
"The Most Beautiful Nurse" Zhang Yanan: Protect life and health with love and responsibility

author:Inner Mongolia Hospital Association

Postpone the marriage

She retrogradely rushed to the front line of the fight against the epidemic

Rush to the most dangerous battlefield against the epidemic

In Hubei

She charged ahead, fighting day and night

Sacrifice life and forget death, care for life

The most beautiful name of "Angel in White" is interpreted in practical actions

Her name is Zhang Yanan, and she is a post-90s nurse at the Fourth Hospital of Baotou City

Engaged in nursing work, for Zhang Yanan, is the "choice of love", but also "the persistence of love", working for 6 years, she is responsible for each life, dispensing medicines, injections, measuring vital signs, doing a good job of nursing records... All work is not allowed to have the slightest deviation, she with love and responsibility, to protect life and health.

Warm She is the "sunflower"

After graduating from Inner Mongolia Medical University in 2015, Zhang Yanan entered the Department of Neurology of the Fourth Hospital of Baotou City, as a post-90s, she has the momentum, vitality and vitality of young people, earnestly and humbly learn from every colleague, and bring her enthusiasm for work to the department, becoming a "sunflower" of the department. She loves work, positive, willing to dedicate, work, she never says tired, not dirty, one night, Zhang Yanan to the patient to change the medicine, found that the patient is full of feces, smell unbearable, see this situation, she did not say a word, put on gloves immediately to help patients clean up, clean up, and then rushed to help patients change into clean clothes ... Whenever the patient is emotionally unstable, she accompanies her to alleviate the patient's loneliness and fear until the patient is emotionally stable. The tears touched by the patient are the warmest human feelings. She is like a "sunflower" that makes life warmer.

"The Most Beautiful Nurse" Zhang Yanan: Protect life and health with love and responsibility

Zhang Yanan participated in the "new crown pneumonia" epidemic prevention and control work photo in Hubei

Touched, she is the "retrograde bride"

On January 28, 2020, she took the initiative to go to the front line of Hubei, postponed the upcoming wedding, and went to Hubei with the first batch of medical teams from Inner Mongolia to support Hubei Zhongxiang Tongren Hospital and Zhongxiang People's Hospital. Zhang Yanan is responsible for the care of local patients with severe diseases and most of the confirmed patients. At most, she alone needs to be responsible for all the treatment and life care of 20 patients, from infusion injections to blood tests, from helping to groom to assisting with feeding, from service to communication, from physiology to psychology, everything is fine, the goggles are spent, the clothes are soaked, but she did not complain.

In his work, Zhang Yanan is conscientious and responsible, meticulous, always able to predict problems, creatively solve problems, and alleviate the pain of patients through his professional knowledge and skills. In terms of life care, she often assists patients with eating, going to the toilet, changing clothes, and never says much. Seeing that the patients he cared for recovered and were discharged from the hospital, Zhang Yanan felt that all his efforts were worth it. In the late stage of the epidemic being controlled, the patients of Zhongxiang Tongren Hospital were transferred to the centralized management and went to work in the new ward, zhang Yanan was changing the medicine for a patient, the patient suddenly said, "I know it is you when I hear the voice, Zhang Yanan!" At that moment, her tears burst out of her eyes.

She remembered that on the eve of her departure, she wrote in her diary: "I am a Communist Party member, and I want to go to the forefront of the fight against the epidemic!" It was a sonorous oath she had taken as a member of the Communist Party.

In Hubei, Zhang Yanan demonstrated the responsibility and responsibility of a Communist Party member and played an exemplary and leading role. In the face of the problem, her positive and optimistic attitude infected her teammates, but also gave the colleagues who stayed in the original post a dose of "reassurance pill", so that they are more fearless of hardships, the courage to dedicate, in the face of the daily life of the epidemic area, she as a vice captain needs to be responsible for buying all the daily necessities and food for her teammates, keeping abreast of the psychological changes of her teammates, she alleviates the emotions of the big family through her own way, helps solve problems and communicates and coordinates with the rear in time, and is recognized as a good team friendly helper As a member of the propaganda committee of the provisional party branch in Baotou, Hubei Province, she often assists the branch secretary in organizing propaganda party day activities, carrying out different isolation period party day activities for her teammates, timely conveying the latest information of the party central committee, and transmitting the front-line information back to the rear party general branch to build a bridge for the branch.

At work, she overcame many difficulties and did not back down even though the risk of infection was high. Regardless of personal gains and losses, she has always maintained a strong enthusiasm for work and a good mental state, in the 53 days of working in Hubei, she said the most is "facing these patients, let me more appreciate the importance of nursing work, I have no regrets about my original decision, more proud of myself as a medical worker"!

"The Most Beautiful Nurse" Zhang Yanan: Protect life and health with love and responsibility

Zhang Yanan is communicating with postoperative patients to ease their emotions

Thanks, she's a "glowing angel."

After the end of the aid work, Zhang Yanan returned to Baotou from Hubei, but the epidemic prevention and control work was not over. Collect nucleic acid in the fever clinic, fully armed to do a day; go to general surgery, neurosurgery, oncology... Where she needs her, she will go, and she has excellent professional skills, and no matter where she goes, she can quickly integrate into the work and be independent. Many colleagues joked to her that "you are a brick of the revolution, where you need to move"! A simple sentence is an affirmation of her work, but also a proof of the value of her work. But in her heart, she has always adhered to the belief of humility and studiousness, and the leap from internal medicine to surgery is a big challenge, and she has never given up. No matter which department she works in, she always learns from every colleague, uses her spare time to learn disease-related nursing routines and observation points after work, improves her professional skills, and combines what she has learned with clinical practice, communicates with colleagues in a timely manner, takes every job seriously, and does her best to complete all the work well.

In Zhang Yanan's view, nursing work is the same, as long as "patient-centered", pay with heart, put yourself in the patient's shoes, care for patients, will definitely get a satisfactory answer. When she first arrived at the oncology department, she felt distressed for all kinds of patients with advanced tumors, but she didn't know where to help them, and she didn't know what she could do for them. Whenever she enters the ward with regret to care for patients, she gets cold thanks and silent sighs, which makes her a little lost.

After learning that the hospital carried out hospice care work, she actively participated in learning to understand the mentality and thoughts of cancer patients. Through her studies, she quickly mastered the little skills of communicating with patients. A patient who gave up treatment in the advanced stage of stomach cancer was always lying weakly in bed, and his family never bothered, but only asked the doctor for a pain injection when the patient's pain could not be endured. Zhang Yanan took the initiative to communicate with the patient's family, learned about the patient's daily pain pattern, and administered the drug in advance. The distance between her and the patient is getting closer, and she has gained the trust of the patient, and every time she goes to the ward, the patient and the family always have to talk to her for a while, and the words are full of trust and gratitude. At this time, she felt that she was really a "glowing angel".

Come on, she's a "good helper."

Soon after working, Zhang Yanan became the right-hand man of the head nurse and undertook the heavy responsibility of nursing research in the department. From self-learning to asking others for advice, studying hard, and being practical and diligent, she studied the relevant knowledge of nursing research step by step, and applied what she learned to clinical work, conveying the latest scientific research trends and research methods to colleagues, and sharing learning resources. In just 3 years of work, he completed a nursing scientific research and reached the national leading level.

Zhang Yanan has represented hospitals and departments to participate in high-quality nursing service related activities for many times, won the third prize in the first quality control circle competition in the autonomous region in 2018, and applied the PDCA quality management model to the work of the department. In 2018 and 2020, the hospital held a one-stop competition for medical care and won the second prize and the third prize respectively. She actively publicized the department's high-quality nursing service initiatives, and in promoting high-quality nursing work, she undertook the work of reporting and summarizing the sensitive indicators of nursing in the internal medicine department, strictly checked various data, and was named "Outstanding Nursing Worker" in the autonomous region in 2020. Since her work, she has continuously enriched herself and improved herself through theoretical knowledge learning and clinical practice skills accumulation, becoming a good helper for colleagues and a good assistant for the head nurse.

In Zhang Yanan's view, the nursing work is not vigorous and brilliant, but it is full of simple and ordinary love, she loves every patient she has cared for, and she has also received a lot of love from patients and their families. Nursing is not only a job, but also a career, this career makes her more aware of the meaning of cherishing, but also more aware of the responsibility and mission on her shoulders.

With love and responsibility, we will protect life with life. Caring for and caring for every patient and providing them with meticulous and thoughtful nursing services is Zhang Yanan's original intention and her persistence. (Contributed by Inner Mongolia Hospital Association)