
Japanese female high school singer "Bored To Die" played the song "Bored To Death", which gradually singled out emotional catharsis under the breakup, reflecting the changes brought about by the low-resolution media of the Japanese music scene that separated two generations of Japanese people who were as weak as LGBTQ from the isolated self of the world and the human beings who moved closer to the machine began to be occupied by "one emotion"

author:20 companies

"Bored To Death" through modern digital media technology to fuse death metal and animation style music, coupled with Vocaloid-style singing, obviously has such a variety of elements, such a rich amount of information, but the inside is transparent with simplification and singleness.

In October 2020, the MV of "Bored To Die" sung by Japanese high school girl Ado was released on Youtube, which immediately aroused social concern in Japan, and now in less than half a year, its number of plays has exceeded 100 million times. In China, although "Bored To Death" cannot attract the same degree of attention as the theme song of the drama, the straightforward message of the song also makes the social animals oppressed by "996" among Japanese music lovers resonate with the resistance of the song.

Japanese female high school singer "Bored To Die" played the song "Bored To Death", which gradually singled out emotional catharsis under the breakup, reflecting the changes brought about by the low-resolution media of the Japanese music scene that separated two generations of Japanese people who were as weak as LGBTQ from the isolated self of the world and the human beings who moved closer to the machine began to be occupied by "one emotion"

The death of Uzesha . 视频: Airstorm

So, why did this less elegant "resistance" song break through the original young audience in Japan, where the average age is 47 years old and the aging is serious, and get today's results? Behind it is actually a story that breaks through the barrier between the Unique Japanese "Honnomi" and "Kenzen" and tells the story of the generation gap and division between the younger generation and the previous generation. And this story reflects the current situation of the contemporary world under the social network exacerbated by the epidemic.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" >the rebellion song "Bored", reflects the two generations of Japanese who were divided</h1>

"Bored To Death" is sung by Ado, an active high school singer born in 2002, and sung by social person Syudou. The former just announced his high school graduation on March 17, 2021, and his identity is more mysterious. Syudou, like Yonezu Genshi, is a new talent musician belonging to the Vocaloid world, and the MV of the Vocaloid song "Bitter Chocolate Decoration" released in 2019 has exceeded 12 million times, and he himself has also sung "Bored" as a singer.

"Bored to Death Annoyed to Death (うっせぇわうっせぇわうっせぇわ)", the catchy tune that accompanies the octave jump, and the two elements of the chorus that many contemporary Japanese people generally have a mood portrayal of, naturally make "Bored Dead" singed among the young people who are suffering from repression in Japanese society. With the further dissemination of the Japanese subculture circle's "Singing To Culture" and the focus of traditional TELEVISION music programs, "Bored" finally succeeded in the circle and became a window to observe Japan's current society.

The "Excellent Student" and "Knife-like Sharp Thinking Circuit" in the first paragraph of the song are actually in honor of the debut song of the 1983 Japanese band The Checkers (Square Grid) "ギザギザハートの子守唄". Naturally, today's young Japanese people do not know that such a tribute exists. If a perceived previous generation of Japanese triumphantly told his descendants: "'Annoyed' is actually a tribute to ギザギザハートの子守唄", the descendant may ostensibly say, "Huh? Yes, for the first time I knew. In the heart, he was complaining: "Annoyed, that's not the point."

Japanese female high school singer "Bored To Die" played the song "Bored To Death", which gradually singled out emotional catharsis under the breakup, reflecting the changes brought about by the low-resolution media of the Japanese music scene that separated two generations of Japanese people who were as weak as LGBTQ from the isolated self of the world and the human beings who moved closer to the machine began to be occupied by "one emotion"

Jagged Heart Lullaby. 视频: Point-fueled incense

The previous generation of Japanese who thought they had understood "Bored To Death" could not wait to pass on their discoveries and understandings to the next generation of Japanese people, and thus gain spiritual satisfaction. However, the "superficial understanding" of the previous generation of Japanese people represented by "Bored To Death" will only superficially nod their heads to maintain "Jianqian" (superficial kung fu), but in their hearts will not reveal their "original tone" (true words) - the connection between themselves and this song to the previous generation. This is the heart of the song: the division between generations.

Japanese female high school singer "Bored To Die" played the song "Bored To Death", which gradually singled out emotional catharsis under the breakup, reflecting the changes brought about by the low-resolution media of the Japanese music scene that separated two generations of Japanese people who were as weak as LGBTQ from the isolated self of the world and the human beings who moved closer to the machine began to be occupied by "one emotion"

Toyo Ozaki is synonymous with the rebellion of an era. Image: Twitter

Many previous generations of Japanese associate "Bored Dead" with songs by Japanese singer Toyo Ozaki in the 80s, and many of his works sing about the rebellious psychology of "protesting adults." In that era, Young Japanese people often expressed "rebellion" to the "adults" in society by riding on stolen motorcycles or breaking classroom windows. However, the above-mentioned violent protests as a catharsis of "dissatisfaction", at least some form of communication, this generation of young people have long abandoned it and closed the door to dialogue.

What "Bored To Death" describes is actually a renunciation of "adults will come to understand themselves", a kind of sincere words that have never been open and honest. The lyrics, "Of course, will grasp the latest flow of action, on the way to work will also understand the trend of the economy, with dedication, pure spirit into the company's work" - express the young people to these "rules" imposed on their adults of the society, and "when the wine glass is empty, drink" and other social etiquette. Therefore, under the song video, you can see many praises such as "listening to Ado on the way to work, working with the mentality of "bored to death" when you arrive at the company", "How cool it would be if you could sing like this in front of your boss", and "you can laugh at them without scruples". This generation of Young Japanese, who can still talk and laugh with their predecessors at the wine table the day before, can submit their resignation the next day - the confrontation and rebellion have ended before they have officially taken place, there is no communication, and some are just a kind of resentment buried deep in their hearts.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > Japanese youth who are as vulnerable as LGBTQ</h1>

How did this generation gap and fragmentation arise? Perhaps the primary reason is the situation of young Japanese people in society. Unlike China, young people are in the minority in modern Japanese society, which has been declining for decades. Statistics show that of its total population of 130 million, only 11 million are in the 10-19 age group, accounting for about 8%, which is significantly lower than that of other countries and the proportion of LGBTQ sex minorities in Japan. In such an environment, social discrimination and neglect of young people and LGBTQ people is almost equal.

Japanese female high school singer "Bored To Die" played the song "Bored To Death", which gradually singled out emotional catharsis under the breakup, reflecting the changes brought about by the low-resolution media of the Japanese music scene that separated two generations of Japanese people who were as weak as LGBTQ from the isolated self of the world and the human beings who moved closer to the machine began to be occupied by "one emotion"

The number of Sexual Minorities in Japan has been increasing in recent years. Image: Yahoo

In the Japanese year, he was a japanese-style person, and he was in a small number of people who were in a weak minority. Hiyoku, typical of the syudou place"Old people Sakusaku 1008"-like Vocaloid world, surname "Telecaster B-boy" (2019) Japanese and ton"Villain" (2020) etc. The Two Vocaloid P lord (sound creator) Yato 给ado-style song: December 24, 2020"Readymade" composed by Koresui, February 14, 2021 .221 .2

Based on the average age of "47 years old," the generation born in 1973 is at the peak of Japan's last population. They are known as the "Clumps Junior Generation" and have a population of about 2.09 million, while Japan's current teenage school-age teenagers are only 1.05 million per class (year). The scale is twice as big, and the world is very different for the two generations. Then, for the "strong" predecessors who accounted for the overwhelming majority of the "strong" attitude, it is normal for weak Japanese young people to give up "resistance" as a whole, and choose to pin their mood on this song "Bored to Death".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > the self isolated from the world and the human being closer to the machine</h1>

However, this weak position should not be an excuse for refusing to communicate sincerely with the previous generation. To some extent, the rebellious "original tone" brought about by the excessive lyrics and tunes in "Bored To Death" is actually a secondary two attitude that feels "bored" and involuntarily isolates itself from the other in this world.

It is not surprising that a new generation of young people will have this attitude. Because the separation and isolation of the self from the world and the other is itself a major issue in the world today.

With the advancement of science and technology, machines are getting closer and closer to humans. Among them, the AI technology that occupies an important role can be highly developed, which is actually the result of the acceptance of the "other" by the machine. For example, AI can play the top Go players, but also through the other (other AI) against the results of playing against others (other AI), collecting information and data, and constantly repeatedly playing games. It is through this mutual interference with others that AI has realized the simulation and proximity of human beings, and has gradually mastered the range of diverse thinking and expression like humans.

Humans, by contrast, are approaching machines: with the "teacher" of the web, there are almost no unsolvable problems; without mobile phones and navigation software, people may be unable to move, and even driving will be replaced by machines. We "outsource" memory, thinking, and even spatial cognition to machines—as if with a network, we don't have to accept the other, we can stick to our own worldview and maintain the "right answer" that belongs only to us. Without waiting for the new crown pneumonia to invade, the popularity of "Bored To Death" has already shown the reality of modern people rejecting the "self-isolation" of others.

Japanese female high school singer "Bored To Die" played the song "Bored To Death", which gradually singled out emotional catharsis under the breakup, reflecting the changes brought about by the low-resolution media of the Japanese music scene that separated two generations of Japanese people who were as weak as LGBTQ from the isolated self of the world and the human beings who moved closer to the machine began to be occupied by "one emotion"

"Long-distance love, love you when you can't see it." " blunt lyrics. Image: prcm

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="25" > Japanese music scene that began to be occupied by "one emotion"</h1>

On the other hand, rejecting the other because it is "bored" and always putting this emotion on the lips is also an unadorned "one-time emotion". From the end of the Heisei period, similar songs singing "one emotion" began to occupy the Japanese music scene. For example, male music group Sonar Pocket's "Long Distance In Love, Love You When You Can't See It." (遠恋だけど逢えない時間もアイシテル。 (2011), the chorus is also "I want to see you, I can't see you, I'm so hard, so lonely, I want to see you, I want to laugh with you, I want to hold you"; The lyrics of Nishino Kana's "Best Friend" (2010), the lyrics are also "Thank you for having you, it's good to have you", "We are Best Friend, like you, like you the most"; and Ying ren's "Perfume", which appeared in the 2020 red and white song battle, also sang: "You are so attractive to me, I will fall in love with you again." ”

Likes, loneliness, hard work – these songs wrap emotions into lyrics sung intact, and there is no room for misunderstanding or misreading.

Looking back at earlier Japanese pop, these emotions are never revealed: when sad, it is "I want to cry when I see your eyes touching the clock" (Matsuda Seiko,"Akatsuko Akatsuko", "Akatsuda", "Akatsuki", "Akatsuki", "Akatsuki") when sad, "Déjà vu in the station at dusk" (Takeuchi Maria, "Station"). There is a kind of background in these songs of the past, a space for interpretation in the imagery of the lyrics, which is very different from contemporary Japanese songs.

Is it that modern people who are addicted to "bored to death" have become more and more simple and straightforward in their emotional performance, and have regressed from the past? I'm afraid not — the nature of man is not so easy to change. The crux of the matter may be in the media.

Liking, wanting to see you, being lonely – Japanese people have pinned these emotions on songs for a long time. In the world's oldest novel, The Tale of Genji, the protagonist Hikariji weaves emotions such as liking, wanting to see you, sadness, and tears into songs and sings repeatedly. However, the sentences selected in these songs will often deduce double and triple meanings in the form of hanging words, allowing the reader to spread the wings of imagination.

These songs were often written on tang paper brought to Japan by the envoys of the Tang Dynasty, and these papers even had a fresh fragrance. The words written with a brush on the paper also have different styles and forms, tempting readers to associate with the author's intentions and emotions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36" > changes brought about by low-resolution media</h1>

From handwritten print to loose print, from phone calls to emails, to Twitter, Weibo, WeChat – the media "evolved" as a container of emotions to today, and technically, the amount of information it can carry should increase a lot.

However, there is no doubt which contemporary social media, which can convey the message with a dozen words or even a few expressions, and the paper letters that work pen and paper fonts, are more informative – the information resolution of contemporary SNSs that pursue short and fast is actually not high. Thus, in this day and age, the sender does not use expressions with multiple meanings, but chooses words that do not lead to misunderstandings.

The famous songs of the Japanese music scene often place emotions in the description of scenes and behaviors, and the listener can freely interpret the meaning contained in the song, and the lyrics are automatically transformed into the scene in the listener's heart in the process, and then resonate. Then, in this era of low-resolution media domination, an emotion that lacks background and reason will reach the top of the "famous song" in the form of "boredom", as if it has become inevitable.

"Bored To Death" through modern digital media technology to fuse death metal and animation style music, coupled with Vocaloid-style singing, obviously has such a variety of elements, such a rich amount of information, but the inside is transparent with simplification and singleness. The "resistance" that the song is supposed to express is as pale and even comical as the attitude of young Japanese people who refuse to talk. Even the introspective attitude of the lyrics daring to assert that "I am the genius you call it" is only the helpless bluff of contemporary Japanese young people who are vulnerable.

Japanese female high school singer "Bored To Die" played the song "Bored To Death", which gradually singled out emotional catharsis under the breakup, reflecting the changes brought about by the low-resolution media of the Japanese music scene that separated two generations of Japanese people who were as weak as LGBTQ from the isolated self of the world and the human beings who moved closer to the machine began to be occupied by "one emotion"

"Just like that, the muzzle of the words is aimed at the door of the brain." Image: Youtube

"I don't want to", "just point the muzzle of the word at the door of the brain" - "Annoyed" hates and insults the world and others at the same time, but also scolds itself. After all, a person who is "bored to death" is the most "bored to death".