
This "bridge" is very good

author:Shrimp squint 3

"This way, I accompanied you, walked eight thousand miles, walked for 365 days, chased the sun and the moon, sang jiaojian, brothers, come together, come together" With the sound of the "Song of the Bridge" composed by the band of the Sichuan Jiaotong Bridge Engineering Branch, the performance of the "Bridge Band" made the audience quickly cheer.

"Bridge Band", a band born on the highway construction site, several young people who formed the band were young employees from the front line of the Sichuan Jiaotong Bridge Engineering Branch. This band is also the first official band of Sichuan Ccrc Construction, and their establishment is the concrete embodiment of the bridge engineering branch's emphasis on the construction of spiritual civilization, the emphasis on the amateur life of the workers, and the active construction of grass-roots workers' homes.

This band is at the grassroots level

"In the beginning, the Bridge Band was just entertaining a few young people in our project." Jiang Linjiang from Chengmian TJ9 Project Department introduced.

Sichuan Jiaotong Bridge Engineering Branch undertakes the heavy responsibility of building roads and bridges for the country, while in many mountainous areas of Sichuan, the grass-roots project department is mostly located in townships and even in deserted mountainous areas, and amateur life is relatively monotonous. In the Chengmian Project Department, several young people face the monotonous amateur life, with a love of music, get together, play the piano, sing, which is also the prototype of the "bridge".

The party branch of the branch and the TJ9 project department of Chengmian noted the voices of the grassroots, and the project department set up a special rehearsal room for the band, and at the same time supported many aspects such as personnel and equipment. Under the organization of Gong Xia, secretary of the party branch of the bridge engineering branch, the branch set up a leading group and working group of the bridge band, designated a leader, and gave full guarantee to the formation, conference affairs, logistics, publicity and other work of the band. At the same time, the band called on employees with literary and artistic expertise to sign up within the scope of the branch, and set up a music room, and the Ohashi Band was finally formed.

At present, the bridge band has a total of 10 members, they are from the branch chengmian, along the river and other project departments, all members are front-line employees.

This band comes from the grassroots, rooted in the grassroots, as soon as it was established, it was welcomed by the staff of the project department, and the songs and performances of the band members themselves arranged and arranged enriched the amateur cultural life of the grassroots, just like a small flower from the grassroots, blooming on the cultural front of the branch.

This band has a party spirit

"The establishment of the band has given these versatile employees a stage to show themselves, let them personally participate in the construction of the project culture, let the employees feel the warmth of home in the project department, stimulate everyone's enthusiasm, enhance unity, promote production, and achieve a real cultural harvest, which is what the party branch of the branch attaches importance to pursuing." Gong Xia, secretary of the party branch of the branch, said.

The establishment of the band has promoted the party building and team building work of the branch, provided new ideas for the spiritual civilization construction of the grass-roots project department, and also made the amateur cultural life on the project become refreshing, so that the grass-roots party building and trade union construction are more grasping, so that employees have a greater sense of belonging to the party organization and trade union organization, and have become the source of motivation for the grass-roots employees to move forward. The concentrated outbreak of this source power reflects the richer cultural needs and more layers of cultural pursuit at the grass-roots level. To this end, the branch standardized the program of the band and clarified the development direction of the band in the future period. Strive to make the band more creative, so that the band truly becomes a powerful weapon to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of employees and stimulate the enthusiasm of grass-roots employees.

In October, the Bridge Band will participate in the "Sending Integrity Culture Project" activity held by Sichuan Cccc, which is also a new beginning for "Bridge" to take root in the grassroots, carry forward positive energy, and express the voice of employees. This will be the first performance of the Bridge Band.

This band is pretty good

"This young man looks a bit like Wang Feng." At the first sight of Yuan Wen, the lead guitarist of the Bridge Band, everyone will have such a feeling. This young man from the engineering major is currently the chief engineer of the TJ9 project department of Chengmian and the main backbone of the band, literary and artistic but rational.

Serious work and good singing are probably the common denominators of every member of the Ohashi Band, and on this basis they also have their own characteristics.

Li Yu, a handsome young man from Dazhou, is usually very shy, but as the lead singer of the band, he can always burst out the highest voice in each singing, showing the enthusiasm of a jiaojian person

Fire-like spirit. Cui Xinyue from Chengmian TJ8-1 project department, is also a lark of the project department, after the establishment of the bridge band, she became one of them; and Luo Yadan, originally just went to the project department to visit friends, learned that the band lacked keyboard players, but worried that joining the band would affect the work, the project department leaders learned and encouraged her to make full use of her spare time to rehearse, and eventually she became the keyboard player of the band; Deng Yajie from Chengmian TJ7-2 is a petite, and before joining Sichuan Jiaojian, she was a professional drum teacher. After integrating into the big family of ccccumulation, he played a more exciting rhythm in life and work.

Cheng Lu, an accountant from TJ7-1, in addition to being a singer in the band, is also a first-class master of taekwondo; Cai Jie from TJ8-1, a military man, is fierce, cheerful, optimistic, and frank; Yang Yahan of TJ9, cheerful and sincere; Jiang Linjiang of TJ9, who is a talent in the project department; Liu Yuntao of XJ17 along the river, is the songwriter of the band, and the song "Time" created by him has won the runner-up of the Jilin Division of China's good songs, and has also composed many songs for Bao Shiyu, the singer of the Jay Chou team, a new singer for China...

In the Bridge Band, they are ordinary members of the project department, but also an active practitioner of corporate culture, so that these young people can gather together and sing a common voice, which is the resonance of the continuous development of the grass-roots cultural work of Sichuan Jiaotong.

This resonance comes from the continuous exploration and pursuit of cultural brands by Sichuan Communications Construction Company for several years; this resonance comes from the pioneering and innovative construction of party building culture by the party branch of the bridge engineering branch; this resonance comes from the common voice of the majority of grass-roots front-line workers of the bridge engineering branch - let the road of communication and construction be smooth, smooth the four directions, and let the bridge of the bridge of the bridge construction reach the world.

(Wen Sichuan Jiaotong Construction Bridge Engineering Branch Liu Yuntao)

This "bridge" is very good
This "bridge" is very good
This "bridge" is very good
This "bridge" is very good