
Macau: Double Storm Strikes

author:Song Ge said Macau

On the 9th, tropical storm Lion Rock hit Macau, and under the No. 8 wind balloon, the Hengqin port was temporarily closed, and the city was completely shut down.

Even more tragic than this is that just after midnight on the 9th, the Coordination Center for novel coronavirus infection response announced the 76th new case and the 77th 2 confirmed cases in Macao.

Earlier, the authorities have announced that macao will need 14 days of isolation + 7 days of self-health management to go to Beijing from 00:00 on the 9th. Macau, in the midst of wind and rain, is cloudy.

The backlog is even heavier: When will the internal epidemic be completely under control? In addition to Beijing and Zhuhai, will there be more places that will successively "close" Macao? Macau, which has been in a smooth situation in the past 20 years, is in the dilemma of an economic cliff-like decline and trapped in a city of sorrow.

The 76th case, a 53-year-old male, a Non-resident Employee of Chinese nationality, a renovation worker, lived in the same unit as the 75th confirmed patient in Macao; due to being listed as a close contact of the 75th case, he was placed under isolation medical observation and confirmed by a positive nucleic acid test on the 8th.

The 77th case, a 49-year-old female, a Vietnamese non-resident employee, a domestic helper, a friend of the 75th confirmed patient, was confirmed by a positive nucleic acid test on the 8th due to being listed as a close contact of the 75th case, under isolated medical observation.

So far, there have been 12 imported-related cases associated with the 64th imported case. As a precautionary measure, all residents of The Third Block of The Black Sand Ring Yujingwan, where the 77th case works and lives, implements the only in-and-out measures in real time.

The Health Bureau began to conduct a nucleic acid test for the residents in the building at 8:00 a.m. on the 9th, and could not leave until the nucleic acid test result was negative.

Can 1 pass 12 stop?

On 18 September, a Turkish Macau national entered Macau via Singapore and stayed in an isolated hotel, and was diagnosed on 24 September. On the same day, a security guard of Golden Crown China Hotel was diagnosed as the 65th imported related case; a day later, another security guard of Golden Crown China Hotel was diagnosed as an imported related case. The authorities explained that the security masks of the quarantined hotels were not worn correctly and the close contacts were not thoroughly screened. From the 64th case to today's 77th case, in just half a month, 13 confirmed cases have been found in Macao.

Leung Yi Hao, coordinator of the Macao Infectious Disease Prevention and Control and Disease Surveillance Department, said that the correlation between the two groups of "security and decoration" was found, and it was basically confirmed that 12 of the patients were associated with the 64th imported case, all of which were Delta virus.

In the past two years, the image of Macao's anti-epidemic "model student" has been ruined overnight, and anxiety has gathered in everyone's heart.

Domestic and Foreign Difficulties Macao must rebuild its confidence

From 00:00 on October 9, Beijing adjusted the control measures for Macao's entry into Beijing: the whole process of closed-loop management will be implemented for Macao personnel entering Beijing, and 14 days of isolation medical observation and 7 days of health monitoring will be implemented after entering Beijing, and nucleic acid testing will be carried out according to the requirements of centralized isolation and health monitoring of people entering Beijing. The implementation of the "14+7" isolation policy is for the whole process of closed-loop management, and as early as September 25, Zhuhai has taken the same isolation measures.

The 12 imported-related confirmed cases caught Macao's epidemic prevention a bit off guard and greatly reduced the mainland's confidence in Macau's epidemic prevention measures. Many people have begun to worry and question, what is the problem of this wave of epidemic in Macao? Many voices on the Internet collectively refer to the infected group as "foreign workers group" and demand that more severe measures be taken.

On October 8, in response to the 74th and 75th cases of two Vietnamese confirmed cases in Macao involving illegal acts such as dereliction of duty and black labor, Legislators Lee Ching Yee and Leung Son Wook pointed out that Macao's illegal work is serious, and hidden dangers of epidemic prevention have been derived under the epidemic, and it is recommended to strengthen deterrence and crackdown from the policy level and action measures. At present, black workers, overstayers, stowaways, etc. are easy to become fish in the net for epidemic prevention, for example, are they all involved in national nucleic acid testing? It is hoped that the Government will step up inspections to curb relevant illegal acts and investigate whether there are any illegal persons involved in other related activities.

Li Liangwang, chairman of the People's Alliance for The Establishment of Macao, suggested: In view of the development of the epidemic in Macao and neighboring areas, customs clearance measures have been tightened, many foreigners and foreign employees who have not been able to renew their contracts have stayed in Macao, and there are even cases of overdue stays in Macao, and most of the relevant people live in groups, and the authorities should strengthen their attention and search for illegal stays to avoid forming loopholes in community epidemic prevention.

In order to prevent the spread and spread of the new crown virus in the community, it is considered necessary to investigate the key groups with a high risk of infection in this epidemic, considering that the cases of this epidemic mainly involve expatriate groups, therefore, the Health Bureau, the Public Security Police Department and the Labor Bureau will jointly detect community patients as soon as possible through the high-frequency nucleic acid testing plan for key groups.

There are two categories of people who are listed as key groups

First, decoration, laundry, security industry personnel

The second is the foreign employment of Nepalese and Vietnamese nationals

The above-mentioned persons are tested once every other day and done 4 times in a row.

The authorities will at a later stage send sms notices to the employers or parties of these persons, and also require employers to urge employees to conduct nucleic acid tests on time.

The prevention and control of the new crown epidemic is a common problem of mankind and an unprecedented test, and how to solve the dilemma is still being explored by the world.

Epidemic prevention and people's livelihood are more systematic projects, with many contradictions, which require the government's scientific decision-making, careful deployment, and adjustment of strategies at any time to plug loopholes and avoid failures in response to exposed problems.

In addition, it also requires a high degree of cooperation and understanding from all residents, increasing the proportion of vaccinations as soon as possible, starting from me, reducing unnecessary activities, reducing crowd gatherings, maintaining social distancing, wearing masks and washing hands frequently.

Storms will always pass.