
Zhiwei Materia Medica - No. 30 (Leaky Lu) Purple peanuts on the banks of the Songhua River, green sacs have not been passed down from generation to generation

Zhiwei Materia Medica - No. 30 (Leaky Lu) Purple peanuts on the banks of the Songhua River, green sacs have not been passed down from generation to generation

Leaky lu was first published in the Shennong Materia Medica: "The taste is bitter, cold." Indications for the treatment of skin heat, malignant sores, hemorrhoids, wet paralysis, under milk. ”

The taste of leaky reeds is bitter and salty and cold, the smell is complete, and its sex is dedicated to the Yangming Large Intestine Meridian and the Foot YangMing Stomach Meridian. Where bitter is discharged, salty is soft and firm, cold is better than heat, so leaky reed is the first choice for the treatment of carbuncle back in ancient times, but also a detoxification of the secret of the milk medicine, disinfection and pus removal of insecticide.

Regarding the origin of the name of the leaky reed, the "Compendium of Materia Medica" Yun: "The black place in the northwest of the house is called the leak, and the black of everything is called lu." This grass is black after autumn, which is different from the grass, so it is called leaking. "It seems to be mainly named after color.

Purple peanuts on the banks of the Songhua River The green sac has not been passed down from generation to generation

For easy memorization, tell a legendary story about leaky reeds.

Legend has it that there is a female doctor living on the bank of the Songhua River in the northeast, and the female doctor is not only skilled in medicine, but also has a kind heart, and often sends free medicine to the people on both sides of the Songhua River to treat diseases, which is deeply loved by the people.

One day, on the way up the mountain to collect medicine, the female doctor met a patient suffering from cradle carbuncle (mastitis). The female doctor saw the patient's painful expression and took the initiative to see her. In the process of seeing a doctor, it was learned that the woman had just become a mother, and because the milk was not drained smoothly, which led to mastitis, and her child was hungry and crying because she had no milk to eat, and her face was yellow and thin, the woman was also anxious to cry there. The female doctor knew that if the woman's cradle carbuncle was not cured quickly, then her child would be in danger of life. So she looked at the herbs she had just picked, but found no medicine that could cure cradle carbuncles, and when she was anxious, she saw a plant with purple flowers on the side of the road. So she pulled the plant up and put it in her mouth to taste the bitterness. She thought that many bitter medicines in Chinese medicine can treat diseases with high fire poison, so she mashed this herb and applied it to the affected area. And instructed the woman to go back and drink the herb according to her method, and in a few days the woman's cradle carbuncle was better, and the milk was also unblocked, more than before.

When the female doctor learned that this herb had the effect of treating cradle carbuncles and milk, she was ecstatic, and in the future, whenever she encountered such patients, the treatment of this herb was effective, and she called this herb "leakage of milk". Later generations felt that the name was indecent, so they changed its consonant to "leaking lu".

Zhiwei Materia Medica - No. 30 (Leaky Lu) Purple peanuts on the banks of the Songhua River, green sacs have not been passed down from generation to generation

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Hua Tuo, who was known as the "Three Divine Doctors of Jian'an" along with Dong Feng and Zhang Zhongjing, was suspected by Cao Cao and was imprisoned and died. Because a prison guard surnamed Wu offered wine and food every time, Tuo thanked him for his kindness and told him: "I am not dead, there are green sacs that have not been passed on, the second son cannot succeed in the business, repair books and Ru, you can take it." So The Wu jailer took the medical book and hid it at home. After Hua Tuo was killed, Wu prison official resigned and returned home to ask his wife for medical books, who knew that his wife said, "Even if you learn magic, you will eventually die in prison, so I burned it with a sac." It turned out that the wife was afraid of causing trouble and burned all the medical books given by Hua Tuo. Because Hua Tuo's fine medical skills, he was born before the medical profession, and he was famous all over the place, so "Qingbao" has also become a synonym for medical skills, but it is a pity that "Qingbao has not been passed on".

However, the green sac has not been passed down from its own heritage. Only for the way of Qi Huang, virtue in heaven and earth, the life of the whole person, the subtlety of the medical path, all-encompassing, not only with the golden as the end, but also in practice and constantly innovating. Just like in the above story, between the rush, a purple flower on the bank of the Songhua River can also become a life-saving medicine.

Leaky reed (botanical medicine)

Zhiwei Materia Medica - No. 30 (Leaky Lu) Purple peanuts on the banks of the Songhua River, green sacs have not been passed down from generation to generation

01【Medicinal Source】

It is the dried root of the Asteraceae plant Qizhou Leaky Lu. The main products are Hebei, Liaoning and Shanxi.

02【Prescription Application】

Kidney solid tooth pills.

03【Sexual Taste Returns】

Bitter, salty, cold. Return to the stomach and large intestine.


Detoxification, carbuncle elimination, breast milk, relaxation of muscles and pulses.

05【Main Application】

It is used for cradle carbuncle swelling and pain, carbuncle on the back, fistula poison, milk is not passed, wet paralysis.


Use with caution in pregnant women.

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