the Mercedes me owners club has more than 1 million users, She's Mercedes has attracted more than 370,000 female users, and last year's 'Number One Territory' recently had a pop-up party for the new generation of users in the Sanlitun area of Beijing. ”

Just as the so-called "sand into a tower, a collection of armpits into a fur": a single user connects the family, hundreds of families can constitute a community, and the community that is gathered is the social family, mercedes-Benz in the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility efforts and contributions, is more obvious to all. According to Zhang Yan, as early as 2019, Daimler put forward the sustainable development goals of "Vision 2039" and achieved "carbon neutrality" by 2039 at the latest.

"Domestically, we are working towards 'carbon neutrality' in terms of production, energy, logistics and management. Taking the photovoltaic system of the Shunyi plant as an example, it can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 21,000 tons per year. Zhang Yan said, "For example, dealers who have undergone '2020 network upgrade' are also using LED lights, air source heat pumps, roof greening, water recycling and other measures to improve the energy saving and emission reduction of the store, and gradually create a green retail space." ”

In addition, Mercedes-Benz continues to actively respond to social issues in our country and carries out public welfare practices with the "way of nature", "the way of humanity" and "the way of responsibility".

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