
Heilongjiang province shed vegetable diseases and insect pests slightly heavier than last year, 4 kinds of control methods, see which is suitable for you

author:Kenfeng seed industry

  According to the survey of vegetable diseases and insect monitoring points in heilongjiang province this spring, by May 10, the overall incidence of vegetable diseases and insect pests in the shed was close to the same period of the year, slightly heavier than last year. It is expected that the diseases of greenhouse vegetables mainly dominated by cucumber downy mildew, horn spot disease, gray mold disease and tomato gray mold disease, leaf mold disease, early blight and late blight will be more serious; leafminer flies, whiteflies, spotted fly and other insect pests will gradually enter the peak period of occurrence. It is recommended that farmers and friends reasonably control the ecology of the shed, give priority to biological control and physical control, and scientifically and rationally apply comprehensive control techniques for chemical control, so as to scientifically and effectively control diseases and insect pests.

Heilongjiang province shed vegetable diseases and insect pests slightly heavier than last year, 4 kinds of control methods, see which is suitable for you

  Cucumber disease situation: Cucumber disease in Muling City is more common, and the incidence of horn spot disease, gray mold disease, virus disease and downy mildew disease in the shed has reached 25%, 25%, 20% and 15% respectively. Daqing suburbs, Nehe, LanxiJiao spot disease shed rate of 1% -15%, disease rate 1% -10%. The incidence of downy mildew in the suburbs of Harbin, Qiqihar and Suileng is 2%-5%. The rate of grey mold disease in the twin cities is 5% and the rate of diseased strains is 1%. The target spot disease shed rate in Daqing suburbs is 5%, and the disease plant rate is 25%. Diseases such as black star disease, sclerotia, anthrax, and powdery mildew occur sporadically.

  Tomato disease situation: gray mold disease occurs more commonly in various places, and the incidence of diseased shed strains is 4%-25%. The incidence of leaf mold disease in the suburbs of Qiqihar is relatively serious, with a disease shed rate of 40% and a disease plant rate of 60%. The incidence of mulen virus disease and early blight disease in the shed was 25% and 15%, respectively. The incidence of leaf mold disease and viral disease in the suburbs of Daqing was 28% and 2%, respectively. The incidence of early blight and leaf mold disease in the suburbs of Harbin was 10% and 5% respectively. Virus disease in the suburbs of Mudanjiang occurs sporadically.

  Other crop diseases: 25% of mulen pepper virus disease disease incidence shed disease strains. The incidence of sclerotonia in the suburbs of Harbin is 5%. The shed rate of melon virus disease in the suburbs of Daqing is 2% and the rate of diseased strains is 3%, and the rate of watermelon anthrax disease is 1% and the rate of diseased strains is 1%. The incidence of powdery mildew in Beilin melon was 1%. Anthrax and leaf spot disease in the suburbs of Qiqihar are sporadic. Downy mildew occurs sporadically in cabbage on the outskirts of Mudanjiang.

  The main insect pest situation: leafminer fly occurrence is more common, Daqing suburban cucumber victimization shed rate of 15%, insect plant rate of 6%, tomato murder shed rate of 10%, insect plant rate of 5%; twin city melon greenhouse insect rate of 5.5%, watermelon greenhouse insect plant rate of 7%; Harbin suburban vegetable bean greenhouse insect rate of 5%. Spotted fly in the suburb of Qiqihar cucumber greenhouse insect strain rate of 50%. The rate of whitefly in the Twin Cities Cucumber Greenhouse is 7.5%. Aphids, red spiders, thrips and other insect pests occur sporadically everywhere.

  According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the main meteorological disaster in Heilongjiang Province in May is a phased low temperature, and the temperature fluctuations in the next two weeks are still large, and there is a precipitation process with a long duration, which is very favorable for the occurrence of vegetable diseases in the shed. It is expected that the diseases of greenhouse vegetables mainly based on cucumber downy mildew, horn spot disease, gray mold disease and tomato gray mold disease, leaf mold disease, early blight and late blight disease will be more serious; leafminer flies, whiteflies, spotted fly and other insect pests will gradually enter the peak period of occurrence, and the overall occurrence will be lighter. All localities should pay close attention to the weather conditions, strengthen the scientific management of sheds, do a good job in monitoring and forecasting, strengthen publicity and training, timely guide vegetable farmers to take comprehensive measures, and scientifically and effectively control vegetable diseases and insect pests in protected areas.

  Prevention recommendations:

  Adopt the comprehensive control technology based on agricultural control, highlight green prevention and control, give priority to biological control and physical control, and scientifically and rationally apply chemical control and control technology, and scientifically and effectively control diseases and insect pests.

  1. Ecological control. Reasonably control the room temperature and humidity of the shed to reduce the occurrence of diseases. When the humidity in the shed reaches more than 90% in the morning, it is necessary to release the wind in time to reduce the humidity. The temperature in the shed is maintained at 20 °C ~ 25 °C, more than 30 °C to start the air release, the general air release time is in the morning, the afternoon temperature to 20 °C when the air release is stopped, cloudy days to open the vent ventilation. After watering, the wind should be released to drain the moisture, avoid watering on rainy days, and it is recommended to use drip irrigation equipment. In case of rainy weather, it is not advisable to spray the drug conventionally, and can be sprayed with a fine powder powder machine or an ultra-fine particle sprayer, or a smoke smoker.

  2. Physical prevention and control. The use of acidic oxidation electrolyzed water inhibits and delays the occurrence of disease. Hanging yellow plates to trap spotted diving flies, whitefly, aphids adults, hanging blue plates to trap thrips, hanging silver-gray film strips in the ventilation of the shed to deworm, and installing insect-proof nets at the vents and entrances and exits of the shed to block pests.

  3. Biological control. Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus multi-mucosa, Trichoderma harz, oligoandrospermum, amino oligosaccharides, and haunteenicolumcin control fungal diseases such as downy mildew, gray mold, blight, and leaf mold; Whitefly are controlled by natural enemies such as aphid wasps, East Asian flower bugs and blind bugs; aphid cocoon bees, ladybirds, grasshoppers, aphid-eating gall mosquitoes and other natural enemies are used to control aphids. The selection of coccidioides and mineral oil to control whiteflies, mineral oil, quinoa alkali to control pest mites, matrine to control aphids, multi-bactericide control thrips.

  4. Chemical control. According to the control indicators, with reference to the maximum number of times of pesticide use per season and the safety interval period, the amount of chemical pesticide use and the possible residue level are minimized to ensure the quality and safety of vegetables. Choose high-efficiency and low-toxicity agents for the symptoms, and reasonably alternately rotate the drugs to ensure the effectiveness of prevention and delay the development of drug resistance. (1) Fungal diseases. Broad-spectrum agents such as azoxystrobin, phenylethicazole, benzo-azoxystrobin can be selected. Downy mildew, Phytophthycoccystitis can choose downy mildew, pyrimidine-manganese zinc, oxazolone - cyanide, fluoride -downy mildew; gray mold can be prevented by adding humus or pyrimidine in the dipping flower liquid, and using cycloamine, rotocronitrile or putrex in the early stage of the disease; leaf mold can choose spring thunder - king copper, pentanazole; powdery mildew can choose pyrazolamine - pyrimidine, ene-pentazool, nitricosole - manganese zinc, fluosilazole; anthrax can choose daxen manganese zinc; black star disease can choose fluorosilazole. (2) Bacterial diseases. You can choose copper hydroxide, cuprous oxide, copper succinate fertilizer acid, spring thunder - king copper and other agents. (3) Viral diseases. Aphid control should be done well, amino oligosaccharides can be used for prevention, and nimbycin and morpholine hydrochloride can be used in the early stage of the disease. (4) Insect pests. Spotted fly and leafminer fly can be used with fly killing amine; whitefly, aphids, thrips can use thiamethoxine, methion salt, imidacloprid, acetamidine. (Source: Heilongjiang Provincial Plant Inspection and Plant Protection Station)

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