
Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

author:Cut the movie

"Actor, when I was a child, it was a relatively vague meaning in my mind, but there was some enthusiasm in the hazy, when I was a child, I wanted to become an actor, because in it I could experience a hundred flavors of life, enrich myself, and be able to deduce a different wonderful presentation to everyone, but then gradually some thin, maybe grown up, more considered! Sometimes the rational self will convince the emotional self, but the emotional me has always wanted to be strong, but it has not exploded, and I am about to enter the year of standing, and I have begun the group performance life, and I don't know where the courage comes from!"

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

This is a passage that Xiao Key saw in the group performance post bar. The simple text reveals the persistence and certain sadness of the actor's dream. Recently, Er Dongsheng's "I Am a Passerby A" made us pay attention to the group of "Passers-by A". Liang Chaowei's film review "Hearing the Sound of Shooting Stars" reveals his initial situation when he entered the show business circle. In fact, the person who should write this film review the most is Stephen Chow.

"You dead runner" Remember Cecilia Cheung's classic evaluation of Stephen Chow in the movie "The King of Comedy"?

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

Many people say that "The King of Comedy" is an autobiographical film of Stephen Chow, and Yin Tianqiu in the play is the epitome of his dragon running set. And now it is not easy for him to change from a running dragon suit to a star master. And Yin Tianqiu, who holds the book "Self-cultivation of Actors" and seriously studies it, although he is a dragon runner, he still has many requirements for himself professionally.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

When the assistant director was testing his acting skills, Star Ye's expression of this tortuous interpretation.

Assistant director: waiting for the wife to give birth to a child in the hospital, the son is born, the wife is dead, the son will call the father in the sky, the chicken grows on the head deformity, the lottery... Jackpot, son dead, wife awake.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

This spirit of studying acting is actually the persistent performance of many dragon runner actors on acting.

Of course, Star Ye's movies have never lacked eye-catching dragon runners. A "Journey to the West of the Demon Chapter", the chain effect was unexpected, the film was released soon, the "Four Beauties of the Wilderness" in the film accompanied by the empty prince played by Luo Zhixiang became popular in the praise of netizens and fans.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

In the movie, the four big aunts dressed as ladies are expressionless, sprinkling flowers while carrying the empty prince, and grabbing enough scenes as soon as they appear. In particular, the big aunt with the line speaks a standard Hengdian Mandarin: "You said it earlier, why didn't you say it earlier, you said it earlier..." This clip has also become one of the wonderful chapters in the movie.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

The four big aunts of Hengdian were on fire, and their business prices were once speculated to 100,000 yuan. They have become the "signboard" of Hengdian Film and Television City, these four aunts with an average age of more than 60 years old, not only began to be signed by the agency, the performance fee was opened by the performers to more than 100,000, which has become an inspirational new role model in the hearts of many actors in Hengdian, and triggered a new round of "horizontal drifting tide".

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

In 2011, when the four aunts were interviewed by Stephen Chow, the topic was "When you are a restaurant owner, if someone wants to eat and doesn't give money, what will you do?" At the time of filming, their salary was 150 yuan a day.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

With the popularity, the lives of the four aunts are also changing. On the Internet, the micro-movie "The True Emptiness of the Journey to the West" starring them has been hit as many as 300,000 times.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

The staff of the Hengdian Actors Guild told reporters that these four aunts are all "horizontal drift" actors, with an average age of more than 60 years old, of which Zhang Mei'e, Jin Jinnu, and Tian Caixiang are local villagers in Hengdian, and Wang Li is a Hubei native, all of whom have a history of "horizontal drift" for four or five years, and have all played passers-by without lines.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

Now after the Internet boom has faded, the four people have also been silent a lot, but they are still filming in Hengdian.

Of course, Star Ye's movie is not every day, and without such a good opportunity, you can only work hard. In the new version of "Three Kingdoms", Yang Tong, a dragon set actor who plays more than ten roles such as generals, eunuchs, soldiers, etc., and appears once in an average of 1.5 episodes, has been discovered by netizens and has been named "Dragon Set Emperor". Yang Tong, who became popular overnight, his experience is actually ordinary and extraordinary, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in 2007, but he is just the epitome of thousands of lonely and nameless dragon sets with theater dreams.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

Since the beginning of the filming of "Three Kingdoms", he has been in the crew, the technical term is called "with the group of actors", which belongs to the special vacancy type, and what role is played by what role is almost a temporary cameo. The characters in the group are originally pure dragon sets, not even lines, depending on the performance will begin to give characters with lines or even stories.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

In fact, "following the group of actors" also has a threshold, most of them are students who have graduated from art colleges such as Chinese opera, and have certain professional qualities, which is different from ordinary actors. In order to get more opportunities to appear on camera, even if they play some roles without names, they will compete secretly, sometimes they will practice for a line for one night, and sometimes the director will decide who will play according to their on-the-spot performance. Yang Tong himself did not mind being called the "Dragon Tao Emperor" and was surprised that he could be discovered.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

The fiery "Dragon Set Emperor" was scheduled to play the lead role in the Jiangsu Satellite TV reversal reasoning program "Lost", but it was temporarily changed to six dragon set roles during filming. The staff revealed that Yang Tong's remuneration is definitely the most expensive dragon set in history!

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

Yang Tong said that he has had many bitter stories of "running the dragon set" since graduating from the class, but it is also very happy to eat and live with big stars such as He Rundong and Lu Yi in the crew and shoot together.

Also in the TV series "Three Kingdoms", there is also a dragon set sister who was excavated by netizens and became popular, whose real name is Liu Qianhan, graduated from the Central Academy of Drama.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

At the beginning of episode 55, the white-clad Dragon Sister is the Eastern Wu Dancer, as the lead dancer, the Dragon Set Sister's dancing skills are quite good, and her pretty face and enchanting figure make Liu Bei stunned.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

In episode 60, Long Tao mei changed into red clothes and became Huang Kui's concubine Li Chunxiang, who was untidy and adulterous with Miao Ze. Although the appearance of this time is only a few tens of seconds, Li Chunxiang, played by Long Taomei, has a very important role of "threading the needle", she is actually the fuse of the failure of Huang Kui's rebellion - Miao Ze, in order to get Li Chunxiang, actually informed Cao Cao, so that Cao Cao could put out the rebellion in a time of laughter.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

In episode 65, Dragon Sister changed into a gorgeous dress and changed back into a dancer, and this time it was a solo dance performance for Mu Liu Zhang, Mu Liu Zhang, Nishikawa Yizhou. The audience with good eyesight did not understand at first: "After Huang Kui's death, Li Chunxiang was helpless and turned to become a dancer?"

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

After that, she took over the film "Mountain Magpie" as the heroine, as an actor who started from the "Dragon Set Sister", Liu Qianhan's road from the TV screen to the movie screen was frank and calm. Liu Qianhan said that no matter what kind of role, even if the opportunity to appear on camera is small, he will grasp it well and perform it carefully.

Of course, in addition to the country, Hollywood also has a famous dragon set king. Recently, there is a video clip called "The Greatest Background Actor in Hollywood History" on the Internet, in which the male protagonist Jesse Hayman is a professional dragon runner in reality, this chubby, curly-haired "American Chubby" in the Hollywood dragon trap for ten years, in "Social Network", "Get Away with It", "Transformers 3", "American Pie" and other film and television works "playing soy sauce".

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

In 11 years of dragon set career, he played N (N>50) roles, and worked with well-known people such as Harrison Ford, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, etc., and was praised by netizens as "the fighter in the dragon set". He said: "I respect the profession of dragon set actor, but I am still looking forward to a role with a line. ”

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

He now wants to set up his own company, and will use some of the resources at his disposal to help the dragon set actors connect with the characters, build confidence, and complete their dreams. He said: "You know it's like the blue and white background board in the photo studio, but you know that you can't be like that background board, at least you have to be a background board with expression and character." ”

Of course, "running dragon set" is obviously not a positive word, basically saying that this person can't play the main role, even the male N can't play, can only play some nameless and nameless "passerby A" without lines. But then again, many popular actors today were also "running dragon sets" back then, such as Zhou Xingchi, Wu Zhenyu, Sun Li and so on.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

Wu Zhenyu once jokingly called his days of running the dragon set "waiting for the car", he said: "I want to tell many people that I used to wait for the car, waited for a long time, and finally waited." You are also waiting for the car, but I don't know if there will be a car to pick you up, my experience tells you that you will definitely wait for the car. ”

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

The supporting characters, the dragon sets, may just be one of thousands of small people with humble entertainment dreams, they are at the bottom, forming the cornerstone of the entertainment industry, is the beginning of all superstars. Each of them is a unique being. "Brilliant starry sky, who is the real hero, ordinary people give me the most touch." Maybe one day, they will also win the weight and enter a certain list, maybe they will never be nameless, but what we should cherish more is that they flash by at this moment.

Passers-by also have spring, and they are the fighters in the dragon suit

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