
Reiko of "Norwegian Forest": I really hope to have a friend like her, for three reasons

author:Linglin Jiujiu

This year, I read Haruki Murakami's novel "Norwegian Forest" for the fourth time, and the happiest thing was that I found a warm literary character image.

The first time Jun Watanabe met Reiko in Amiliao, she thought she was an incredible woman. She was thirty-five years old and above, and not only gave a good impression, but also seemed to have a breathtaking charm. Watanabe Jun had a crush on her at first sight.

Reiko of "Norwegian Forest": I really hope to have a friend like her, for three reasons

Watanabe's intuition was right.

Naoko and Reiko share the same dormitory, and whenever they are awakened by nightmares at night, the first thing they do is to get into Reiko's bed.

Naoko is touched by the past and falls into a depressed mood, and it is Reiko who comforts her and makes her happy again.

Reiko is the last person Naoko wants to see is Reiko, and even fantasizes about continuing to live with Reiko after leaving Amiliao.

It can be seen that for a girl with depression like Naoko, Reiko is an object to rely on, more than her relatives.

Reiko of "Norwegian Forest": I really hope to have a friend like her, for three reasons

However, I found that Reiko's wisdom and warmth were three things she and Watanabe Jun had in mind.

During the first meeting, Reiko learns that Jun Watanabe cannot get Naoko's body and mind, and it is difficult to restrain her lust, so she and the senior Nagasawa go to the bar Rio Cannon. When Reiko was alone with Jun Watanabe on the basketball court, Reiko patted Jun Watanabe on the knee and said seriously, "What I want to say, I just hope you don't wear yourself in a way that is not your own." Get it? That's the most rewarding. Nineteen or twenty years of age, a period of vital importance for the maturity of the personality, is true if you waste yourself pointlessly during this period and feel pain in old age. So, think carefully. If you want to cherish Naoko, then you must also cherish yourself. ”

Whose youth is not confused, if the confused youth can meet a life mentor like Reiko, and give themselves some useful and timely advice appropriately, then the rest of the life journey will definitely be smoother.

Reiko of "Norwegian Forest": I really hope to have a friend like her, for three reasons

The second time was when Jun Watanabe wrote to Reiko, saying that he was upset and that he was in love with Midoriko, so what about Naoko? How should he choose?

Reiko wrote back to tell him that falling in love with someone is a rare good thing, and if that love is sincere, no one will be thrown into the labyrinth and must have self-confidence.

Then, Reiko gave him the solution to the problem: don't be so upset. Even if we listen to nature, the long river of the world will still flow in the direction it should flow, and even if all manpower is exhausted, those who should be hurt will not be spared.

Reiko of "Norwegian Forest": I really hope to have a friend like her, for three reasons

Lao Tzu said that the Tao Fa is natural.

Reiko understands this, so instead of using moral kidnapping and profit measurement to enlighten Watanabe Jun, she looks farther and deeper into the heart, giving appropriate persuasion.

Many times we will encounter a dilemma like Jun Watanabe, and at this time, if we have a wise friend like Reiko, it is a lucky thing.

Reiko of "Norwegian Forest": I really hope to have a friend like her, for three reasons

The third thing is that after Naoko committed suicide, Reiko ran to see Jun Watanabe. Because she was worried that Watanabe Jun would walk into the dark forest like Naoko. She said: "Although you may feel uncomfortable, you still have to be strong, mature and become an adult." ”

Jun Watanabe sighed sadly, "What a bleak funeral." Reiko played fifty songs on the guitar after dinner, and Quan Dang held a funeral that was not desolate.

At the time of separation, Reiko said to Watanabe Jun, "I have advised you if I can advise you, and there is nothing more to say than wish you happiness." I wish you a happy life and get back my share of compensation for Naoko. ”

Reiko of "Norwegian Forest": I really hope to have a friend like her, for three reasons

Reiko is a patient like Naoko, but the difference is that after she has completed her self-redemption, her ego has become stronger, and she has the love and ability to care for others.

Reiko, a mature and powerful woman, really hopes to have such friends, especially when she is confused in her youth.

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