
Seemingly innocent, but in fact it is called the devil's Tasmanian devil, for breeding, before mating, even imprisoned females for a long time before the history of Tasmanian devil gluttonous scavenger scavenger overlord President Summary

author:Yun'er's fun science

When it comes to honey badgers, the first thing that comes to mind is its fearless, disobedient tough character. Therefore, people have vividly given it a good name of "flat-headed brother". Today's introduction is not a thunderous honey badger, but a marsupial animal. It is said to be able to compete with the majestic honey badger and is known as a "demonic" being. Who is it? It is the Tasmanian Devil, which looks like an innocent appearance, but is actually a domineering president with a very bad temper, a strong aggression, and cruelty and ruthlessness.

Seemingly innocent, but in fact it is called the devil's Tasmanian devil, for breeding, before mating, even imprisoned females for a long time before the history of Tasmanian devil gluttonous scavenger scavenger overlord President Summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > a long history</h1>

Tasmanian devils belong to the genus Tasmanian devils, most of which live on the Australian island of Tasmania. According to research, its survival history is very long. Originally, before the Pleistocene, there were 3 different species of Tasmanian devils, but after environmental changes and ecological destruction, only the Tasmanian devil species stubbornly survived, and eventually became the only species in the genus Tasmanian devil that was not extinct.

Seemingly innocent, but in fact it is called the devil's Tasmanian devil, for breeding, before mating, even imprisoned females for a long time before the history of Tasmanian devil gluttonous scavenger scavenger overlord President Summary

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Tasmanian devil</h1>

Tasmanian devils, like the kangaroos and koalas we know, are marsupials. In general, marsupials tend to be vegetarians. The badger alone is not this line, it is an authentic carnivore. Usually insects, snakes, rodents, etc. are their favorites.

The fat they accumulate after digesting food is mainly stored on its tail, and if people want to see whether a tasmanian devil is eating well, they first need to look at its tail to know it. If the tail is in a rounded state, it means that it lives well, and if the tail is like a dry and thin branch, it means that the tasmanian devil's life is quite hard.

Seemingly innocent, but in fact it is called the devil's Tasmanian devil, for breeding, before mating, even imprisoned females for a long time before the history of Tasmanian devil gluttonous scavenger scavenger overlord President Summary

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > gluttonous</h1>

Tasmanian devils are veritable "nocturnal" animals that inhabit dense bushes or burrows during the day. At night, like a "prince of the nightclub", he is extremely energetic. At night they frantically search for everything they can eat and eat everything. A group of Tasmanian devils can even eat a dead cow without even leaving the slag.

Don't look at their small size, but their bite force is very amazing, and it is said to be among the best carnivores of its size. In addition, the forelimbs of the Tasmanian devil are longer than the hind limbs, so with the power of its strong front paws, it hunts all kinds of weak creatures as much as it wants.

Seemingly innocent, but in fact it is called the devil's Tasmanian devil, for breeding, before mating, even imprisoned females for a long time before the history of Tasmanian devil gluttonous scavenger scavenger overlord President Summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > a scavenger</h1>

The weight of the food that the Kangsamese eat every day is about 15% of their body weight, and in addition to some small rodents, such as house mice, small house mice, weasels, gerbows, jerboas and porcupines, the proportion of carrion animals also accounts for a large part of their diet.

When a group of Tasmanian devils eat carrion, they make a hissing sound, which is very frightening. Because of their high scavenger efficiency, the local people like them very much. Because they can effectively help farmers clean up decomposing corpses, thus preventing the growth of germs.

In addition to the creatures on land, frogs and fish creatures in the water, birds and so on are also spared. Because they can swim in the water, any creature, once found by them, can be swept away in an instant. Even the bones and skins of some prey can be completely eaten.

Seemingly innocent, but in fact it is called the devil's Tasmanian devil, for breeding, before mating, even imprisoned females for a long time before the history of Tasmanian devil gluttonous scavenger scavenger overlord President Summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > domineering president</h1>

Like a giant panda, the Tasmanian devil is usually a "lone traveler". Alone, do not disturb each other. It can even be a bit withdrawn and unsociable. There are also Tasmanian devils that evict their own kind and do not want to live in the same area as them. But once it's breeding season, male Tasmanian devils begin to become unusually agitated under the influence of testosterone. At this time, the male could no longer resist the excitement and began to go out frequently, looking for female Tasmanian devils everywhere to seek mating.

The process of mating is not smooth, living in this world of the weak and the strong, male Tasmanian devils will also encounter other courting males in the process of finding a mate, so the two will fight fiercely with each other in order to win the female's exclusive favor. In the end, the winner will be exclusive to the female.

Seemingly innocent, but in fact it is called the devil's Tasmanian devil, for breeding, before mating, even imprisoned females for a long time before the history of Tasmanian devil gluttonous scavenger scavenger overlord President Summary

Male Tasmanian devils have a hard time gaining the favor of females, but they do not cherish it well. Instead, the male Tasmanian devil imprisons the female before mating. The purpose is to prevent other members of the opposite sex from taking possession. In the process of this imprisonment, the two do not look up and look down, and it is inevitable that there will be constant quarrels and frictions. So in March every year, people in the neighborhood often hear terrible screams.

Once mating is complete, the status of the two changes rapidly by 180 degrees, at which point the female Tasmanian devil's temper becomes unusually grumpy and the male becomes very docile.

Seemingly innocent, but in fact it is called the devil's Tasmanian devil, for breeding, before mating, even imprisoned females for a long time before the history of Tasmanian devil gluttonous scavenger scavenger overlord President Summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > summary</h1>

In general, the female Tasmanian devil's one-time litter is maintained at about 30 amputations, while the Tasmanian devil mother has only 4 nipples, so the young Tasmanian devil is born with cruel feeding problems. In order to survive, they learned to fight from an early age. Therefore, from childhood to adulthood, I have also cultivated the spirit of competition. It is said that sometimes because the tasmanian devil mother does not have much milk, the male Tasmanian devil will bite off one of his legs for the mother and cubs to eat, which shows that the family relationship is so great. Seeing this scene, it is hard to imagine that tasmanian devils will be called "demons".

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