
At the beginning of the new year, Xuzhou sounded a new round of investment promotion "rallying number"

author:China Jiangsu Net

Xu Bao Rong Media Reporter Zheng Wei Correspondent Wu Kaiwei Wu Wei

Or rush to the Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to accurately attract investment; or online and offline combination, keep an eye on the "Investment Promotion No. 1 Project" and "765" plan, key industrial chains to carry out investment promotion non-stop... "grab" word first, "dry" in the real place, at the beginning of the new spring, riding on the city's investment promotion and open economy work conference sounded a new round of investment promotion "rallying number", Pengcheng land vitality, investment promotion work is fiercely launched.

■Based on the basis of advantages

Concentrate on key industries to attract investment

Xinyi Xinfengming, with an investment of 18 billion yuan, has an annual output of 2.7 million tons of polyester new materials, an investment of 6.8 billion yuan in the R&D and manufacturing of high-end new energy locomotives in Fengxian Yadi, a 6.5 billion yuan investment in CITIC Dicastal's global lightweight auto parts green production base, and a 5.5 billion yuan investment in the high-tech zone Qingshan Holdings New Energy Industry Base...... Since the beginning of this year, with a number of heavy and extra-large manufacturing projects signed and settled down, the city's investment promotion system has based on the foundation of advantages, with the fighting attitude of the beginning is a decisive battle and the starting point is to sprint, to carry out key industries to attract investment, and the investment promotion work to achieve "opening the door".

According to the "Opinions on the City's Investment Promotion Work in 2021", this year's investment promotion work in the city will focus on the "6+4" advanced manufacturing industry and the "6+3" modern service industry, optimize and upgrade the investment map, industrial map and the map of key enterprises in the whole industrial chain, accurately exert efforts and continue to promote the investment promotion of the industrial chain, lead the industrial chain and value chain to become advanced, modern and distinctive, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.

In order to make a good start and make a good start, in late January, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce issued the "Work Plan for Attracting Investment in the Near Future", requiring all localities to carry out investment promotion and project service guarantee work at different levels and in different regions. For high-risk areas for epidemic prevention and control, vigorously carry out "no meeting" investment promotion, and promote online investment promotion through online negotiations, video conferencing, online signing, etc. For low-risk areas for epidemic prevention and control, we will actively take the initiative to dock, carry out accurate investment promotion by small teams, and strive to negotiate and settle a number of new projects and good projects. Strengthen liaison and communication to accelerate the process of XuShang's return. At the same time, we will further improve the mechanism, strengthen the guarantee of the whole process of the project, and further implement the online full agency service, special class service, collaborative meeting and other contact service mechanisms for major industrial projects, and increase the support in factor guarantees, project investment and financing, fiscal and taxation support, and public facilities.

At present, while doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, all parts of the city are intensively organizing and carrying out investment promotion work in accordance with the deployment. According to statistics, since January, all parts of the city have completed the signing of 143 investment projects by holding online investment negotiation meetings, video negotiation and signing, on-site promotion and signing, etc., and the work of attracting large and strong people has continuously achieved new breakthroughs. At present, Xuzhou High-tech Zone 2021 Sino-German Hidden Champion Enterprise Dialogue And Connection Activities, the 12th China Fengxian Electric Vehicle Exhibition, the 2021 Jiawang Industry Docking Summit and the Launching Ceremony of the Industrial Chain Cooperation Alliance, the "2021 Spring Southern Jiangsu Precision Investment Week" activity in Yunlong District, and the Spring Comprehensive Investment Promotion Conference in Quanshan District are actively being organized and prepared. Xuzhou achieved the "opening red" of the first quarter of investment promotion.

■ Focus on key areas

Continue to carry out accurate investment promotion

"We are currently focusing on a 5G industrial park and a digital industrial park project, which is not easy, and we dare not slack off in the slightest." As the "commander-in-chief" of the Xuzhou Economic Development Zone Investment Office in Shenzhen, Liu Peng, director of the Investment Promotion Office of the Economic Development Zone in Shenzhen, returned to Shenzhen on the sixth day of the Chinese New Year on February 17. He said that the attraction of these two projects is the most "worrying" thing at present, "years ago, we have been docking with each other, the total investment of the two projects has reached 15 billion yuan, victory is at hand, we must step up to promote." On the phone, Liu Peng told reporters.

In order to extend the tentacles of development to the forefront of reform and opening up, Xuzhou has set its sights on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In recent years, led by the main leaders of the city, Xuzhou has carried out a series of investment promotion activities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area several times, and carefully launched a number of major cooperation projects, hoping to take the giant ship of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and share the development opportunities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. This year, Xuzhou will continue to deepen its cultivation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area On February 8, the Municipal Party Committee Office and the Municipal Government Office jointly issued the "2021 Xuzhou Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Shenzhen) Investment Season Activity Plan", Xuzhou will focus on six strategic emerging industries, innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises, high-end talents and cultural and creative tourism industries from mid-February to late March, and will plan to hold the 2021 Xuzhou Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Shenzhen) Investment Promotion Conference in late March, continue to carry out targeted and accurate investment promotion, and negotiate and promote a number of key cooperation projects.

Not just the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Focusing on the national "14th Five-Year Plan" and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern and other strategic planning, Xuzhou will focus on key areas at home and abroad this year and continue to carry out accurate investment promotion. Overseas mainly attack Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and other countries and regions, the territory of the deep ploughing of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, expand Hangzhou Bay, Xiamen Zhangquan and other key areas, and vigorously attract industry leaders and related supporting projects.

Among them, the domestic investment promotion, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic circle, will target large central enterprises and state-owned enterprises, multinational companies, universities and scientific research institutes, and focus on the introduction of strategic emerging industries, high-tech industries and "four new economy" projects. The Yangtze River Delta Economic Circle will pay close attention to large multinational companies and private enterprises, and undertake the transfer of industrial projects at a high level and with high quality. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Hangzhou Bay and Xiamen Zhangquan areas will mainly dock industrial scientific and technological innovation and cultural tourism industries, and introduce more high-end equipment manufacturing, "new infrastructure" and "digital economy", science and technology innovation enterprises and boutique cultural tourism projects.

■ Innovative and diverse ways

Broaden the path of investment promotion

"We will explore the use of flexible and diverse investment promotion methods, and further enrich and expand investment promotion channels and tap investment promotion space by holding comprehensive investment promotion activities, special investment promotion activities and perennial uninterrupted small team precision investment promotion activities." The relevant person in charge of the Xuzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that in order to broaden the path of investment promotion, Xuzhou will innovate multiple ways to attract investment this year.

Implement the whole industrial chain to attract investment, focus on strengthening and lengthening the city's 24 advantageous industrial chains, deeply implement the special class system of linking the advantageous industrial chain and the industrial strong chain of the municipal leaders, and establish the "chain length system" of the industrial chain. At the same time, we will build a "fund + project" attraction model, explore capital investment, promote the head fund participating in industrial matching, and guide the landing of projects through equity investment. Carry out business investment, make use of the existing enterprise information channels, human resources, industry leading enterprises agglomeration and other advantages, hold a series of industry summits, association annual meetings, through the introduction of the industrial chain value chain upstream and downstream related projects, the formation of an introduction of a batch of "grape bunch effect". At the same time, we will strengthen the investment promotion of consulates, continue to promote the leadership of investment promotion, and normalize the new path of multi-channel investment promotion such as stationed investment promotion.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that this year, Xuzhou will concentrate on attracting big and strong, focusing on strengthening the core position of the "No. 1 Project of Attracting Investment and Investment", focusing on the fields of quality improvement and expansion of strategic emerging industries, transformation and upgrading of traditional advantageous industries, and the vitality of modern service industries, gathering resources, concentrating strength, and continuing to exert efforts, attracting a number of large projects with strong traction and strong momentum, and striving to achieve rapid breakthroughs in the landing of tens of billions of projects.

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