
Renovate 400,000 old residential areas and build 4,302 sets of public rental housing Shandong plans to start construction so much in 2020

author:Poster News

Public Network Poster News Jinan, January 9 (Reporter Zhang Wen Intern Lv Le) On January 9, the Shandong Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work Conference was held in Jinan. At the meeting, the province's housing construction work in 2019 was reviewed and summarized, the situation and problems were analyzed, and the work tasks in 2020 were arranged.

Renovate 400,000 old residential areas and build 4,302 sets of public rental housing Shandong plans to start construction so much in 2020

The public network poster news reporter learned at the meeting that the meeting comprehensively analyzed the difficulties and challenges and favorable conditions currently facing it, and clarified the 7 key tasks of Shandong's housing construction work this year. Among them, efforts should be made to promote the deep integration of urban and rural areas and further improve the quality of urbanization development. Completely abolish the restrictions on urban settlement in cities with a permanent population of less than 3 million, relax the conditions for settling in large cities with a permanent population of 3 million to 5 million in urban areas, fully implement the residence permit system, establish and improve the institutional mechanism and policy system for urban-rural integration development, and guide the Jiqing area (3 cities and 10 districts) to carry out the construction of the national urban-rural integration development pilot zone.

At the same time, efforts should be made to do a good job in housing work and further improve the housing conditions of the masses. Complete and improve the real estate market regulation and control "responsibility implementation, regulation linkage, monitoring and early warning, public opinion guidance, market supervision" mechanism, actively cultivate backbone housing rental enterprises, and increase the strength of housing security for the people in difficulty in public service industries such as sanitation, public transportation, education, and health. Continue to steadily promote the transformation of urban shantytowns, vigorously promote the transformation of old residential areas, and continue to improve the level of property and provident fund management services.

Efforts should be made to make up for the shortcomings of urban construction and further enhance the level of livability and workability in the city. The newly built sponge city in the districted city has built an area of 197 square kilometers, and 40 kilometers of comprehensive pipe corridors have been newly formed during the year, and more than 1,000 kilometers of drainage pipe networks have been newly built, renovated and repaired. Accelerate the completion of urban roads, parking lots and other shortcomings, improve the road network structure, increase three-dimensional parking facilities, and strive to reach 5,000 kilometers of urban greenways in the province.

Efforts should be made to improve the level of urban management and further improve the urban refined management system. Construct a new pattern of fine urban management, and explore and promote the construction of urban information models (CIM platforms). Enrich the new connotation of Shandong Chengguan brand, and solve more than 70% of urban management problems with services. Create new highlights of urban environmental governance, strengthen the prevention and control of building dust, the in-depth cleaning of urban roads, and the centralized improvement of the environment along the high-speed rail. Peishu garbage classification new fashion, and gradually establish a classification system of classification management, classified collection, classified transportation, and classified treatment.

Efforts should be made to improve the living environment in rural areas and further promote the construction of beautiful villages. Stubble to promote the construction of beautiful villages, accelerate the establishment of rural toilet improvement standards and upgrades and follow-up management and protection of long-term mechanisms, orderly promote the construction of clean heating, accurately implement the transformation of rural dangerous houses, and actively create a number of characteristic towns.

Strive to accelerate the innovation and development of the construction industry and further stimulate the vitality of the construction industry. Deepen the reform pilot, cultivate backbone enterprises, innovate construction methods, fully implement green building standards for new urban buildings, add 80 million square meters of green buildings, and complete the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings of 10 million square meters.

Efforts will be made to deepen major reforms and further optimize the business environment in the housing sector. Solidly promote the reform of the examination and approval system for engineering construction projects, further promote the increment of "simplifying administration and decentralization", vigorously promote the improvement of administrative licensing services, and delegate all provincial-level administrative licenses to all districted cities for implementation. Do a good job in the review and acceptance of fire protection design for construction projects to ensure the fire safety of construction projects.

At the same time, the reporter learned at the meeting that the main planning indicators in the field of housing construction in Shandong in 2020 were released. Among them, urban housing security: stabilize the real estate market, accelerate the establishment of a multi-subject supply, multi-channel guarantee, rent and sale of housing system, to alleviate the housing difficulties of the masses. Solidly promote the transformation of old residential areas, carry out the "4 + N" model pilot, steadily promote the transformation of shantytowns, and improve the housing conditions of the masses. Started renovation of more than 400,000 old residential areas; Construction began to renovate 155,200 shantytowns, basically completed 119,700 units, issued rental subsidies to 33,500 households, and started construction of 4,302 sets of public rental housing.

Urban quality improvement: Take the city as an "organic life body", start from solving the outstanding problems of "urban disease", and strive to create a modern boutique city with perfect functions, first-class quality and inclusive atmosphere. Carry out pilot projects to improve urban quality, and complete the annual construction tasks of pilot areas. The new urban clean heating area is 64.41 million square meters, and 1.4689 million new clean heating users in rural areas are added to ensure that the masses are warm through the winter.

Village and town construction: Resolutely complete the task of poverty alleviation, ensure the safety of the basic housing of poor households, timely include the 4 types of dangerous houses of key objects found in the newly investigated into the scope of transformation, start 40,000 sets of seismic transformation of rural dangerous houses, and the quality of the transformation meets the national construction standards, quality and safety, and seismic requirements. Renovate 155,000 rural harmless sanitary toilets, 85% of counties (cities, districts) implement standard upgrades, and support the construction of public toilets in villages with large populations. Accelerate the construction of beautiful and livable villages and towns, promote the construction of 156 provincial-level beautiful villages and residences, and start the third batch of pilot work.

Green development: Vigorously promote the innovation of construction methods, reduce building energy consumption, and promote green development. The proportion of prefabricated buildings in districted cities and counties (cities) reached more than 25% and 15% respectively, and the new green construction area was 80 million square meters.

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