
Luke Shaw: I've been training and playing with bandages for the last few weeks, and now I'm getting a lot better

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Luke Shaw: I've been training and playing with bandages for the last few weeks, and now I'm getting a lot better

Manchester United defender Luke Shaw spoke about his injury in an interview this week, having been injured in his previous game against Aston Villa, although the injury was not serious and he played with England in this month's international matches, but Luke Shaw revealed that he has been feeling unwell in recent weeks.

"I feel much better now than I did in previous weeks. Honestly, there was a time when I couldn't train. I got sick before the game against Aston Villa and then had to go off in the game. It was difficult and I didn't recover 100 percent. But like I said, as long as the team needs me, I'll be ready to play. ”

"I didn't train much when I was in England, but I had to play and I feel much better now. Hopefully I can come up with better shape this month. ”

As the injury has not fully recovered, Luke Shaw recently wore a bandage on his leg as a preventive and protective measure. He hopes he can shake off the bandage as soon as possible: "Last month, I have been doing this kind of protection, and my entire left half of my body was fixed. I certainly feel better now, and although I still need to continue using bandages, I'm obviously in much better shape and I hope to get rid of them as soon as possible. I don't want to be like Vardy, who needs to wear a bandage all the time. ”

Manchester United will play Leicester City in this weekend's league at 22:00 Beijing time on October 16.

(Lin Yuan)

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